Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 883

Chapter 883

A trace of panic flashed in Ah Fu's eyes, and he said shyly: "Boss, although I have added knowledge, but naming is really not my strong point. Names based on my level will definitely make people laugh generous."

Link said with a smile on his face and calmed down: "You can say it boldly, if you don't say it well, it's a big deal and you don't need it."

Ah Fu thinks about it, too, just make suggestions for himself, and the boss decides whether to use it or not.

Ah Fu's **** eyes swirled in his eye sockets, which were set off by the background of his skin, making them more and more agile.

Think about it for a moment and say: "Why don't it be called the Umbrella Foundation? From the beginning in the wasteland, and then expanded to the back, and even the entire Vatican galaxy, what the boss did is to protect the weaker races and forces from being bullied by the chaos. And we The goal of entering the universe is also to help those friendly and peaceful races or forces and to ensure their peaceful development."

When Link heard the three words umbrella, he was stunned.

No one knows what these three words mean better than Link.

And add foundation after these three words...

I can only say that the taste is too strong!

At this moment, a line of words suddenly appeared in Link's mind.

"We contain, we control, we fail, we run away."

I hope the Umbrella Foundation can do the first two sentences and stay away from the last two sentences in the future.

Graves on the side can't help nodding, Ah Fu's name is good!

The Umbrella Foundation, if you think about it carefully, it really has some meaning.

Take their rune stars as an example, joining Link is also entirely out of self-protection, hoping to use Link and his forces to help them regain their home planet.

The three words umbrella are really appropriate.

"Head of State, I think Ah Fu's name is good! I raise my hands in agreement!"

Link was also quite moved.

This name is not only appropriate, but the player can also clearly understand the stalk and play a role of 1+1>2.

And the name comes from Ah Fu, with its own lucky attributes.

"Okay, it's called the Umbrella Foundation!" Link made a final decision.

After confirming the new name, Link was in a good mood. He immediately called Penguin Penney, told him about the change of power to the attributes of the Foundation, and asked it to reorganize and re-divide the current forces and institutions of the Mechanical Fortress as soon as possible. To meet different business needs in the future.

Penny readily accepted and said that he would complete the mission before leaving the Vatican system.

Only three days later, Penny brought out a reorganization and division report.

According to the foundation's business scope, the existing forces and structure in the mechanical fort have been re-divided and positioned.

The main business of the foundation is divided into the propaganda department, investment department, security department, science and technology department, independent affairs department, and foreign committee.

Among them, the main leaders of the Propaganda Department are the well-known "Three Golden Flowers of Shadu", Nicole, Anna and Huang Quan. Some important backbones of the Wasteland TV station were also taken by them to the mechanical fortress to build the basic framework of the propaganda department.

The Investment Department is a new department divided by Poney, which is mainly to merge think tanks to provide services for future investment and foundation finance and management.

The Security Department is a military unit of the Monster Security Company and the Wasteland directly under Link. The wasteland special forces and army units led by Benjamin and Li Ziqian, the Esiah mercenaries led by the duke, the Arachnid Empire army under the macaw, the Luozhe Palace intelligence organization in Dragon City, the French Night Guard and so on.

It can be said that the Security Department is completely Link's personal soldier. Only the most trusted line of troops can join.

The science and technology department is mainly Helen Dave and Max, ranging from the maintenance of mechanical fortresses to the innovation and transformation of new weapons and equipment. This department represents the highest technological level of the Umbrella Foundation.

This department of the CIS was specially set up to join the forces of the Umbrella Foundation. The full name is an independent joint department, which includes a series of forces and organizations such as Pandora, Victoria, Slavin, Rune Star, First Order, Mutant Brotherhood, and Crusaders.

In the future, other forces that will move together with the Umbrella Foundation will also join this department.

The last department alien committee, the full name of the alien management committee, is specially set up for players. The most important organization is the former Shadu Military Intelligence Office, which is now the Mechanical Fortress Expeditionary Army Office, under the leadership of Ren Yi, deputy director of the Shadu Military Intelligence Office.

And there is a vacant department behind these. Penny did not indicate the name of the department, but wrote the word "to be determined" in parentheses.

According to Penny's original words, in the future, we will encounter various uncertain situations and uncertain people in the universe. This pending organization serves this purpose, and the name will be determined separately in the future.

Link expressed his satisfaction with the new structure of the Umbrella Foundation. Immediately arranged for Penny to re-adjust and change in accordance with this structure.

The change of name and department did not cause too many twists and turns in the mechanical fortress.

Optimizing adjustments to deal with various uncertain forces, environments, and factors in the future is a very normal thing.

Moreover, after optimizing according to Penny's settings, the mechanical fortress will have fewer redundant departments, and the system structure will be more clear and clear, and each perform its own duties.

Once this is done, the Umbrella Foundation will have no major issues in the short term.

To say that the most active group in the mechanical fortress is none other than players.

[Battle of Vomir] The difficulty of the dungeon is still beyond the player's maximum imagination.

After ten days, the best progress turned out to be just to reduce Jagsh's blood volume to 50%.

This is just a regular state. When Jagsh's blood volume drops to 30% and 10%, he also has a powerful skill.

Of course, none of these players have encountered it yet, only Link knows. The real difficulty is also 10% of the time, Jagsh's powerful skills are enough to make players want to die. It is also the decisive factor that Yegesh is called the killer of the player.

So according to Link's words, It's too early to clear the Battle of Vormere!

In order to compete for the first kill, the players also thought of many ways.

Yegesh's attribute strength is too high, and their own weapons and equipment are not enough to support them. Many people simply turned their heads to the [Three Civilizations Redemption] dungeon to brush equipment and experience, and strive for a wave of major updates and upgrades before hitting the head. kill.

Players on the novice planet, seize all the time to do tasks.

As the time for the mechanical fortress to leave the Vatican galaxy is getting closer and closer, players can't wait to be online 24 hours a day.

The three planets are responsible for managing the power of the portal, and at this time they are completely burnt out. Tens of thousands of players flooded into the maintenance center to receive and complete tasks. Regardless of his demeanor and action, he was extremely anxious, for fear of wasting a minute and a second. The originally peaceful and stable atmosphere was also anxious by this group of players.

Volume, it's dead volume!

If they can't go to the mechanical fortress, then they have only two places to go to Vomir and Mustafa.

Vormir still has a remnant of the alien army. The Law of Musta is the center of the Vatican galaxy. There are many other races in the Vatican galaxy. Everyone's old acquaintance John also sits here, which can provide players with a lot of guidance. And guidelines.

Although the First Order has also said, the follow-up will send ships to leave the Vatican Galaxy to explore the surrounding galaxies. But compared to the weak first order, everyone still favors Link's mechanical fortress.

After all, it was only with Link that there was a chance to make trouble.

In the eyes of everyone, the mechanical fortress finally drove to the extreme transition gate of the Vatican galaxy.

As long as you cross this gate of transition, you will leave the Vatican galaxy and come to the Tus galaxy, which represents the official end of the historical mission of the Wasteland Expeditionary Force. Link and the people in the Mechanical Fortress will walk the universe under the new name of the Umbrella Foundation. .

"Surely the head of state does not have to wait a while? There have been many people who have passed the portal trial in the last two days. Every day, three to five hundred foreigners enter the mechanical fortress. If you wait a day or two, we will have nearly a thousand more undead elites. As a combat resource..." Ning Chengxiu looked puzzled. After Vomerer experienced the usefulness and power of foreigners, he became very interested in this undead army that can be reborn after death.

Each strength is strong, and the growth potential is also visible to the naked eye. Once formed on a scale, it can cause a huge blow to the enemy. Even if it is a head-on fight, it can consume the enemy without limit, which is a rogue level tactically.

In the eyes of Ning Chengqi, such powerful strategic resources are naturally the more the better.

However, Link smiled: "Tomorrow will be tomorrow, and tomorrow will be so many. We have waited for two days, and there will be more strangers on the verge of completion of the portal mission. At this time, shall we wait? People's greed never ends. If you have three to five thousand, you will think about ten thousand, and if you have ten thousand, you will think about fifty thousand. In the end, you will not have a head."

"We choose to leave today. Those foreigners who have no chance to board the ship must have only regrets in their hearts. But these regrets will be transformed into motivation for hard work in the future. After we settle down in Qunxinggang, we will find a way to get through with the Vatican Galaxy. Contact. By then you will see a scene that you will never forget...the strangers who have not had the opportunity to board the ship before will explode with 200% enthusiasm and passion, thoroughly muddling the water."

Ning Chengyu had a sense of it. Could this be the catfish effect that the head of state said before?

At the same time, I felt guilty for my greed just now.

After all, as a tactician and commander, greed is always a commanding taboo.

At Link's order, a strong particle stream erupted from the tail jets of the mechanical fortress, and the mechanical fortress of the super-large aircraft entered the transition gate again.

After a bizarre wormhole, they came to the first stop of the trip to the Tus galaxy and officially entered the universe.

And at this time in the mechanical fortress rest area ~ ~ Misty Villa.

Sean and Miranda romp around in the garden and enjoy the rare happy time of reunion.

And in the manor's master bedroom, Grace's eagle claws are buckled on the beams, resting upside down, with wings covering the body, only a small piece of slender scaly calf is exposed.

But at this time, under the plump wings, his body was a little trembling.

Grace's eyelids throbbed quickly, as if she had dreamed of something thrilling.

Grace drew a deep breath, opened her eyes, her eyes filled with horror.

At this time, her back was completely soaked, her feathers were close together, and her body was full of strong moisture.

And even though Grace has awakened now, the whispers in the dream just now seemed to have been projected into reality, murmured in her ears, gradually disappearing like an echo.

"My loyal believer, give your strength...or, waiting for me to personally take back the gift..."