Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 858

Chapter 858

Link kept approaching in the invisible aura. At this time, there were only tens of meters left from Thanos, which can be described as being close at hand.

The bolide on the ground kept falling, explosions and flames almost swallowed the entire frontal battlefield.

Thanos was always alert to Link's sneak attack.

Suddenly felt a terrifying necromancy in front of him.

Although his vision was restricted, Thanos clearly sensed the Qi machine.

"I want to use this trick. You have no chance!" Thanos's body cells squeezed energy frantically, forming an extremely thick shield in front of his body, and his body was ready to smash the scarlet death lightning at any time.

It's just that when Thanos sensed that the power of death was about to arrive in front of his eyes, this qi mechanism suddenly disappeared!

Yes, disappeared before his eyes, as if he had never appeared before.

Thanos was stunned for a moment, but immediately realized that he had been cheated. The other party had the ability to control various Qi machines, and naturally he could also simulate Qi machines.

So if the death in the front is a vain shot, then what is the real purpose?

Before Thanos could react, Link, who was wrapped in the swarm of insects behind his back, finally showed his true body, his fingertips agitated with the real power of death.

He was less than 20 meters away from Thanos, sprinting and blasting with fingertips, his agility was higher than the opponent, and Thanos could not evade.


Scarlet lightning hit Thanos, and violent energy spread behind his back, tearing his body tissues apart.

All of Thanos' defenses were concentrated in the front, and there was no defense behind his body.

Link's [Death Finger] is very strong, and if you are not careful, you will suffer a huge amount of damage. Therefore, Thanos has to use his full strength to deal with it, and he dare not keep a bit. This leads to the emptiness of back defense. End I ate a whole lot!


Link hit the west with one hand, and successfully hit Thanos, reducing Thanos's blood volume to less than 100,000.

Two shots short!

After Link's cast, the surrounding insect swarms immediately wrapped around her body, the [Emperor's Watching Qi Technique] once again eliminated Link's breath, the gap was quickly filled by the insect swarms, and his vision fell into the "dark tide" again.

Thanos' blood volume is in a hurry. According to his first experience of receiving [Death Finger] several times, if this skill breaks out, he can only receive two shots. If it doesn't break out, it can only receive three rounds.

Now the situation is in crisis, Thanos spit out a mouthful of blood, and the blood quickly turned into flames after landing.

Thanos's lava heart shrank suddenly, and then a fire wave broke out, cooperating with the bolide in the sky to destroy the insects on the ground on a large scale.

The dark tide that filled the entire space disappeared in an instant, and a strong smell of burnt black permeated the air. Thanos was not prepared to give Link any chance!

After Linkla drove the distance, watching Thanos took a lot of effort to kill all the Zergs on the field, he felt a little regretful.

However, it is rare for this sudden method to take effect once, and expecting it to be repeated many times is nothing short of idiotic dreams.

Link now has to think of other ways to complete the next two to three offenses.

"Your fists are very strong, but you can't deal with me with your fists." Link suddenly said, looking at Thanos in the distance.

In other words, Thanos can only use martial arts skills, not as comprehensive as him, and has many offensive methods.

Link is telling the truth, the vast majority of Thanos's skills are martial arts, and the offensive is single.

Link this guy relied on his various offensive methods and hole cards to severely inflict Thanos again and again.

But Thanos is not a vegetarian, in addition to martial arts skills, he has other cards.

It's just that Thanos didn't explain, resentful eyes appeared on his face, as if he had been poked by Link.

Deliberately show weakness, and then take advantage of Link's unpreparedness...

Thanos rushed towards Link, and his speed suddenly increased, even catching up with Link's speed.

Link was horrified, trying to distance himself from Thanos, and immediately started a chasing battle.

During the chase, Thanos blasted out all kinds of boxing winds, smashing big pits one after another on the ground.

But Link keenly discovered that the places Thanos hits were often places with pipelines. Obviously, this guy was afraid that Zerg would come and cause disturbances later.

"Unexpectedly, the dignified alien leader was actually afraid of these little bugs." Link seized the once-in-lifetime opportunity and ridiculed again, not letting go of any chance.

Thanos didn't argue, he wanted to prevent any accidents from happening now, and strive to resolve Link within a controllable degree.

"Your ability to recover and regenerate can't be used again in the short term, right?" Thanos choked.

This ability to quickly restore peak strength must have its limitations and drawbacks.

However, he has not been able to gain an advantage in the battle, so it is not known what the drawbacks are, and there is no time to explore and understand.

But after so many fights, Thanos observed that the release of [Death Finger] was not without cost.

On the contrary, if you want to use this skill, the price paid is greater than he imagined.

The two choked on each other, and no one could do anything.

Although Thanos's state of mind is now wounded and unable to remain calm, it is not possible for Link to break through the psychological line of defense in a few words.

And Thanos' trash talk has no effect on Link.

In Link's eyes, Thanos is an NPC tool man, the only way for the plot to expand from the local galaxy to the outer galaxy, and plays an important role in connecting the past and the next.

In this unexpected battle, Link has taken the lead.

With Turing's help, let him cheat one more [Death Finger], and now Link's hand is enough to directly kill Thanos.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, the paving is in place.

The two moved as they moved, and they soon went from the periphery of the virgin forest to the inside.

The scene also changed during the period.

The lush virgin forest disappeared and replaced by low river valleys. In the distance, there is no green mountains, but more green water and endless grasslands.

The two jumped down from the waterfall and bid farewell to the last forest on both sides of the bank.

During the fall, Thanos' fist urged the majestic water vapor, and directly blasted the waterfall off.

Countless waves of water roared and uttered a roar even more terrifying than thunder, and rushed to Link in front of the sky overwhelmingly.

Thanos' boxing strength carries the energy of nature itself, creating a more majestic momentum.

The curtain-like waterfall was suddenly covered, and the speed was faster than Link, and it surrounded Link round and round.

After all, Link is now only a B-level, or the lowest B- in the B-level, and has not yet reached the point where he can force the natural power with his own strength.

The overwhelming water fell, and the earth trembling violently with the roaring sound.

Thanos fell to the ground faster and faster, and his fists entered the lava state again.

Taking advantage of Link's falling into the water, being pressured by thousands of tons of water and inconvenient to move, Thanos took advantage of the victory and pursued it.

Originally [Nano combat uniforms] had forms to deal with various harsh environments, but just now Link and Thanos fought, and Link's equipment was damaged to varying degrees. Now [Nano combat uniforms] cannot cover Link's whole body. Only a few pieces on the body, and a part of the mouth and front of the nose filter the breath gills.

This is the use of nano-scale materials in the [Nano combat suit] to form a dialysis in water, isolate water molecules, and inhale oxygen alone.

But even so, it only ensures that the most basic breathing in Link water, whether it is movement or speed, is greatly slowed down, and it turns into a quagmire.

The tons of water waves crashed behind him, and the impact caused by it was not weaker than Thanos' fist.

Link resisted injury with his physical body, and his whole body was lowered and lowered.

The flashing dagger thrown when entering the water was also submerged by a huge wave, and the dagger drifted into the water. Even the flashing would not change Link's current situation.

As soon as Link adjusted his figure, he saw two clusters of fiery red suddenly appear on the top of the shimmering head.

Immediately after the light became more and more shining, the surface water temperature of the lake rose, and even some signs of boiling appeared.

Link knew that Thanos wanted to take advantage of falling into the water, losing the last bit of speed advantage, and preparing to launch a kill.

Similarly, the resistance of water is extremely strong, Link will be affected, Thanos will also be affected.

The martial arts skills are inevitably weakened, and the burden on the body increases exponentially. If Thanos wants to deal with Link, there is only one way!

A gleam of joy passed between Link's eyebrows, and everything was proceeding according to his expectations.

"Thanos, you have to work hard! Whether the results will be settled, it all depends on this!"

Link silently cheered for Thanos in his heart.

The surface of the water was still under pressure by some waves, and the fluctuations on the surface were extremely chaotic.

But across the violent water, you can still clearly see the two groups of fiery heat getting bigger, just like two dazzling suns!

With his fists into the water, the water on the surface immediately boiled and rolled out of white gas. The two flames were not extinguished in the water. Surrounded by a thin film formed by rising water vapor, Thanos was isolated from the water.

Thanos didn't have any nonsense, and rushed directly to Link.

Although the waters are isolated, the speed of movement is much lower than that on land.

Thanos didn't dare to get too close to Link, for fear that he would be unable to avoid it with that trick again.

Link saw that Thanos' lava heart shrank suddenly, shrinking from the size of a fist to the size of a broad bean, and the blood flow of the whole person completely stopped at this moment.

It's like... suddenly died suddenly.

But in the next second, all the power in Thanos's body was compressed into his fist, his heart suddenly expanded, and the power pumped out was incredible.

Thanos' fist suddenly swelled, shook all the surrounding water waves, forming a very tearful vacuum area.

This vacuum area quickly approached Link, UU read and turned into a palm shape.

A trace of surprise passed between Link's eyebrows, and Thanos had such a trick in the water!

Link turned his head and fled, but the speed of swimming in the water is not as fast as the vacuum palm, and the vacuum palm is gradually increasing as he advances. Before he reaches Link, he already has a feeling of mastering the universe, insignificant. How can Link avoid it?

Thanos saw Link's horrified expression, and felt relieved.

Whether the dust settles, it all depends on this palm!

This is his only non-martial arts skill, and it is also one of the hole cards studied under Saffron's persuasion. Its lethality is not weaker than the martial arts ability.

Once, Thanos used this palm to reactivate the doomsday volcano that had fallen into silence, allowing it to regain its vitality.

The internal and external pressure difference formed by the vacuum is enough to completely shred the mortal body. Even an aircraft that can withstand the jump will definitely not be able to hold this palm!

This is where Thanos' confidence lies!