Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 851

Chapter 851

Fall in love with, the master of monster synthesis

Abaddon's jaw almost fell to the ground.


The capital home planet of the First Order!

When he was an alien demon in the past, Abaddon dreamed of leading his army to break through the Vatican galaxy and lead his troops to sweep Mustafa.

Wait until Mustafa actually arrived, the pattern and camp of Abaddon had changed.

is really embarrassing.

"Why did we come to Mustafa?"

Abaddon only remembered that Link had put a [No Light Shield] on Link at the last moment, and then people came here.

Link gave a general description of what happened at that time, and Abaddon's face suddenly changed.

"Head of State, although I have absolute confidence in your strength, the power of the alien leader Thanos must not be taken lightly. It has been more than two hundred years since the last First Order and the alien war."

"Since the return of Thanos, he has been unable to retreat. All affairs of the aliens will be handed over to Safron. This time the aliens decided that Safron will preside over the overall situation of Vomer, and Thanos alone will raid Mustafa. , Can only explain one point!"

"Thanos went out of retreat, and his strength went further, possessing the strength to face Mustafa defenders and everyone alone."

"My lord has suffered from the previous battle. But Thanos is full of strength and ready to go, so you must not take it lightly."

Abaddon's expression is deep and serious.

This time, he is serious.

Although Abaddon had never seen Thanos take a shot, he hadn't even seen Thanos's true face.

But the terrible breath that came across the Doomsday Volcano was as suffocating as the volcanic ash.

"Don't worry, you have a good rest now. Your help will be indispensable for the fight later."

Abaddon took the initiative to turn into a state of frost mourning, rested and recovered, and also ambushed as a surprise soldier for the time of the war.

Mustafa suddenly poured into a terrible burst of shadow fire energy, almost all over the planet.

The mechanical wise Turing detected this terrifying energy for the first time, and immediately locked the position of the outsider Link.

Link just walked out of the jungle when a holographic image suddenly appeared in front of him.

Pure mechanical structure, independent AI system, the outer body image of Turing Wise still maintains the design style thousands of years ago, revealing simplicity and classics.

"Outsiders, welcome to Mustafa. You are now in the wild reserve, I have locked your target, and the Order Guard will arrive at your place soon. We need the reason for your arrival and an explanation of the event..."

Turing's words are soft, but with a clear mechanical programming style.

To say that it sounds good is to make precise words and sentences, and to say that it is not good is to be rigid.

"Hello, wise man, I heard Ning Chengqi say about you. Now the situation is urgent, I will make a long story short. The alien leader Safron used supermodel cosmic energy before death to teleport me and Thanos to Mustafa together, and the other party finally The plan-beheading operation to destroy Mustafa."

The expression of Turing, the mechanical wise man, did not change in any way, and even the words of the mechanical voice were calm.

"Sorry to the stranger, Mustafa did not detect signals outside of your line. In view of your inaccurate expression, the weight of the credibility of your words is reduced by 20%."

"You he"

Link clenched his fists.

This style, just a few words can make one's fists clenched, it's really a familiar memory!

At this moment, a phantom appeared on the firmament of Mustafa.

The image of Thanos was born, projecting an influence outside the atmosphere and making the final "doomsday judgment" on Mustafa.

"Listen to everyone in Mustafa, I am the alien leader Thanos. I will put Mustafa on the doomsday trial. All those who separate from the First Order, I can spare you not to die. The rest will wait. , All are ashes."

Thanos glanced across the surface of the planet, and continued: "In addition, Link, any of your hiding is useless. I also want to see if your amazing power to kill Saffron can be called Brahman. Ask the top of the galaxy, whether it can withstand my fist."

Thanos made a fist.

But immediately, the atmosphere and clouds over Mustafa condensed into a ball, all gathered in Thanos' hands, forming a majestic ball of water.

The next second, the water ball was pinched and exploded, and countless water splashes splashed on the dome.

A few seconds later, the sky over Mustafa was clear, with heavy rain pouring, and water leaking like a column.

Everyone was shocked by Thanos's mighty mighty force, and the entire Mustafa was like a bird of fright. Some planetary nobles who settled here fled one after another, wanting to take the interstellar elevator to the orbital dock and use their own aircraft to escape this right and wrong. land.

The face of the holographic wise man in front of Link finally fluctuates.

Turing, the mechanical wise man, is the only pioneer who has survived the Vatican Guards, the predecessor of the First Order in the last millennium. As members of the Vatican Guards, they have all had battle experience with Thanos. Even if Turing is based on artificial intelligence and AI systems, there are many memories of Thanos in the storage space.

But apparently, Thanos' dismissal just now awakened Turing's dusty memories for many years.

"Obviously, sometimes it's not a good thing to have a good memory." Link said sharply, apparently Turing fell into the fear of being dominated by Thanos in the past.

was interrupted by Link, and Turing recovered his expression, and asked, "Thanos said, did you solve Suffron with your own hands?"

Link shrugged: "Perhaps, he may be framing him."

"Thanos is very strong. If you say Mustafa anyone can deal with him at the moment, it is only you. I feel the power of'opportunity' from you. According to my psychological historical calculation, there will be one.' The variable'appears to change the destiny of the Vatican galaxy. I think that person must be you."

can only say, it is Turing.

There is no such thing as emotional intelligence in artificial intelligence.

I can doubt you in the first second, and I will confirm Link is the savior in the next second.

is really Schrdinger's attitude and position.

"I can give you Mustafa's forces, but you must promise to expel Thanos."

"Then you still have to be smart!"

Link sneered in his heart and returned Mustafa's full strength. Had he not participated in the war of the First Order, I would have believed it.

Now that Mustafa's forces are full, Ning Chengqi's three armed groups left behind, plus Mustafa's own capital guard.

Listening to Turing's words, I thought there were a million masters~

Turing did not expect that Link would directly reject it. In his system's selection probability, this infinite is approximately equal to zero.

Mustafa commander-in-chief, commanding all soldiers.

If Thanos can be successfully defeated, it would be the suppression of the alien disaster and the benefit of the Vatican galaxy.

With prestige and merit, at the very least, he can become a legion commander. After a little assessment, it's okay to be the next successor of the First Order after a few years of qualifications.

No one can refuse such reputation and power.

But Link refused.

In Link's eyes, the First Order is really too small.

If it weren't for the first impression of taking the player into space, the deformed forces of the First Order would have been driven by players eight hundred times a long time ago.

smashed the holographic panel in front of him with a punch, and Link didn't have time to wrestle with Turing.

Thanos just now "gathered clouds with one palm and scattered rain with one fist" has shattered the ideas of many Mustafa doves and conservatives. Now the civilian class in Mustafa, the capital of the First Order, has been completely chaotic and can no longer be counted on.

Thanos's hand operation just now, Link can see at a glance, it is a kind of ability similar to "Dharma Heaven and Earth".

is used outside the planet's atmosphere because it will be classified as inside the planet in the atmosphere. Using this skill will cause a considerable extra burden on the body.

You must know that the power of Dharma is to increase body size and increase strength.

The effect of gravity on the outside of the planet is approximately zero.

But using this trick inside the planet, the increase in size will bring about the increase in gravity, and the energy required to fight against gravity will be higher.

The most intuitive feature, slower action and increased consumption.

Thanos can do this outside of the planet, and he speaks harshly, which is actually a paper tiger.

If it's really awesome, and if you get a few punches of that size, Mustafa will be half broken.

didn't do this because it couldn't do it!

Thanos's bottom line is clear, the standard B energy level. It's just that he is more inclined to the actual combat faction of Jaegesh, who has rich combat experience, and is far from the weak scientific research faction of Saffron.

Link jumped high, turned on the flight suit function of the [multi-functional combat uniform] and the jet power function of the [Nano combat uniform], and rushed all the way to the location of the third team in Ning Cheng's mouth.

The only available on the planet right now are the three teams of the Seventh Corps.

Fighting against an enemy of Thanos' level, the members of the Corps are like miscellaneous fish, and have no influence on the situation of the battle.

There are two main reasons why Link is looking for them.

One is to arrange three teams to the important town to arrange the retreat of civilians.

The second is to help look up information and find an interstellar nomad.

On the bright side, Mustafa has only Link with a B-strength.

But secretly, killing according to the plot, at this moment Mustafa also has a handsome boy-Chris, Captain of the Starport Gendarmerie.

This is the leader who takes the player to version 3.0 and opens the era of a broader universe.

Soon, Link arrived at the location of the third team.

After meeting, the members of the three teams saw Link, their first reaction was all stunned.

Isn't this supposed to be on the front line of Vomer, why did he suddenly come to Mustafa?

Reminiscent of the phantom that appeared on the dome just now and the scene of torrential rain, they immediately understood that all the mystery and mystery at the moment were out of the category they could understand. After all, the duel between such strengths is no longer something mortal like them can guess.

After Link uttered the signal, the members of the third team were serious immediately, summoned all the members of the troops, and lined up in front of Link, with a solemn expression and attitude, as if the commander Ning Chengqi was the commander.

"I only have two tasks. You must complete them quickly and well. Let me see if Ning Chengyu stayed you here because you are reliable and trustworthy elites, or the remaining waste of the 7th Corps!"

Link is the act of agitation when he speaks.

Change to other people, these soldiers have long since become angry.

But in front of him is Link, even the leader of their army, Ning Chengqi, has to treat him with courtesy.

In addition to what Thanos said just now, Link personally beheaded the Alien Number Two Safron, this strength is even more impressive.

"The first task, Thanos may appear at any time. I want you to transfer everyone in the city out, so you must hurry up."

"Report! I have questions! What if someone doesn't want to leave?"

"You and the Capital Guard are the only remaining fighting power for Mustafa. Your spiritual leader Turing wanted to give me the Capital Guard and let me take command, but I refused. Because I Link does not carry waste. ! So what should you do, do I still need to tell you?"

The three teams of soldiers all loaded their guns, they got it.

make sense!

is the weapon in the hand.

"The second task. To retrieve the application interview records for the most recent year, I need to find a person named Chris. His application column says that it's a vacation or visiting relatives. The column of birthplace is most likely to be passed Cover up, send me all the member coordinate locations that meet the requirements."

"On these two requirements, the sooner the better!"

The three team members wanted to say something but stopped, but they were well trained under Ning Chengqi's training. Even if they were in doubt, they could be ordered and prohibited. They did not ask questions, but hurry up to perform the task.

After left, someone asked puzzledly: "These two tasks are similar to logistics. Why doesn't the chief arrange combat tasks for us?"

Others stared at the newly joined young man with weird eyes, and spit out: "Are you stupid? Just like the torrential rain just now, we can't even count as ants..."

"Be smart later, don't let the chief look down! We are elite, UU reading is not a special waste."

The three teams of the Seventh Corps worked vigorously and quickly began to perform their tasks.

After the team left, Link came to the top of a skyscraper in the city, moved a chair at random, and sat on it to bask in the sun.

"My lord, don't you need to prepare?" Frostmourne inserted aside, and the sword spirit Abaddon asked.

Link sits in a chair, breathing long, a rare pleasant time.

Ge You lay down, with a glass of iced juice on his chest, and the straw was bent all the way from the glass to Link's mouth.

After the sound of snorting, the juice line in the glass fell, and Link belched comfortably.



"I am ready now."

Abaddon didn't understand, what kind of preparation is this.

Isn't it enjoyable?

"I don't know where Thanos is..." Although Abaddon was in the state of sword spirit, he was always vigilant and did not dare to relax.

Looking at Link, he is really relaxing.

One master and one servant are two completely different states.

"Don't guess, as long as I sit here, he will naturally appear."

Link saw that although Abaddon had gained legendary strength, he still lacked the mentality of being strong, even though Saffron was dead.

"Abaddon, sometimes the stronger the enemy, the more you have to learn to relax. Tension will only affect your actions and judgments, and will not benefit you in any way."

"This time I am facing the top fist of the entire Vatican galaxy."

"You are optimistic."