Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 780

Chapter 780

The effect can be said to be better than everything before.

[Standalone doll]

[Quality: Purple]

[Description: After binding, you can resist a mortal damage for the character]

The description of the stand-in doll is very simple, but its role is not comparable to the previous auxiliary or enhanced rewards.

Resist a mortal damage for the character, this effect is equivalent to one more life!

Without saying anything, Link directly binds the avatar doll to himself, and then the avatar disappears, and Link has an additional status icon "Standby doll" on his body.

Looking at this icon, Link felt at ease.

His energy level rating is now C+, and he can be regarded as the mainstay of combat effectiveness in the universe. He will encounter more situations and dangers in the future. Faced with the unpredictable situation in the universe, he has a stand-in doll that can protect himself in all aspects. It is a must-have for the murderous surplus.

After the goddess of the night gave out the reward, he found that Link's attention had been completely focused on the reward, and his figure gradually faded, as if it might disappear from his eyes at any time.

"The future is full of uncertainty and danger. Your decision will affect the destiny of many people, and your destiny is already integrated with the Vatican galaxy. I look forward to the next encounter and how far you will grow. The next encounter , I will fight with you outside the dream, hope you will not disappoint me..."

Link raised his head and curled his lips, and asked, "Do you have any rewards for winning?"

The goddess of the night just smiled, and then disappeared completely.

~) Cut~~, it's boring to talk like a ghost."

Link put away all the rewards. Although the meeting with the Night Goddess was a bit abrupt this time, the final reward was still very generous.

It's just that this time we met not only failed to understand the observers, but also added more doubts.

If what the goddess of the night said is true, then the rewards given by the observers encountered on the three novice planets should be given by the observers behind the scenes. What is the purpose of giving Link so many benefits?

Link didn't dare to think deeply now.

Can players or NPCs who meet the requirements get these benefits, or is it all designed for him from beginning to end?

If it's the former, Link feels at ease, but if it's the latter, it's extremely scary to think about it.

After all, even crossing this kind of thing can happen, what else is impossible?

It's just that Link now has too few clues to make a decision for a while.

But he knew that if he wanted to know the truth, he had to keep getting stronger. Only when he was close to the level of the observers could he get more news.

Link was stunned, and found that the system popped up a few more prompts again.

[You have initially learned about the mysterious race observers in the universe, vaguely understood your mission and destiny, and completed the level mission [Songs in the universe]]

[You get the level skill book "Spirit Scream"]



level task, rewards a mysterious level skill book.

Well, this is reasonable.

Link learned this "Spiritual Scream" without saying a word. As a rare mysterious level range control skill, Spiritual Scream is very powerful in both its effect and effect.

[Spirit Scream lv1]: Inflict 600 mental shocks on all hostile creatures within 100 meters in diameter, and cause [Chaos] abnormal state, damage immunity to all physical defenses, consumption: 500 energy points.

The skill highlights a simple and rude, and the damage is also directly full.

Without saying anything, Link directly filled the level of mental screaming.

Because I haven't got the advanced knowledge of the mystery system, the level of mental scream can only be raised to lv10.

But even so, the damage and effects of the mental scream have already topped the skills of the same level.

[Spirit Scream lv10]: Inflict 6000 mental shock on all hostile creatures within 800 meters in diameter, and cause [Chaos] abnormal state, damage immunity to all physical defenses, consumption: 800 energy points.

At lv10, the damage is almost equal to that of lv15. If you get the advanced knowledge of the mysterious system, the damage of lv10lv15 can get a leap-like increase.

When he arrived in Victoria, Link completed several level missions in a row. The task bar that had been stuffed before, there were only four missions left at the moment.

After the goddess of the night had left, it didn't take long for Troy to appear in Link's lounge.

"Head of State, it has been detected that there is too much alien energy in your room, are you okay?"

Link waved his hand: "It's okay, it's Victoria's Goddess of Night. You can send messages to foreigners who are outside to cancel the task of finding the Goddess of Night."

This time, Troy was stunned.

Before, whether it was in the wasteland or Pandora, they had invested a lot of manpower and material resources to find the two. How come this Victorian came here by himself is really unexpected.

"Okay, I'll go and cancel the mission." Troy recovered, and can only attribute this to the Fhrer's now too high reputation, stabilizing three planets one after another, thwarting the conspiracy of foreign stars, even the goddess of the night has to visit the door in person.

Link didn't explain too much about this, could he still say that when he was in a dream just now, he **** the goddess of night and sucked it?

When people sleep in the bedroom, one of Victoria's most important tasks has been done smoothly.

After a few calculations, all that is left now is to host the Victorian Alien Professional League and a little bit of Victoria's specialty resources. After that, they will come to Pandora again, and after installing the portal, they will conduct a second transaction with Ning Chengqi's Courage.

The only question that Link has to worry about now is, where will he go to make money for the two portals after Pandora sets sail again?

The Vatican Galaxy is a relatively remote place in the Morver galaxy cluster. In addition to being ravaged by alien stars, most civilizations were wiped out by alien stars in the lower civilization stage, and those who grew up joined the First Order and alien galaxies. There is little communication. The main concern is that after foreign exchanges, attracting hostile civilizations similar to aliens will make the situation of the galaxy more difficult.

In the Vatican galaxy, Link certainly cannot find a business to earn cosmic coins. If he wants to make money, he can only go outside.

Link went through his memory, looking for opportunities that fit his current combat power and are not far from the Vatican galaxy to make money.

After a long time, there was a joy in Link's eyes, as if he had found a suitable goal.

"I don't know if Graves is over there at this time..."

Link yawned, then returned the trophy to the collection room, and went to sleep again.

The sudden visit of the goddess of the night to send warmth to the door had little impact on Link, but it saved a lot of time. It is very uncomfortable for players.

After landing, many of them focused on finding the goddess of the night, hoping to get the greatest reward.

But now they suddenly told them that the goddess of the night had come by herself and went to see Link in the mechanical fort, and the task was over. For the player, this is as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

With the emergence of the first ray of morning light the next day, a message came that the Victoria players had been waiting for, but the expeditionary players were very calm.

The Victoria Star Alien Professional League, jointly organized by the Wasteland Expeditionary Army and Andor City, was officially announced to be held in three days.

The three-day buffer time is for the Victorian players to come to Andor City, or to prepare for registration and competition matters, and the other is for the wasteland expedition army to collect resources.

With the information that players continue to report from outside, the mechanical fortress has mastered the information of several resource points, and then only needs to send a resource team, and then arrange tasks for the player to mine resources.

The player who had no quest returned angrily. After returning, he immediately received the news of following Dave to the resource point to mine. At the same time, he also got the news that the foreign professional league will be held in Andor City three days later.

"Good guy, the arrangements are clear for this one. Work hard for three days first, and then come back to watch the show." As the first player to follow Link, Zhuifeng has completely seen this move.

After Leng Feng got the news, he waved his hand and took several other members of Mobei Wolf to pick up the task.

"Victoria's foreign professional league is still worth watching, these guys are weirdly tight in occupations and skills, and they are prepared to master a little more."

Unlike Pandora's mage chanting, the main genre in Victoria is the mystery, which, as its name, highlights a strange mystery.

For chanting, just try to approach and interrupt, everything is easy to say. But these guys in Victoria, you don't know when he attacked you. Taking advantage of this professional league, looking at the battles, skills and styles of their masters will be of great help in the future.

The players selected by Wasteland and Pandora are the top ones, both in quality and strength.

Although the task was empty, they did not make unnecessary complaints, but quickly invested their energy in projects that can be realized and profitable.

In order to compensate players, the task reward for resource mining this time is more than double that of Pandora last time.

When I was in Pandora Star before, Pandora's players focused on the alien professional league and did not participate in the ranks of resource mining tasks. This time, when I saw such a rewarding task, my eyes were suddenly widened.

"I really envy the wasteland players, who can actually do this kind of task more than us." Pandora's players all said enviously.

The Qianglong Zhixiang on the side also had a smile on his mouth, and once again felt the superiority of the Wasteland Expeditionary Army.

Mining missions are only E-level to D-level missions, but the rewarded experience and points are almost C-level. It gives people the pleasure of earning a white female ticket, and comforts the companions around him: "It's okay, you just have to think about Victoria's Players receive this kind of welfare task one less time than us, will they feel more comfortable?"

The companion's eyes lit up: "Yes, at least we are better than Victoria, they are really miserable!"

They seem to have forgotten, who was the existence of the novice planet who was almost subjugated and extinct.

The players who returned in batches quickly took over the task of resource mining. Of course, resource mining is not a simple coolie mining. They also assume part of the guard or development task. Near such large resource points, there will be some entrenched monsters and alien creatures. At this time, players must clean up the resource points to establish a safe environment for subsequent mining.

Dave, Constellation, and Gamesh each drove the medium transport ship, the Viking ship, and the Mage Tower to the corresponding resource point.

As for Helen, the captain of the original pirate ship, he is now working hard in the mechanical fortress laboratory.

The development of the Martyr Unmanned Assault Aircraft has reached the final juncture, most of the levels have been broken, and now only the AI and communication systems of the drones are left. After finishing the work at hand, Helen directly took Troy and started to attack the fortress, striving to build a prototype before leaving the mechanical fortress, and conduct a test flight and maneuvering exercise.

Otherwise, if you wait to enter space, you can directly skip the first stage of the test and enter the more difficult cosmic environment test.

Once the announcement was made, it immediately received a warm welcome from the Victoria players.

Andor City is one of the few cities where Victoria is alive. Many players have gathered here because of the fight against aliens.

After the arrival of the Wasteland Expeditionary Army, players are naturally attracted here. Now players in the entire Andor City have accounted for 60 to 70% of the total number of players on the planet. Even if you can't participate in the professional league for the remaining part, you should come over and see the skills and strength of the top players.

At the same time, the portals that Penny and Vindicator Russell are in charge of are also being installed in an orderly manner.

The portal is installed in the most central garrison camp in Andor City, where a large number of garrisons are stationed throughout the year, there is an open training field space, and there is combat power to protect the safety of the portal. The most important thing is that the portal needs energy to maintain, and it is relatively easy to modify here.

When trading the portal, the deputy captain of the Valor, Ai gave Penny a detailed installation manual. also clearly lists the common objects in the universe that can be used as energy transmission resources. Although these materials are easy to obtain in the eyes of the First Order, it takes time for people of lower civilizations to collect these resources.

Vindicator Russell was happy and worried.

Fortunately, this portal is a safe trump card. Once Victoria encounters any crisis, the Wasteland Expeditionary Army can descend from the sky and arrive through the portal as soon as possible. This undoubtedly increases their confidence.

The sad thing is that the portal consumes a lot of energy and resources, and the output is not high. It is not easy for people on Victoria's side to want to pass.

In this regard, Penny gave Russell a suggestion and instantly resolved the problem: "Didn't the portal set the conditions? As for the materials to activate the portal, you just let those strangers who want to pass prepare by themselves. This in itself is also a kind of training and screening."

Russelton's eyes widened when he said: "Listening to the Lord's words, I suddenly opened up and gave the initiation!"

All aspects proceeded in an orderly manner, and soon it was the day of the qualifiers of the Victorian Alien Pro League...