Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 776

Chapter 776

Link checked the status of Hades, and the investigation data was eagerly seen.

[Monster attributes]

Name: Hades

Quality: deep purple

Race: Mysterious Creation

Attribute: Dark

Level: 70+ (leader)

State 1: Exclamation (red, can emit high-frequency vibrations, move extremely fast, +200 agility, +100 energy after combining with the host)

State 2: Suffering (green, suffering aura, can cause periodic damage to the area, after combining +200 stamina, +100 strength)

State 3: Anger (yellow, anger attack bonus, combined +200 strength, +100 agility)

State 4: Despair (gray, desperate aura, slow down the casting speed on surrounding targets, after combining +200 energy, +100 intelligence)

State 5: Jealousy (purple, randomly imposes a curse on the target, after combining +200 intelligence, +100 stamina)

State 6: Arrogance (blue, all buffs are increased by 10%, +100 stamina, +100 intelligence, +100 energy)

Evaluation: An accident creates a new creature that has never been seen before, and the river of negative emotions is running.

After reading Hades's information card, Link didn't know what to say for a while.

Glancing at the shelves in his own collection room again, Link saw that the negative energy essence and the evil spirit of the ancient beast were missing at a glance.

One is a legendary quality material, a purple epic, and a deep purple quality Hades formed by combining with the demonized symbiosis.

This combination did not go through the hands of the Zerg Nest, it was all spontaneous actions between creatures and materials.

Link has only seen this kind of change in King Kong. This time he just went out to confess something, and saw the scene before him when he came back.


Link stretched out his hand, Hades and Link had a heart at the same time, countless black viscous substances blasted to Link's arm, and then quickly combined with Link.

Immediately, Link took a deep breath, feeling that countless negative emotions were twitching his heartstrings. The various negative emotions that were originally pressed in his heart, at this moment, are like observing with a magnifying glass, and they are easily discovered.

But at the same time, Link felt that his strength was also increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

While Hades retains the ability of the original enchanted symbiote, it also has six additional states, each of which can provide Link with additional attribute bonuses, and each state has its own focus.

On the other hand, the state of Hades ontology is the most balanced state, with all attributes except fortune increasing by 50 points.

Besides, Link also felt the qi and blood surge, and there was an unspeakable feeling.

Compared with the detected data card, Hades still has many effects that have not been stated, and Link needs to experience and dig by himself.

Because of the addition of the negative energy essence, the "tentacles" shot out in Hades form will disturb the opponent's mind and increase the effect of mental attacks after contacting the enemy.

Link tried to switch between various states, and the appearance of Hades within his body also changed. Each state will correspondingly increase his negative emotions, while providing different attribute bonuses and unique skills.

When Link switched to state 6, which was arrogant, Hades turned blue. At the same time, Link felt his heart swelled to the extreme, his body's strength increased rapidly, as if he regarded everything as nothing.

"I, I am God!" Link yelled this sentence in a low voice, feeling that his whole body was full of energy. The original Gu Bo's eyes were full of arrogance and arrogance, full of provocation.

Even Link did not expect this energy to be so great deep in his heart. It was because he had already maintained his rationality so much that he was still unconsciously affected.

It's just that compared with the power of promotion, the influence of this emotion does not seem to be that big for him. Especially just the emotional changes, and will not interfere with the display and reaction of his skills, everything is in control. The only effect is to say something that is in line with the current negative emotions.

What's even more surprising is that Link found that in the state of 6, the quality of Hades has risen to a light orange legendary level!

This change made him unexpected.

A pet can have different in different states

But maybe Link didn't even realize that this so-called "negative effect" was most likely the strongest improvement behind Hadesgar. After all, when it comes to Link's mouth escape, many people estimate that the waist is not sore, the legs are not sore, and he is half-paralyzed to the extent that he can jump up and scold his mother on the bed.

In addition to attaching to the body lining, Hades can also be attached to Link's body surface, completely covering Link's body, but the biological picture formed in this way looks a bit "excessively beautiful", Link can only use a thick appearance. To describe it madly and scribbledly, anyway, just by looking at the appearance, it doesn't look like a good person.

Link is sure that as long as he is attached to Hades and goes out, nine out of ten people will regard him as the villain.

With a thought to Link, Hades body split from the center. Link walked out from the center indifferently, looked back at Hades and asked, "Can you control this negative energy now?"

Hades closed her body like glue, with no gaps in sight, as good as ever.

Hades showed sharp and dense fangs. The eyes of his head were light-colored in two circles, which looked like a pair of eyes. The standard alien Kazilan had large eyes, the corners of the eyes were raised and raised, matched with the wanton aura and negative energy. Gives a sense of oppression of suffocation.

"No problem. Master, you unlocked all forms just now. I now feel that I have completely merged with these negative energies." Hades's voice is extremely hoarse, a kind of rock and roll, especially if it sounds awful. With a little electronic sound and echo, Link's first reaction was that this guy should form a rock band, and when he is at home, he can definitely attract a lot of fans.

"It's okay. You can get used to a few forms by yourself, but don't completely lose control of yourself as soon as you switch forms. That would be too shameful. Nine-patterned dragon and King Kong are both legendary, and you are also considered sub-legendary. Don't make a big joke if it's too bad."

Hades grinned. From Link's point of view, this smile was terrifying, with purple-black sticky fangs growing in a dazzling form. If such a grinning face suddenly appeared at night, then It will definitely be taken aback.

"A kind reminder, it's better for you to laugh less in the future."

Hades tilted her neck, and the grinning smile on her face suddenly stiffened and looked even more terrifying.

"Are you serious?"

Link nodded firmly.

Hades shrugged helplessly: "Well, sincere advice, I will refer to it."

"By the way, when you were on the rooftop of Karina Castle, you were not attracted by the negative energy essence. How come you were suddenly attracted after returning to the mechanical fortress?" Link asked his biggest doubt.

After Link and Hades merged, they forcefully suppressed the other two voices with their own strength, and went through six states, three of which were originally fused with the power of the chamber resistance. At this time, they are completely fused, and only the three consciousnesses are left. One share, complete integration.

"Well, let me think about it..." Hades groaned, lowered his head to extract useful key information from the three consciousnesses, and then patted his hand: "Remember, pure negative energy essence is not attractive to me. , But combined with the ancient and terrifying aura exuded by the fierce heart of the ancient beasts, it instantly increased my desire in my thinking and made me thirst for the essence of negative energy, which led to this accident."

The Hades incident is a small episode. Although it has lost two materials, the negative energy essence and the ancient beast's fierce heart, it is still very profitable to get a sub-legendary pet. After all, Link was still racking his brains on how to use the negative energy essence before he left. As a result, his pet directly swallowed himself after returning, and he jumped from blue quality to sub-legendary quality.

If you change to King Kong, the accident that happened today will have another name-chance.

So Link didn't mean to blame Hades, and patted its thick shoulder: "Okay, I didn't mean to blame you, please behave well in the future."

Since Hades has completely swallowed and merged, he has not shown himself in the image of "a puddle of mud". With the addition of the ferocious heart of the ancient beast, the body of the symbiote has been tempered and upgraded again, and the strength and density of the symbiote can be changed at will. . Now Hades's body is directly condensed into a human being. The knotted muscles are fully in line with the strength and fighting of the human body. The sturdy inverted deltoid muscle looks perfect, plus a very hideous face, it is definitely the enemy Nightmare.

"You can clean up here a little bit, you can go to fight with King Kong for advice, adapt to the damage of pure energy to you in advance, and constantly hone your resistance." Although Hades is strong, its weaknesses are still obvious.

Because whether it is a demonized symbiosis, an ancient beast's fierce heart, or a negative energy essence, they all belong to the dark attribute. The dark attribute will naturally be restrained when seeing the power of light. Unless the strength is too strong, it can crush the attribute energy that opposes him. In the case of equal or weaker strength, Hades must be restrained by King Kong.

However, King Kong's actions are heavy and heavy, and Hades is at best deflated and will not hurt his life. However, a legend and a sub-legend are all self-improved pets. Link believes that they will definitely gain insights into the strengths and weaknesses of both sides during the fight, and constantly check and fill in the gaps in the battle.

In the future, King Kong will have more actual combat experience when he encounters other dark creatures.

Hades is the same.

Link was still very satisfied with the additional shell of Hades.

The seven states have their own emphasis, and the seven skills provide more possibilities and cards for his tactics.

The most important thing is that this is a set of "additional armor" that you can practice yourself. The stronger the Hades, the more and stronger the gain attached to Link.

Dismiss Hades, Link has time to sit down, make a cup of tea, and calculate the reward that Linglong's death will bring him.

The first is the title [Wasteland All-Knower]. Link has heard of this title in his previous life. It was previously obtained by Long Yingtian, the president of the Longxing Tianxia Guild. It is also with this title that Longyuantian won in the Wasteland. There are few benefits, and a large amount of original capital has been accumulated in the novice planet, which has established a dominant position after entering the 2.0 version.

[Wasteland All-Knower]: The Wasteland has no secrets to you. All the secrets, cryptic words and puzzles will be automatically revealed when you come into contact with the wasteland.

This is the first time that Link has seen the content of [The All-Knowing Wasteland]. Before, the player only guessed the specific effect from the side. Although the guess is inseparable, it is still two concepts from seeing it with his own eyes.

"It's really time to come. When the portal is installed for the wasteland, I just go back and harvest a wave." Link felt happy, he started too fast, many copies of the wasteland and secret rewards have not been received yet, now he has this Title, when I go back, I will have a wave of wasteland wool by the way.

Needless to say 2 million experience and 20 potential points. The potential points are still useful to Link. The experience is purely drizzle. Sprinkle water~

Then Link looked at the next specialty [Sanctuary in the Desert].

At first glance, this specialty is a product of wasteland, which can be said to be tailor-made.

[Desert shelter]: In the desert area, combat power +10%, movement speed +20%, probability of being discovered by the enemy -10%

In addition to limiting the scope of the desert, this specialty has no other messy restrictions, which is very friendly to Link. Desert environments are still very common on other planets in the universe, and the probability of encountering them is not less than 20%...

Suddenly Link's eyes lit up, why should he wait to find desert resources? Didn't he bring his own desert resources!

Gerbils and hundreds of them, ah no, now they are thousands of gerbils and grandchildren, directly activate the desertification skills, isn't this equivalent to a desert!

Link can't wait to enter the [Swarm Commander] mode and immediately start the experiment.

Following Link's call, the gerbil and some of its offspring turned into dust and flew all the way from the Moonshadow Council in the rest area of the mechanical fort to the exclusive rest area of Link. Players along the way even thought that a small sandstorm blew up inside the fortress.

Not long after Link gave the order, as the mechanical door opened, a stream of sand gathered at Link's feet.

Looking at my special column again, [Sanctuary in the Desert] is in a semi-activated state, the increase in combat power and movement speed display is effective, and the conditions that reduce the probability of being discovered have not been activated.

But this is enough for Link, UU reading www. is equivalent to a permanent 10% bonus to full combat power and a 20% bonus to movement speed.

Link's gaze focused on the next reward, and the Royal Huajie seal was lifted.

The first reaction to this article, the royal ring still has a seal?

Link walked to the collection room and took out the "dying" royal ring from the cabinet. The function of this ring before was to deter seven treachery generals. After solving the other six people except Linglong, this ring lost its meaning and was shelved by Link. Unexpectedly, after completing the mission to hide the main story of the waste Saturn, the dead trees will be in spring, which has the value of reuse.

When Link picked up the royal ring, there was nothing unusual in appearance.

But after seeing the material attributes of the Royal Huajie, Link was stunned, and there was only one word left in his mindartifact.

PS: I haven't seen the full order to unlock the children's boots before, you can follow Wanjun's princess (Zhuge Wanjun), check the historical news, you can see the extravaganza, usually Wanjun will also send some data And daily life, as a platform to communicate with everyone~