Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 768

Chapter 768

Troy quickly gave Link permission to use the sound equipment of the mechanical fortress through the landing ship.

The landing ship received Troy's towing and had already sailed towards the mechanical fortress at a constant speed. The control screen in front of Link had become the first order ship in the sky.

As for the words released by the First Order, Troy has been transmitted to Link via the network.

Link became amused after listening.

Mother, there is no such way to pick peaches, right?

He cleaned out the alien demons in Victoria. You didn't do anything in the First Order. After you came, you took the credit for yourself, and asked the two leaders to discuss with the First Order ship. Talking of discussion is actually more like debriefing. To put it bluntly, the First Order does not treat them equally, but as the subordinates of a lower civilization.

This condescending attitude makes Link extremely unhappy.

Many players in previous lives have complained about the bureaucracy and rigid system of the First Order, but since the First Order has opened a portal to the three novice planets, they simply open one eye and close one eye. Comforting words like "There is no perfect system or power in the world".

Today is different from the past, Link is worthy of the alien second-in-command Suffron, and naturally he will not deliberately please in the face of the first order.

"Listen to the First Order Fleet, Victoria's alien crisis has been lifted, and you are a step too late. Since you did not help in resolving Victoria's crisis, we have no obligation and no need to report to you. If you want to discuss cooperation, , Please put away all the defenses of your ship and land at the designated place to show your sincerity. If you are unwilling to operate according to our methods, then we will treat you as if you have no intention to hold talks. Then the wasteland and Victoria will be the first Order regards it as an illegal intruder and expels it."

Link's tone was serious, and his response was reasonable and well-founded, using the same method to refute the arrogant declaration of the First Order.

As soon as this remark came out, all the high-level cadres in the mechanical fortress were all excited!

Worthy of being the boss, this declaration gave them a bad breath.

When the Lord of Andor and the people heard this, although they were leaving through the tunnel dug by the Dragon God and the Mouse Team, they couldn't help but gather their energy.

This should be the reason!

Coupled with Link's previous arrival like a **** to help the Victorian tribe solve the alien crisis, for a time Link gained the respect and fame of the Victorian mankind.

Rao was also taken aback by Link himself, so he uttered a few words. How could the system show that his reputation in Victoria reached 9 o'clock? Is it that the emotional output is so hungry? A word of words can easily arouse everyone's emotions...

If Link was taken aback, then the members of the First Order were even more bewildered.

This person actually dared to speak to them in this tone, and let them go down to talk in person, which was unique in the past.

Lower civilizations should look like lower civilizations. They are also used to being regarded as the saviors of the lower civilizations. They regard themselves as the guardians of the Vatican galaxy. When facing the lower civilizations, they naturally have a condescending feeling. .

But today, I ate closed doors in front of the Wasteland and Victoria, and it was true that everyone in the First Order couldn't accept it. They didn't understand why the "lower creatures" below had such crazy ideas.

"Captain, Wasteland and Victoria are so tough, are we deploying transmission equipment in Victoria as originally planned?" The deputy captain on the Valor frowned and was very dissatisfied with the statement on the ground just now. Then I hope that the commander of the legion will fight back hard and give severe punishments, so that these two lower civilization planets will know who can keep their promises in the Vatican galaxy.

Others have the same idea, thinking that Victoria and the wasteland are sitting on the well and watching the sky, just driving out an alien army, and actually swelling to not take the First Order in their eyes. The best way to deal with this inflated and proud low-level civilization is to let them see the power of civilization's suppression.

The control crew in the main control room of the First Order all looked at Ning Chengqi, the commander of the army in the center.

On the other hand, Ning Chengqi's complexion was calm and he was not influenced by emotion at all.

"Has the data been analyzed?" Ning Chengqi said and did not comment on the declaration below. Instead, he asked the staff of the reconnaissance module to return the data as soon as possible.

The staff controlled the intelligent system, and the keyboard output was crackled, and the data analyzed by the reconnaissance system was transmitted to the holographic screen of Ning Chengqi's captain's command station for the first time.

Then the staff member glanced at the analyzed data structure himself, but his eyes widened at the first glance, and his chin almost fell to the ground.

On the ground building of a low-level civilization, there are so many products that exceed its own civilization level?

This unscientific!

After seeing the analysis data panel, Ning Chengqi's eyes suddenly burst out with a clear expression.

He knew that a person who can set foot in the universe from a lower civilization and rescue other lower civilizations in the Vatican galaxy must have something to rely on.

After the exploration and analysis of the Courage, it was found that there are two cores of surging energy in the mechanical city on the ground. One is the power equipment of the mechanical city, and the other is based on the energy spectrum analysis. It is likely to be the legendary mage. tower.

Combined with the current defensive energy field outside the Mechanical City, it is almost certain that this is the power of the Mage Tower.

In addition, the two electromagnetic laser cannons raised by the Machine City also represent that the wasteland has mastered a certain level of advanced knowledge, and absorbed it, transformed it and used it.

This knowledge beyond the level of civilization has brought the wasteland into a new stage. It is no wonder that in front of the First Order, they dare to stand up and dare to get new knowledge through other means!

Mastering advanced knowledge really means having the ability to have an equal dialogue with the First Order. After all, when the First Order was established, it was composed of these creatures and organizations that transcended lower civilizations. Having mastered a certain level of advanced knowledge, he will have the ability to go to the table. At this moment, Ning Chengqi is already thinking about introducing the Wasteland Expeditionary Army into the First Order.

As for the other party to let them go down to meet with such a big tone, Ning Chengqi had seen more people over the years. It was not uncommon for Ning Chengqi to master a little advanced knowledge and think that he would sling everyone. After all, it is a frog at the bottom of the well. After a few steps, he feels superior. He still sits in a well and hasn't seen the outside world.

Just when Ning Cheng was thinking about countermeasures, ready to let the crew in the main control room start short-distance transmission of energy, which can not only follow the ground instructions, but also show the force and strength of the first order, so that the opponent's madness and arrogance will be reduced. , The crew member in charge of data analysis "banged" a table, got up and stared at the screen, yelling: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

The momentary movement attracted everyone's attention in the main control room.

Ning Cheng frowned slightly, dissatisfied with this yelling performance. How can I say that the crews on the Valor are all elites selected by him, especially the operators in the control room. They are one of the best. Facing a low-level civilization who accidentally acquired advanced knowledge, it is necessary to have such a big emotion. Reaction?

"Richard, what's impossible? Bring up the data you see!" Ning Chengyu said, staring at the holographic screen in front of him.

When the operator named Richard transferred the data, Ning Chengqi's expression changed exactly the same as the operator.

He slapped his hands on the console in front of him, leaning forward, staring at the screen and exclaiming: "This is impossible!"

The others all looked up with their necks, only to see a spectrum analysis and report appearing on the holographic screen of the legion commander.

The internal structure of the ground machine city was analyzed seven or eight eighty-eight, and the final conclusion was that this machine city was not a ground city, but a super large aircraft!

Super large aircraft!

These six words hit everyone's heart like a heavy hammer, and then the brain buzzed blankly.

With thousands of years of advanced knowledge accumulated in the First Order, the most powerful aircraft that can now be manufactured is a large ship, and there is only one. The remaining seven ships are all medium-sized battleships, which are responsible for maintaining stability against the alien legions and the daily Vatican galaxy, so they are divided into seven legions. What Ning Chengqi led was the Battleship Valor of the 7th Corps.

Very large aircraft can only be manufactured by a truly advanced civilization. The knowledge, manpower, material resources, and financial resources required for it are unknown.

At present, the monitoring and analysis of the Courage confirmed that the Iron City on the ground was actually a super large aircraft. The first reaction of Ning Chengqi was the same as Richard, thinking that the monitoring and analysis module was faulty and the data was distorted, so he got the wrong conclusion. But looking at the analysis report next to it, every piece of data is normal. According to experience, there is no distortion. Combined with the previous energy detection, it is very likely to be true!

Ning Chengqi is the commander of the 7th Corps, and he has been horizontally and horizontally in the Vatican galaxy for decades. Now I am the core high-level person of the First Order, and I have seen a lot of emergencies and extreme cases, but this is the first time this situation has happened!

A low-level civilization pilots a super large aircraft. What is this in their eyes?

A popular analogy is that a one-year-old child owns and can fly a space shuttle that condenses the wisdom of all mankind!

This is not only against common sense, but even counter-intuitive!

After reading the data parameters, Ning Chengji staggered, his face pale.

The deputy captain by his side quickly supported the opponent with eyesight and hands, and took the lead in responding and asked: "Captain, what should we do now?"

Yeah, what should I do now!

Ning Chengqi took a few deep breaths, calming his mood as much as possible, and used it to command and control the Corps's brain to run fast.

"If the order is passed down, all follow the other party's requirements. In the subsequent contact with the Wasteland Expeditionary Force and Victoria, we must show an equal attitude and exchange treatment. If anyone with a arrogant attitude arouses dissatisfaction with the other party and hinders contact and exchange between the two sides, Deal with it by military law!" Ning Chengqi's tone was firm, his eyes were even more steadfast, sweeping everyone one by one.

In Ning Chengqi's view, no matter how the other party obtained this super large aircraft, no matter how it went beyond the scope of cognition, things finally happened. Fortunately, the Wasteland Expeditionary Army acquired this super large aircraft. According to the Wasteland Expeditionary Army to help the novice planet get rid of the alien threat, their purpose is to achieve the same goal by different paths. They all regard the alien planets as mortal enemies, and they are all committed to helping the Vatican galaxy. The planet of lower civilizations within.

With these two points of consensus, there will be enough common goals and language in the next talks.

Ning Chengqi's purpose is to win over Link.

The wasteland is surrounded by super large aircraft. If it can join the First Order, it will be a great benefit to the First Order. Together with the large aircraft of the First Order and seven warships, a complete strategic fleet can be formed. , Not to mention the vertical and horizontal Vatican galaxies, even to the wider Morwall galaxy cluster, it can also go sideways.

Although the offensive equipment of this ultrlarge aircraft is very simple, once it joins the First Order, the First Order will gather all efforts to upgrade the Mechanic City, and this ultrlarge aircraft can exert stronger strength by then. Even as the central command post of the First Order in the voyage!

After some analysis, there was only one thought left in Ning Chengqi's mind-to find a way to win over the Wasteland Expeditionary Army, so that the strength of the First Order would be enhanced epic, and it would take an unshakable advantage in the next confrontation with the aliens.

The outside world did not know the short-term mentality of the members of the First Order in the Valor, but it didn't take long for Valor in the sky to respond to the ground.

All weapons ceased their offensive intentions and recovered, and the ship sent a second reply from the First Order.

"In order to show our sincerity, we will land at your mark, and at the same time put away any offensive or misunderstanding behavior. The first order comes from friendship and peace, and treats all civilizations in the Vatican galaxy as sincere friends. . We have the same goal-the alien demons who destroy the peace and stability of the galaxy..."

The words from the "big mushroom" in the sky this time, no matter the tone or content, the feeling of "I'm here to make friends with you" is about to overflow. Just by listening to the sound, people can imagine what a smiling face is behind this.

When the people in the tunnel below Andor heard the words coming from outside, they suddenly stopped, their eyes gleaming, and joyfully said, "That said, we don't need to run?"

"Don't worry, UU read and wait for the response of the Wasteland Expeditionary Army. I don't believe anyone now, just believe what Link said! Link said it's safe, so I dare to go back!"

In the hearts of the civilians in Andor, if it weren't for Link's tough tone and unwillingness to show weakness, the First Order would never be able to ease the tone. Link is fighting for their dignity and power!

The Lord of Andor, who commanded the retreat of the people in the city, heard the call of the First Order again, and felt that following the Wasteland Expeditionary Army to advance and retreat together was the wisest decision he made.

At the same time, in the mechanical fortress.

The macaw flicked its wings, and his face was full of contempt:

~) Cut~~, I thought it was so stiff. It only took a few seconds to become soft. This is too bad!"

Others have more or less contempt on their faces. Only Helen frowned and kept thinking about one thing. Why did the attitude of the First Order suddenly turn 180 degrees after the Fhrer spoke. This is unreasonable!