Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 715

Chapter 715

"How could this happen!"

Shadow Demon Safron looked at the black crystals that seemed to be reversed in time and space with a look of astonishment.

This crystal representing the core of Abaddon's mark broke apart some time ago, marking the fall of Abaddon.

This is an alchemy product he personally manufactured, and the effect is naturally the clearest.

But now the broken black crystals are reorganizing, what does this mean?

Does it mean that Abaddon is resurrected?

Even the Great Alchemist's Shadow Demon Saffron was stunned by the situation in front of him, and didn't know what was going on. With his vast knowledge of alchemy, he couldn't find a reasonable explanation.

"This black crystal is the core of Abaddon's imprint. Since it is now reorganized, does it mean that Abaddon is alive again?" Saffron has no more evidence, and can only make a reasonable guess based on the black crystal that has been reorganized in front of him. It is beyond Safron's control, but this is the most appropriate explanation at present.

While the Shadow Demon Savron was watching the self-repairing black crystal, Nelink, the mechanical fortress, also looked at the blood cocoon with the same look.

The way the blood cocoon broke this time was different from the past. The most important thing was to start "breaking the shell" before the time was up, which gave Link a bad premonition.

More and more blood cocoons were broken, and black mucus also seeped from various places, and finally rolled down at the feet of the blood cocoons, as if the magma that had encountered water quickly solidified, forming something similar to a base.

The original Afu's bloated outline became clearer as the black mucus faded away.

It's just that even a person like Link who has outstanding eyes has to be carefully noticed to distinguish between them when they are two meters apart.

After all, Ah Fu's black skin and black mucus are basically the same color. It is extremely difficult to distinguish Ah Fu from the same color!

The blood cocoons were all shattered and embedded in the solidified mucus. The scarlet blood cocoons fragments were extremely red and looked like a pinch of flames. And the solidified black slime is like scorched earth, and the two are combined together, giving a sense of "rebirth from the fire".

At this moment, the countdown to the incubation is completely zero.

This was an unprecedented "crack", but Link was startled when he saw this scene before him.

A 100% fit is only an epic level after evolution. But right now, this way of appearing on the stage is even more exaggerated than the legendary nine-stripe dragon, which makes Link more curious about what Ah Fu has evolved into. "Afu?"

Link yelled tentatively.

Ah Fu's closed eyes moved suddenly, and then slowly opened his eyes, and immediately saw the familiar boss Link, an indescribable warm current and excitement flowing in Ah Fu's blood, and his emotions were brewing in place. In a word: "Boss, I want to eat a hamburger!"

Link had expected Ah Fu to say something good, but he was silly when he heard this sentence.

You have been excited and brewing for a long time, but you just said this?

Link sighed lightly, waved his hand to invite Troy: "Troy, get a hamburger."

"Add another iced Coke!"

"Oh by the way, the burger wants a double steak!"

Link looked surprised at the Ah Fu who added another sentence, this guy would actually enjoy it now, it's strange.

Link didn't check Ah Fu's data first, but first concerned and asked: "How do you feel about this evolution?"

Ah Fu thought for a long time and patted his stomach: "The biggest feeling is that I am hungry and want to eat, but everything else is gone."

Ah Fu's tone was determined, and while he was taking the dirt off his body, Link checked his attribute data and found out.

[Monster attributes]

Name: Forbes

Quality: Purple

Race: Carbon-based human

Attributes: Mystery/Darkness/Void

Level: 55

Initial skill 1: Void walking lv6 (the body escapes into the void dimension, immune to substances and energy attacks, the action speed is increased by 600%, the duration is 6 minutes, and the cooling time is 24 hours)

Initial Skill 2: Dark Temple lv5 (The Dark Temple can hold 50 souls, which can be smelted into soul essence to replenish energy)

Initial skill 3: Magic backpack (Afu masters the ability to put objects into the void backpack, and the holding volume is the current level m)

Initial Skill 4: Soul Extraction (Using the power of the void and darkness, the souls in the surrounding three dimensional spaces can be extracted and included in the dark temple)

Initial skill 5: War messenger (Afu changes form and enters war messenger state, can use martial arts 95 style, soul elegy, burger motivation skills, 5 days/time)

Form Skill 1: 95-style martial arts (Afu masters the 95-style martial arts skills to deal with different occasions)

Form Skill 2: Soul Elegy lv3 (Afu plays the Soul Elegy, causing 3000 points of energy weakening to all targets who directly hear the elegy. If the energy is insufficient, the health value will be weakened by 1.5 times the penalty)

Form Skill 3: Burger Motivation (eat a burger, do it again! Ah Fu can eat burgers to restore all health and energy values, and one more round of Soul Elegy skills can be used)

Evaluation: Hamburg God of War!

After reading Ah Fu's skill introduction, Link had fallen into a dazzling skill description.

5 initial skills, 3 form skills, a total of 8 skills.

It can be said that it is the pet with the most skills other than King Kong so far, and one is outrageous.

Especially the evaluation given by the system quickly made Link laugh.

No wonder Ah Fu yelled for burgers when he came out. It turned out that there was still this relationship.

When he was in Shadu, Ah Fu liked to eat hamburgers and fried chicken, but he didn't expect that the core of the imprint would even magnify this point.

After a while, Troy got the "custom burger" that Ah Fu wanted. After Ah Fu took the burger, he began to feast on it. By this time, Link had already studied Ah Fu's skills.

The first is the first skill [Void Walk lv6].

This skill is also an advanced version of the original [Body Spiritualization lv1]. Body spiritualization makes Ah Fu's body enter a translucent spiritualization state, which can penetrate matter for one minute. [Void Walk lv6] After being strengthened, Afu can directly escape into the void dimension, while being immune to substance and energy attacks. The duration is also greatly increased to 6 minutes, which can be said to be an epic upgrade. The void dimension is another dimensional space, all material and energy attacks are immune, and it can be simply and rudely understood as invincible. In addition to the 600% increase in these speeds, I will never be afraid of Ah Fu running too slowly in the future.

Just this one skill is enough to make Link applaud.

Looking further down, the [Dark Temple lv5] skill is the enhanced version of the [Coffin Palace]. The capacity has been increased from 5 to 50, and the five-person dormitory has been upgraded to a 50-person large-scale workshop. Soul communication will be more convenient in the future.

[Magic Backpack] has become a very growing skill, directly linked to Ah Fu's level.

In the past, the storage space was only a few cubic meters, but now it is directly linked to the level. Ah Fu is level 55, which is equivalent to having a huge space of 55 cubic meters. Not to mention small objects, even half of a small transport ship can be packed. The most important thing is that there is no physical backpack behind Ah Fu, which is more concealed and hard to detect.

The [Soul Extraction] skill, the enhanced version of [Psychic Ritual], is also an epic enhancement. The original [psychic ritual] can only absorb the souls in the current space. After being strengthened into [soul extraction], it can directly absorb the souls in the three dimensions, greatly increasing the scope of business. The remaining two dimensions are the dark dimension and the twisted void dimension. In other words, in addition to normal time and space in the future, Ah Fu will be able to search for souls in the other two dimensions, and maybe he will be able to get some good things for Link. Of course, it may also be a bad thing.

But Ah Fu's lucky duck skin, Link said that he was relieved.

The first four skills are all "power-enhanced versions" of the original skills. The strength can be said to be greatly increased, and they all carry the dark or void power at the core of the imprint.

Then these latter skills are all new skills that have not been seen before.

As we all know, after absorbing the core of imprint, skills will be enhanced according to their characteristics and abilities.

Dulu, Ganis, and Abaddon, who have played against each other in the past, have all been confirmed. The imprint core will strengthen the recipient's body ability, and at the same time give some skill enhancements.

Link was very curious as to what skills A Fu could obtain from a harmless little fat man and animals. After reading it, he couldn't help but clap his hands in applause. He secretly called A Fu as he deserved, and didn't let him down.

[Warbringer] Skills need not be mentioned, that is to say, Ah Fu has the ability to change into a warbringer form, and also lists several skills that can be used.

These skills are form skills, and each one will be discussed separately in the following.

The first is [Budo 95 Style]. There are few text introductions of this skill, but it has inspired Link's endless imagination. You must know the Tathagata palm skills of King Kong, which includes eight types of Tathagata palms, which are earth-shattering and powerful. Now Ah Fu has mastered the 95 martial arts styles, which can be said to be a huge number of moves. The power and effect of these moves are all unknown.

Link is already secretly looking forward to the real appearance of the 95-style.

Next is [Soul Elegy lv3], this skill is also very close to Afu, in fact it is a variant of the psychic ritual, but this time it is not effective for neutral units or allies, but for the enemy. As long as you hear Ah Fu's soul elegy directly, you will be weakened by 3000 points.

Yes, it does not directly cause a reduction in life, but "cut blue", directly deducting energy points, the amount is as high as 3000 points. This is not over, this skill also comes with a compensation effect. If the energy value is not enough to deduct, then the health value will be used to deduct it, and the deduction is still 1.5 times. In other words, if a person's energy value is 0 and he hears Ah Fu singing, then he will lose 4500 HP.

Link's evaluation of this is only four-character overbearing!

If the previous skills were a derivation of Ah Fu's original ability, then the last form skill can be said to be the finishing touch, closely tied to Ah Fu's characteristics.

[Hamburg Encouragement] Just looking at the name of this skill is enough to blow up a large group of people. But after reading the skill introduction, these people will definitely cry out for the same money, chanting "True Fragrance" one by one.

Eating a burger can refresh the cooldown of the [Soul Elegy lv3] skill, use it for one more round, and restore all health and energy values.

This skill is simply the core of the core, the key of the key.

Just say that Ah Fu's life was given by Hamburg, right?

Use one more round of [Soul Elegy lv3] skill, two rounds of superposition will erase 6000 energy points.

Link glanced at his 4620 energy point, in other words, he was going to be drained.

Even for enemies with a lot of energy, such as the power system and the mechanical system, 6000 points are not a small number.

The energy value is not the same as the health value, and it is generally stored as a tactical resource. Some powerful skills require energy to be released, and weakening the energy also means that the strength of the enemy has been cut, making them unable to release some key skills. In a tactical sense, it is much stronger than the skills that directly cause health damage.

Ah Fu's skills are dazzling. After reading it, Link summed it up a bit, and finally got a four-character evaluation of both offensive and defensive.

There is a magic backpack for assistance, and empty walks for running and action. The souls in the dark temple can make suggestions, or directly condense into the essence to restore energy. After transforming into a war messenger, offensive skills include martial arts 95 styles and soul elegy. The blood volume and energy are not enough, but Hamburg can recover.

Epic general!

Dispatched at a critical moment, it has the ability to affect the balance of the battle!

Link withdrew from the investigation data panel. At this moment, Ah Fu had just finished the burger, drank the Coke, and belched contentedly.

A sense of happiness surrounds him.


At this time, Ah Fu suddenly reacted, his own strength has improved, and he still needs to ask the boss about the effect.

"Boss, did I succeed in the evolution this time?" A Fu asked in a naive way.

Linke wanted to say that if you didn't succeed, you wouldn't experience it yourself, but there is no standard when you think of letting Ah Fu experience him, so let's say it for yourself.

"This evolution was very successful, and nothing else, just the Void Walk and the Magic Pack, which is a great improvement, you can take a look first."

Ah Fu touched his back, UU read www.uukanshu. Com did not find its own enhanced backpack, a panic flashed across its eyes.

But after a while, he stretched his hand to the pocket of his trousers, and his eyes suddenly lit up. With dark skin and shining eyes, it looks like a supernova explosion that is undergoing a rebirth catastrophe.

"Hi, this new backpack has too much space..."

Maybe someone has no idea about 55 cubic meters, so let's put it another way. 1 cubic meter of water is one ton, this new backpack space can hold 55 tons of water, as if it could bring a lake.

"Then I will try Void Walking again." Ah Fu rubbed his hands with a look of expectation. As his main skill, the original body spiritualization has always occupied an important position, and now I have to try the effect after the upgrade.

In the next second, Ah Fu flees into the void dimension, and Link's attempt to capture Ah Fu's Qi also fails.

Ah Fu completely disappeared without a trace.

After more than ten seconds, the closet in Link's lounge suddenly heard a bang, bang, bang, and Ah Fu's call for help: "Boss, I'm stuck, stuck in the closet!"