Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 704

Chapter 704

When Link analyzed each player, he did not worry, but really checked the opponent's attributes, status and skills, and then added the understanding of the previous life to give them the most suitable style and direction.

This gave Linkla a good impression again.

It's a willingness for players to dig out their experience.

Link spent 15 million to pull all these newly learned skills to the full level, but based on the current experience of each player, the cost of recovery is already a certainty, and it is very likely that it will be triple to quadrupled in the end!

Soon players who finished learning the skills posted Link's four-page list of all skills on the forum, which immediately caused another sensation.

Although the players in the wasteland have long known that Link is a "fifth job" beyond the super system, they also knew that Link can master other skills across the system, but when this complete four-page skill list appeared in front of you , Still couldn't help being shocked by the vastness of the skill.

Players from Pandora and Victoria were even more shocked.

Even if Link is strong in the Martial Arts System and the Mystery System, he actually hides the strengths of the Ability System and the Mechanical System. After all, he has never seen him use a similar skill. After seeing Link's skills today, they knew how many cards Link had!

When I think of their red-faced quarrels on the forum for which planet child is the strongest, how passionate they used to be, how stupid they are now in retrospect. Compared with Link's real strength, what kind of stinky fish and shrimp are the other two planets...

This is just paper strength, if this is coupled with the record, it is even less clear where to dump the other two.

With the spread of forum posts, Pandora went online and lined up, and more and more players wanted Link to give instructions.

"Yeah, did you come to line up after the wind?" Link raised his head and saw a familiar face.

Chasing the wind leaned forward with a grin: "How can such a once-in-lifetime opportunity be missed~"

Link checked the skill data of Chasing Wind, and it has been greatly improved from this stage in the previous life. This guy earned 2 million experience on Slavin some time ago, and directly spent more than 500,000 experience to raise his level to level 61, and then he held it all in his hand and waited for an opportunity. It didn't happen that Link was teaching skills here, and the chasing wind wanted to see if Link could give him some advice.

"I remember that your associate department was a mechanic, didn't you? If that's the case, I suggest you take the iron fist. The iron fist is strong, open and close, which perfectly fits your style. And iron fist can increase your skills. Injury, the special effects of Qi Jin Penetrating Body can also play similar Qi Wu skills, which can confuse opponents. My personal suggestion is to strengthen the mechanics first, and click the iron fist first, and then the rest can be invested in Qi Jin Pei. Body and Yi Jin Jing. You must know that the core of this system is Yi Jin Jing's blood essence transformation ability. With the mechanical surge and electromagnetic recovery of the mechanic, it relies on the combination of near and long range damage to produce a set of perpetual motion effects."

Link spoke very carefully, and the chaotic thoughts of the original chasing wind were smoothed, and his eyes were bright and clear.

He had thought of combining existing skills with his hands into a system before.

At level 61, I have learned 28 skills. If you don't have a system, you can fight alone. You can only form a system, divide the primary and secondary, and establish a set of your own fighting methods. But after thinking about it several times, it all ended in failure. But now the method Link told him is practical! Except for the mechanic's [Iron Fist] skill, he has not learned other skills.

Chasing the wind is ecstatic!

Link is right. This is the battle system that suits him best, and the skills of iron fist, energy penetration, Yi Jin Jing, mechanical force surge, and electromagnetic recovery form a complete cycle. The fighting style is also his best at mid-to-short range combat, which relies on combos to produce cyclic damage.

At this moment, Chasing Wind can't wait to try it out.

Aside from anything else, as Link said, I learned the skill [Iron Fist], and derived a manufacturing skill [Iron Fist Manufacturing]. Then the level of Yi Jin Jing was raised to make the blood essence conversion ratio higher. After the operation of the pursuit of the wind, there were only a hundred thousand experience left on him, as if he had been sucked from an experienced crocodile into a human being, and it was really gone.

But when the chasing wind left, his face was filled with a bright smile that could not be concealed. During the next period of time, he will concentrate on retreat, first build the iron fist, and then strengthen it all the way to a level that meets the current level, and then he will practice the tricks and combos to perfection. When you come out again next time, be sure to make a blockbuster!

Seeing that the chasing wind couldn't hide his beautiful back, the corners of Link's mouth raised slightly. He just told him in advance of the "Weapon Warrior" he created in his previous life. He is really looking forward to the progress of the pursuit of the wind in this life especially above the previous life. When the players from the next three novice planets converge, whether the pursuit of the wind can go further, and the version that is gradually falling into a disadvantage in the martial arts system will rise up.

While Link was teaching skills and skills to Pandora's players, Gamesh was also working overtime.

The blueprint has been completely eaten, and the materials have been transported from all over Pandora to the mechanical fortress.

In the living area of the mechanical fortress, a piercing red cordon was pulled up in a place, and the exterior was covered with a curtain, making it impossible to see the internal situation at all. The sixty players selected by Pandora Star in the past few days are also familiar with the environment in the mechanical fortress. From the outside, the Mechanical City is as shocking as a mountain, and when you enter the inside, you will feel even more eccentric.

The "underground world" is lined up with high-rise buildings, including a group of wasteland companies and offices of various expeditionary forces, including the Penguin Building, as well as scientific research centers and data centers.

The "world on earth" is first of all the living area, and the rest area for all players is here. When Link was renovating, he planned ahead of time. The capacity of the player's room here is designed at the scale of ten thousand people, just like a small city. Now the total number of players in Wasteland and Pandora is more than 110, and most of the rooms are empty.

But this also gives the players who have boarded the fort see hope. As long as their expeditionary army has enough prestige, they will be able to obtain permanent qualifications and follow Link to "travel around the stars."

And outside the player rest area is the "base camp" of the major forces of the expeditionary army. Each different force has buildings that conform to its characteristics and styles. As long as you have enough contribution, you can use your contribution to travel around these forces, exchange their special items, or ask for learning skills.

The anchorage port and the teleportation hall are under the fortress, while the control room machinery giant is at the top.

These are basically the areas where players can move, and the remaining locations are strictly forbidden to open to the outside world. Players guess that it is probably the weapon arsenal, hub center and other places.

Just because they have been browsing the inside of the mechanical fort for a few days, they are even more curious about the place that is hidden by the curtain and pulled on the cordon in the rest area of the Wasteland Expeditionary Army at this moment.

Not only the players of the Pan Duo ** ship are curious, but the players of the wasteland are also curious.

If it is a new force entering, in the past, new forces will have tasks issued, requiring players to help with work and so on. This is how the Slavin Star Resistance Army joined before. Players participated in the construction process. But this time there was no sound. There was no mission action in the expeditionary army. Even if they inquired with familiar staff on the fortress or other NPCs, they did not inquire any useful information. This actually caused the situation behind the scenes. More mysterious.

Players have a great desire to explore, but they will also weigh the pros and cons.

If you violate Link's rules in order to explore the secrets, you will probably end up being expelled from the mechanical fortress.

This ticket was finally exchanged with all their cards. If they were driven off the spaceship in this way, it would not have become a joke for all players.

So even if the players were curious, they tried their best to restrain their emotions and didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

On the fifth day, the players who came to Link to learn skills were still in an endless stream.

Link remained patient, and his attitude made all players and NPCs speechless.

Antonidas admired Link's five-body throwing ground. This is not hundreds or thousands of people, but hundreds of thousands of players. Everyone is intimately guided and responsible. He gave lectures at the Sky City Academy of Magic, and faced dozens of wizards with good magic skills, and felt a lot of pressure, let alone Link faced so many.

Under such high intensity, for five consecutive days, the perseverance alone was moving.

Antonidas stood at the head of Dawn City, looking at the players in the queue that stretched into the city, he couldn't help being curious:

Today is the last day Link said. I don't know when he will end, and I don't know how many of these players can get his guidance.

Just as Antonidas was thinking, suddenly a powerful magical impact came from the mechanical fortress.

A substantial magic power spread suddenly, the intensity has never been seen before.

Antonidas stared blankly at the turbulent loop of magical power. This kind of magical leakage would only happen when the extremely complex and powerful chimeric array was closed in operation, a bit similar to the head car when the steam train started to run. A large amount of steam and white smoke.

But the magical impact of such a scale was beyond his imagination.

The clouds in the sky were scattered under the impact of magical power, looking like a giant doughnut, and even the air was dyed a magical blue color.

All the players in the line, the people in Dawn City, all looked up to the sky, unable to move because of the shock of the scene in front of them.


Just when Antonidas thought this was the end, the second magical impact suddenly dissipated, with greater mass and impact than the first. The "doughnuts" in the sky dissipated as soon as they were touched, and the magic in the air was visible to the naked eye, condensing into tiny crystals and falling like magic rain.

Antonidas' entire brain was blank, and two powerful magical ripples were in succession. What kind of magical loop was activated in the mechanical fortress? Rao is that all the magic circles in the sky city are activated at the same time, and the magic circle caused by it is not one-fifth of the agitation in front of you!

In the next second, the air fluctuated violently, making a thunderous buzzing sound, and everyone in Dawn City felt the air boiling and shaking.

Suddenly, a tall tower appeared above the mechanical fortress, shining with dazzling magical light.

The whole tower is tall, the base is a hemisphere, and there are many buildings on it. And under the base, the white jade is glowing, and the magic lines on it are clearly visible. And at the top of the tower is a huge arcane eye, surging with surging magical energy, and the space around the arcane eye is distorted by the huge energy, which looks very spectacular.


Antonidas was so shocked by the sight that he was speechless.

If he reads it right, the magical creation floating in the air in front of him is the legendary "Mage Tower".

Why does a mage tower suddenly appear above the mechanical fortress?

Just before Antonidas thought about this issue, he immediately blasted a few bursts of energy from within the Arcane Eye, quickly spreading in all directions. The magic power spilling in the sky condenses into silk threads at this moment, as if using magic power to weave a large net that wraps the planet.

In the next second, Antonidas felt the traces of magic power spread in the air. These traces of magic power were like rune numbers, which he could use at his fingertips. In the past, the spells of complex spells and magic circuits can be quickly cast under the influence of these magical traces in the air, and the casting speed is more than twice as fast as before!

For example, in the past, Antonidas used his hands, mouth, and magic circuit to release a spell at the same time to cast a spell, which is equivalent to writing each mana rune by himself. And now, all he has to do is to take out the mana runes he needs from the magic traces scattered in the air, and then arrange and combine them to release spells.

The spells released in this way are cast faster than before, and even the consumption of magic power has become a fraction of what it used to be.

If the area covered by the entire magic net is large enough, every magician in Pandora will have a qualitative leap in strength!

Even Antonidas was sure that if they had a mage tower during the Battle of Endangered Valley, they would not only be able to hold the planet, but they would also be able to drive all the invaders out of Pandora!

Pandora's other magician players, UU Reading also received the same system prompt at this moment.

[Detected that you are under the influence of the Mage Tower, you get the state of [Glory of the Mage Tower], your casting speed is increased by 25%, the mana consumption is reduced by 25%, and the magic effect is prompted by 25%]

This is just one of them. Depending on their strength, each player will get a different percentage of tips, ranging from 10% to 50%.

Tortoise, just highlight an outrageous!

A mage tower, a [Glory of the mage tower] buff, greatly enhance their strength!

Now, they all want to know where the mage tower came from.

Link, who sat in his seat to answer the teaching, got up, his mouth raised, and looked at the player who had already raised his head in a daze.

"Sorry, it seems that the teaching has ended here. This little thing is left for you as a souvenir."

In the next second, Link disappeared from the spot, leaving only the player holding Link's memorial and the player behind him who hadn't reacted with a dull expression.