Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 688

Chapter 688

Chapter 690 Black Star reappears, everything ends

There are tens of thousands of people in the final Yan Valley, and players who are fighting outside the valley at this moment are not feeling well.

All kinds of spells don't need to be thrown away like money, but the damage and effect caused are tiny.

The resistance of the Shadowhound is still too high, even the legendary Archmage Antonidas' blizzard and lightning cannot directly kill him, let alone these players. All they can do is to delay the shadowhound's footsteps, and then use their own flesh and blood to block the footsteps of the alien army, buy time for the refugees to enter the valley of the end, and fight for the recovery of Antonidas and other followers Valuable time for rest.

The puppet masters, warriors and warriors stand in the forefront, waiting for the decelerated shadow dogs and alien demons to exit the storm circle.

The clone left by Antonidas is getting weaker and weaker, and the mana is showing signs of exhaustion.

Players all know that once a large-scale blizzard cannot be maintained, these alien locusts will be like no one. At that time, players will have to face overwhelming creatures that completely restrain them.

It has been two months since Pandora suffered an alien invasion. From the beginning, he was eager to prepare for a big fight, and now Pandora has suffered a heavy population loss. Only the last human seedling is left. It is conceivable that these two months Time, what have they experienced.

Although they have worked hard to improve their level, restraint is restraint. Shadowhound's skin is thick and thick, and their resistance is extremely high. Their spells are only one-tenth of the effect, and it is too difficult to kill. Often the power of the nine ox two tigers was abolished, and those shadow dogs with residual blood had to be rescued and fleeed.

Now the opponent has launched a total attack, and Shadow Dogs and Alien Demons are just the first wave of appetizers.

On the distant hillside, the second echelon composed of Sinking Demon, Banshee and Legion Vanguard has also arrived on the scene.

The players look solemn, and now they must swear to stop the first wave of the enemy.

As the commander of the Pandora Star player, Qianglong Zhixiang, his heart beats very fast at this moment, and his heart is even more anxious, but his face is kept as calm as possible. If even he panicked, the players would be even less confident.

The position of the Dragon's Flight to Pandora's Star is similar to the position of the chasing wind in the wasteland.

are players who first met with the protagonist of the planet, and their strength and vision are good. Later, a series of tasks took the lead and grew into Antonidas' life-and-death acquaintance, an important partner, and the faint meaning of Antonidas' "spokesperson", often helping him with some affairs, and being responsible for communication with foreigners.

Therefore, the strong dragon's prestige in Pandora is also very high, and it has become a representative of the players.

This time he led all players to respond, which is what he meant. After all, he was the only one who dared to "defy" Antonidas' opinions.

"Killing one is enough, killing two to earn blood. Now only ourselves can save us, we must defend the End Valley, and never take a step back!" Qianglong Zhixiang shouted to everyone around him.

"Playing games can lose, but you can't be a coy! I don't want to wait for the next version of the novice planet players to get together, pointing to our faces and smiling, saying that the group of wastes can't even guard our own planet, and they are pressed by the aliens. It's really shameful to fight with the head! I don't even want to be rejected when the team is doing missions in the future, because Pandora's players are all waste."

The strong dragon's flying did not say anything awe-inspiring. After all, Antonidas was right. They only have one life, but there are many times for strangers, so they are not afraid of death, or even indifferent. It is useless to motivate them with life and death. Only by stimulating them with honor can they inspire their fighting will.

The possibilities mentioned by Qianglong Zhixiang are very likely to happen in the future.

If you can't stand the End Valley, you can imagine how many people will make irresponsible remarks after the players gather in the future. Obviously they all entered the game together, the wasteland can not only defend, but also fight the alien stars back. Although Victoria is still in the quagmire now, the situation is much better than Pandora. Only them, unable to guard the attack and expansion of the alien planet, now Pandora has only the last survivors, and they must protect them to the death!

The expressions of the players became serious, this time not only for the task, but also for their own face. No one wants to go out in the future and be discriminated against by other players wearing colored glasses.

"Damn, **** with them to the end! Anyway, I still have 20 chances of death this week, so I'm all here today!"

"Fuck the alien star, today the labor and management have to take away a few if they are fighting their lives!"

"Brother don't hide anymore, no more collectors~"

The fighting spirit on the battlefield suddenly became stronger.

As the last refugee entered the Endyan Valley, the suspension bridge was pulled up, and the mages in the valley cast spells to blow up the only stone bridge.

The back road is gone, and the boat is broken.

Players are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of worthless death. They had to take one away before they died, which became their only goal.

As Antonidas' clone mana was completely exhausted, the blizzard under the clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and the cold icy cone disappeared, leaving only the large-scale spells guided by the player. Many shadow dogs died directly in the blizzard, but there are always a few. Most of the shadow dogs survived, and those shadow dogs that did not eat the damage of the blizzard surpassed the weak shadow dogs in front of them. The formation instantly changed and the momentum became stronger. .

Soon, the Red Shadow Dog rushed into the Pandora player's range of spells. The few players in the lead who could cause damage to the Shadow Dog began to exert their strength, and the battle was about to start.

Budo, mechanical, and mysterious players are not the mainstream of Pandora, and they are not seen in previous games. However, he persisted with his blood, and performed brilliantly in this alien invasion, and many people stood out and received attention because of this.

Although the refugees on the end of the valley have been rescued, but at the moment of life and death, strangers are desperately below. If they sit in the valley, they will only sleep and eat. The demise of the human race is closely related to everyone, and no one can stay out of it. So many women volunteered to take on logistical tasks, carrying water, cooking, carrying supplies, and bandaging wounds for wounded soldiers.

The younger children were not idle either, and yang ya ya ya helped to carry the weapon, his eyes full of determination.

Among the men, the old man took the lead and walked to the arsenal where the weapons were issued. He said to the soldier: "Give me the most worn-out lock armor and the dullest weapon. A good weapon is reserved for young people. You can save your life at critical moments. The old bones are also a waste of food to live, and they cannot contribute to the reproduction of the human race. They are just a useless rice worm. Taking advantage of the last breath, they can defend Pandora and follow Antonidas. It is my honor to fight with the mages!"

The soldier in the weapon arsenal had solemn eyes, and he respectfully saluted the old man.

Many old people know that this is the last battle, and the survival of the human race depends on the present. They were old and weak, and some of them couldn't even move their weapons, so they could only use daggers or daggers one size smaller. Their purpose is also very clear. Going out as a physical shield this time, mostly blocking a few attacks for the young people behind them, and fighting for them, is their greatest success.

According to the words of the old men, it's worth living so much anyway, and in the end they can shine for Pandora, and they won't lose money in their blood. Being able to die on the battlefield for the family and the country is definitely more meaningful than hanging down on the bed.

Middle-aged people and young people were also encouraged, and they took up arms one after another and became extremely determined. There are even some disabled people screaming that they want to go to the battlefield to make a difference.

Here once saved the fate of mankind, I believe this time it can also let them tide over the difficulties.

More and more armored soldiers appeared at the end of the valley at the end of the valley. They originally cheered each other with confidence, but when they saw the shattered foreigner's position on the plain outside the valley, their faces suddenly paled.

The red shadow dog broke through the player's range of spell fronts, and then the shadow dog and alien monsters and the player handed over.

As the blue time barriers unfold, the players in the front row that can cause damage are like leeks, and they fall one by one.

Without the blocking of the front row players, some magic players in the back fall faster.

However, no one turned around and fled. Even if a dozen shadow dogs rushed in front of him, they had to try their best to finish the last magic spell and hit the last bit of damage. In this situation of braveness and fear of life and death, the player also got back a little bit from the one-sided situation.

The first wave of confrontation in the Battle of the End Yanvale also created the battle with the most alien losses.

When the player is completely surrendered, only the materials discarded by the refugees when they fled, and the ground dyed in purple are left on the plain. A large number of shadow dogs turned their belly up and fell to the ground, and many of them were dying.

The sturdy shadow dog dangled the injured shadow dog and went back, and the dead ones were simply ignored.

After a little clearing of the battlefield, the alien army continued to advance.

There is no battle, and the chaotic alien lineup returns to order.

The shadow dog and the alien demon walked in the forefront, followed by the banshee and the sinking demon, followed by the terror tactician and legion vanguard.

The Legion Vanguard, braving the evil fire, is huge, and even the ground is trembling as he walks. A large number of people gathered together, the grass turned into scorched earth wherever they walked, and the pungent sulphur smell in the air could be smelled even at the end of the valley.

People who have just established a determination to die, look at the mighty alien army, their faces are pale, and their lips can't help but tremble.

This kind of battle is almost determined to destroy Pandora's human civilization with the determination to win.

In the face of such a vicious enemy, can End Yangu really stand it?

Just when people were shaking their beliefs, a white light flashed in front of them, and Archmage Antonidas appeared at the head of the city.

Immediately after a flash of light fell from the sky, the entire End Yan Valley was bathed in a piece of pure magical energy, and an azure blue protective cover enveloped the End Yan Valley.

Seeing the leader appearing and showing a defensive enchantment comparable to miracles, everyone's heart is shaken, and they have great confidence in defending the valley of the end.

"Everyone is in place, ready to defend against the enemy!" Antonidas used magic to amplify, and the thick and long voice quickly spread throughout the Endyan Valley, making people's flustered hearts quiet for a moment.

Wuyangyang of the Alien Legion emerged from the hills of the plain in the distance, until the whole plain was covered, the clouds in the sky also followed, and the air could smell anxious and depressed.

The alien vanguard troops are already approaching the city, and the Shadow Dogs and alien demons arrive in front of the protective cover and begin to attack the protective cover.

The hammer in the hands of the alien demon hurts astonishingly, but it hits the protective cover as if it is in the water, and the protective cover is rippling.

Countless monsters and shadow dogs bite and attack on the protective cover, but the protective cover completely blocked the attack, making these monsters scratch their heads.

Soldiers, soldiers and civilians in the End Yan Valley saw such a scene, scrambled to watch the city, and then burst into enthusiastic cheers.

At this moment, they have the hope of defending the enemy.

Everyone, there is light in their eyes!

All alien troops arrived, this time not only Shadow Dogs and alien demons, but even the Legion Vanguard rushed forward to attack.

The people who cheered enthusiastically just now saw such a terrifying behemoth attack the protective cover, and all of them were silent for a while, staring at the end of the valley in a daze.

The legion vanguard roared, raising a burning stone fist and slamming it against the protective shield.

The protective cover only made a faint long buzzing sound, and the ripples rolled up were slightly larger, but it was not affected by other influences.


The people and soldiers cheered louder, and they were more confident in holding the Endyan Valley.

At this moment, the players who had previously fought outside the valley also began to resurrect in batches.

"How long can this protective cover block?" A voice suddenly sounded beside Antonidas, and he knew who this person was without looking back.

"This is the magic circle I set up in the Endyan Valley before. The price is to extract the power of the earth, which can only be blocked for an hour. If you encounter an attack that exceeds the defense level, it will not be blocked for an hour." Antonidas used only two. People could hear the voice clearly, and then asked: "When will the reinforcements you mentioned arrive? Is there any definite news?"

Qianglong Zhixiang frowned, shook his head and said: "No news has come out. They should all understand the situation on our side, but the distance beyond the ground is a hard journey and will not change according to our will. We All we can do is wait."

Antonidas took a deep breath, and said in as easy a tone as possible: "It's okay, we are all here now. With the advantage of the terrain of Endyan Valley, we can withstand it!"

Just as soon as the voice fell, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

There was lightning and thunder in the dark clouds, and the gale howled.

The electric light in the clouds is different from before, this time it is black lightning spreading!

Antonidas looked up, his expression suddenly solemn.

This is a force that even throbs him, UU reading is looming, as if a doomsday is brewing.

Black lightning is still spreading, revealing his figure from the clouds.

This is a black "new star", falling from the sky, and black lightning is surging all over the body.

And the position where this new star falls is exactly the protective cover outside the End Yan Valley.

The gradually resurrected players came to the top of the city, and they were stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

"This scene...seems familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere!" someone muttered to himself.

"This is exactly the same as the scene where the war ambassador Garnis appeared on the scene when the alien attacked the waste Saturn..."

As soon as the voice fell, the dark clouds turned dark green.

A group of green flames burned the clouds, one by one green flames fell from the sky and hit the protective cover!

Thanks to book friends 150901153635808 for rewarding with 100 starting coins, Pippi Orz for rewarding with 500 starting coins

(End of this chapter)