Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 685

Chapter 685

Chapter 687 Fear of flesh and blood, carnival before the feast

The news that Alien Star is about to attack on a large scale soon spread through the contact between the apostasy and Pandora's local players, as well as the forum.

Pandora players were extremely bewildered when they first heard the news.

Isn't it because of their bravery that they took the initiative to shrink and retreat the last time they fought the alien? Why suddenly they decided to launch a general attack. And they actually tried to trap them to death in the Valley of the End. Now that they know the news, can they let the aliens succeed again?

It's just that this news didn't come very early compared to the alien's rapid march.

Tian Xinling and Su Ye just notified Pandora's players about the news. Before these players could report it, Pandora detected the army of alien army in the forge camp and marched towards their final base.

Before the player could say anything, the NPC, the protagonist of Pandora Star, discussed with others, the decision was made, and it was decided to gather all the remaining power and seek refuge in the Valley of the End. The End Yan Valley is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It sits on the dangerous pass, and has been the shelter of Pandora Star since ancient times. Two hundred years ago, the warcraft was in chaos, and the humans scattered from all over the world gathered here, and finally defeated the leader of the warcraft, and saved the human civilization in the edifice.

Now they are encountering alien stars, in fact, there is no difference between them and Warcraft. They also firmly believe that as long as they can return to the valley of the end and rely on natural dangers, they can guarantee an invincible place. After all, they have such experience. This time I encountered the difficulties of all human beings, and this experience was naturally moved out again.

When the player learned of the decision of the savior and everyone, he couldn't help being stunned and his jaw dropped.

Because this decision is really outrageous, going to the End Yan Valley is simply going to die. There is no way to enter that place, and even the alien army does not need to attack. After a month or two, it will destroy itself because there is no food in stock.

Players have repeatedly advised, only hope that the savior will consider it again. But the savior only said a word, leaving the players speechless and hate it.

"You are strangers and you can be reborn after death. So you are not afraid of death. And we are real people. Once killed, there is no way to resurrect. Fate allows you to make wrong decisions because you Can bear the price. But we are different. Fate only gives us one chance. We must make more careful choices."

The players were speechless.

Although the savior was right, he knew that he had made a wrong decision, but there was no way to stop or refute it.

This makes the player very angry.

The players have no way to break away from the main storyline, so even if they know that Alien will drive all humans to the Endyan Valley to round up, they must bite the bullet to keep up and fight this hopeless battle.

The alien army is overwhelming and overwhelming.

Especially the highly mobile Shadow Dog, it is like a blood-red shroud spreading across the plain. This creature with extremely strong physical resistance and magic resistance has become Pandora's nightmare.

As we all know, Pandora is a magical planet. Whether it is a player or an NPC, the mainstream is playing magic.

They have defeated the terrifying lake monitor lizard, the mountain giant entrenched in the cave...These are all trampled under their feet.

But now, when I encounter the Shadow Dog, he looks like a hedgehog at a loss and has to run away in a hurry.

Only a few who delve into magic puppets, machinery or warriors can contend one or two. However, people with this kind of profession are always a minority in Pandora, and small-scale sneak attacks are okay, and it is impossible to achieve a frontal battle.

After Xinling and Su Ye learned of the situation, their teeth were itchy with anger.

They took the risk to deliver the news, but Pandora's savior was like a stone in a pit, smelly and hard, and they didn't listen.

is Link, who will listen carefully to the players' thoughts and opinions. Pandora and Victoria's savior are really unpleasant in character.

Even players with two novice planets have to admitLink, yyds!

is almost the perfect NPC incarnation.

Although the players complained, but the evacuation should follow the evacuation! Otherwise, where do the tasks, experience, and rewards come from?

A large number of people formed a crowd, winding through the mountains, rivers and valleys, like a black dragon.

Some of the people carried heavy bags, and some drove their own donkey carts, which were full of things, like a small drum bag. A beggar in ragged clothes with a cane, not even a pair of shoes on his feet, but also following in the line, without the intention of giving up. Large families have several carriages, and there are special guards to take care of the luggage, and the convoy can line up tens of meters.

Although they have different identities, different backgrounds, and different occupations.

But at this moment, they are Pandora's last hope for mankind.

In the face of such a long and slow team, the savior and the players are anxious.

Now the alien is behind, especially the shadow dog's chasing speed is extremely fast. If it is at the current speed, the shadow dog will be "tailed" by the shadow dog before it reaches the end of the valley.

Once these unarmed people are overtaken by the Shadow Dogs, it will be a unilateral slaughter.

Furthermore, there is an endless plain in front of the End Yan Valley, without any obstacles, the Shadow Dog can be said to be in a land of no one. The most terrifying thing is that the Shadow Dogs also mixed into the crowd and ran into the Valley of the End. When the time comes, inside and outside the enemy, Pandora's magical civilization and human society will be completely destroyed.

"Let go of everything, go lightly and quickly enter the End Yan Valley!" Antonidas rode back and forth in the team, instructing the nearby people to put down their valuables and treasures, with a lot of anxiety in his tone.

Looking far away, he saw the dark forces expanding at the end of the sky.

On the extremely distant mountains, overcast clouds, green thunder and lightning are restless, rolling forward with dark clouds.

A wicked atmosphere was separated by hundreds of miles, but there was a feeling of squally stormy rain.

Antonidas has a solemn expression, and the current situation is getting more and more urgent, but these people can't feel it, and they still insist on keeping their property. Looking at these ignorant people, Antonidas gritted his teeth angrily, and a deep sense of powerlessness welled out. He tried his best, is it just such a group of people that he wants to save? Can such a person really be regarded as Pandora's human future?

I tried so hard to turn the tide, is it worth it or not?

Just when Antonidas doubted his beliefs, a long crowd of people gradually sent a riot from behind.

"Come, the devil of the alien is here!"


As soon as this remark came out, the crowds who had been advancing slowly just now suddenly looked like frightened animals in the migration, fleeing in panic.

Beggars and people without longs ran the fastest, some even without a bag, and ran towards the two huge statues of the emperor in the End Yan Valley not far away.

As long as they pass through the statue pass, they are safe!

But for many of the wealthy local tyrants and squires, the team still can't improve the speed.

"The coachman, I'll add ten gold coins to you, hurry up!" The fat boss stretched his head out of the carriage and glanced at the rioting crowd behind. Many people had already ran ahead of them from the side, which gave them a lot of urgency. .

The coachman looked sad: "Master, it's not that I don't speed up, but I can't add it up! There are so many things on the car, and the horses haven't slept and eaten well these days, and now they can't run at all. Master See if you throw away something so that we can get to the front."

The squire furrowed his brows, thinking about what to throw away and speeding up, he couldn't help turning his eyes to the fat lady on the side.

The fat lady wrinkled her brows, and gave a glance at the squire: "My clothes and cosmetics are carefully selected from home. These things must not be thrown away! What else will I wear when I go to End Yan Valley? ?"

"Then my wife, how about we throw away the kennel and the dog's toys? Three big boxes filled with one dog's stuff!" the squire asked tentatively.

The fat lady's voice improved a lot, and she shouted in a hysterical shrill voice: "How can that be! If you throw those away, how can Andy live in the End Valley? Is it to be wild with those vulgar mud legs? Are the species crowded together in the mud to grab food? If Mrs. Lewis knows this, we will look down upon us again!"

The squire was speechless, turned his head to look at his daughter, but was interrupted by her daughter before she even spoke: "I don't have much. There are only six boxes of clothes and five boxes of cosmetics. These are necessary for a lady. And I There are only a few more boxes than Andy. Why do you want me to be worse than a dog in the family?"

"What about yourself, you have more than twenty boxes, why don't you throw it away?" The fat lady turned her finger at the squire.

The squire stared at his wife, his face flushed red, and shouted after a moment: "My box is filled with money, or I will throw away all the dozen boxes of money!?"

"Don't don't don't, husband, don't be angry, I'm just talking. Actually, don't worry, there are so many people behind us. Even if the alien army comes, it will definitely not be our turn. Let's hold on again. Hold on for a while and you will reach the end of Yan Valley, and it will be safe!"

The squire gasped with anger, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was a long dragon for several kilometers behind them.

Even if the Alien Dogs really come over, they must first eat those mud-legged and low-strength breeds that can't eat, and they will definitely survive.

" Coachman, you can speed up a little bit, and hurry up!" Despite this, the squire was still a little anxious, and his whole heart was hanging in the air.

At this moment, the squire's daughter stared at the back of the coachman thoughtfully. After a while, he asked in a low voice, "My father, didn't you say that the car is too heavy? In fact, we can kick the car down. There is only a short distance left. As long as you hold the reins, you can reach the end. Valley."

The squire's eyes lit up when he heard it. This is indeed a good way. It can not only reduce the weight of one person, but also give a little less money. It is simply killing two birds with one stone!

"Good daughter, you deserve it, you really belong to you!" The squire couldn't help giving his daughter a thumbs up.

After that, he stepped forward and lifted the carriage door curtain. The fat body charged up and kicked the thin coachman out of the carriage.

As the coachman screamed and fell to the ground, there was a burst of joy in the carriage.

"Husband, you are great!"

"Long live father!"

After falling from the carriage, the coachman fell to the ground and was caught under the carriage. One leg was too late to be pulled away, and he was run over by heavy wheels.


what! !

And against the cheers are the sound of broken bones and screams.

Because it ran over a person's legs, the carriage swayed from side to side, and the weight **** on it also swayed, making a crunching sound.

The horse pulling the cart in front was a bit crooked, staggered, turned his head and ran into the narrator's horse.

Then the frightened horse began to run wildly, and it was useless to let the squire tighten the reins.

Everyone is fleeing, the scene is chaotic.

A lot of red appeared on the horizon in the distance, and the neighing of the shadow dog spread in the sky, telling the end of the day in advance.

The air is full of decayed and lifeless human breath. These are the best lunches for Shadow Dogs.

Shadow Dog opened its fangs, and saliva dripped from between the teeth.

Today, I can finally have a full meal.

Fear, flesh and blood, how delicious!

Antonidas and the members of the Magic Kingdom, facing the completely broken order, there is no way to start.

Chaos dominates. Faced with people who want to vent their fears, running to the end of the valley at this moment is their only goal.

The local tyrants who abandoned their treasures, and the people who robbed all kinds of transportation. But there are also misers who cling to their treasures.

Antonidas saw, at the farthest point, a swaying wagon, full of cargo, and advancing at the speed of a tortoise.

The charging shadow dog is killing a long dragon at a very fast speed, and the carriage is the first to bear the brunt.

The shadow dog swooped to pull the coachman down, and then a group of shadow dogs gathered around to divide the body. In the blink of an eye, the kung fu coachman was bloody, and there was only one body left. The rest of the shadow dogs jumped into the carriage and screamed inexplicably grief. A hand stretched out from the car window, but within a few moments it was abruptly pulled back...

The country squire who kicked the coachman before has never had the experience of driving a horse. At the moment when the crowd was turbulent and the scene was chaotic, the carriage was damaged and cracked after the carriage was crushed by the coachman. As the carriage shook abruptly, a wheel was twisted together. The long sound of the car was distorted because it could no longer bear the weight.

The whole squire panicked. If the weight and damage are now, the end Yangu will not be reached at all!

The crowds behind continued to rush, passing the carriage and running to the front.

All kinds of pots and pans, clothes and jewelry on the ground, boxes fell on the ground one by one, and the gold coins in UU Reading fell to the ground, and the ground seemed to be covered with a layer of Chinese clothes.

"If we don't throw anything, we won't be able to leave!" the squire yelled, his eyes split.

The fat lady hugged her dog son tightly, and the daughter beside her also turned her head, and no one was willing to give in.

"It's this time, do you still want to live!" The squire grabbed the Teddy in the hands of the fat lady and threw it out the car window. Then climbed to the roof of the car and kicked off the three boxes of the puppy, as well as the boxes of clothing and cosmetics.

The fat lady and daughter stuck their heads out of the carriage and shouted hysterically: "You are crazy! My Andy..."

At this moment, the carriage could no longer hold up due to the violent movement of the carriage back and forth and broke directly.

The whole carriage crashed to the side and crashed into the crowd...

P.S: I have to buy a bedroom closet and get a vaccine tomorrow. It is estimated that there is not much time to update, so please take a leave first. Of course, if you come back early, Wanjun will finish writing as soon as possible~

Thanks to Pippi Orz for the reward of 500 starting coins

(End of this chapter)