Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 565

Chapter 565

The macaw straightened up immediately and shouted in the Nerubian language: "I won't give in, give up your heart!"

After speaking, he winked at the silver devil, then opened his mouth and said silently with his lips: watch me wink and act.

The Silver Devil was a little confused, what a shame, isn't this embarrassing?

With such small eyes and big rice grains, it is not easy to see the eyes, and to see the eyes of a hammer.

Without waiting for the silver devil to say anything, the sound of Shasha's footsteps got closer, and it had to change its front and said fiercely: "You are now useless with a hard mouth. When you see the queen, let you know how powerful our spider demon clan is!"

Not long after that, many spider monsters appeared in the crypt.

The macaw headlight shone past, and there were densely packed spider monsters, all with huge abdominal cavity and thin upper body. A pair of pliers clicked on their mouths, and the dense spider eyes looked straight at the macaw and the silver monster on the side.

Good guy, it doesn't matter if you don't look at it, just take a look at the macaw's intensive phobia and almost died on the spot.

The population of the spider monsters is strictly hierarchical. Although the silver monsters after the evolution have undergone certain changes in appearance, the structure is basically the same, and their body is exuding surging dark void energy, which makes these ordinary spider monsters afraid to approach.

The silver devil turned around, and his eyes swept across the spider monsters in front of him. All of these spider monsters bowed their heads respectfully, "Priest."

The silver devil has a slender body and is nearly two meters tall after synthesis. Although the upper body looks thin and weak, it emits this dark energy and feels full of oppression. The abdominal cavity and limbs are all hidden under the biological armor formed by the pendant and mithril, revealing a grace and luxury.

"I caught the king's close ministers of the land empire when I was performing my mission, and I am going to dedicate it to Her Majesty the Queen. You will lead the way."

The Spider Demon didn't have any doubts. After all, the priest's orders were nothing but imperial edicts to them except for the queen's orders.

The mighty army of arachnid is leading the way. Some arachnid wants to take the rope tied to the captive in the silver devil's hand, and is directly forced away by the silver devil's powerful aura, staring straight at the arachnids: "You want Take my credit?"

The Spider Demon hurriedly backed away and leaned forward, his tone of voice was tense, and his eight eyes trembled without a spirit: "Don't dare, I just want to share your worries for you, and I will never have any arrogant thoughts."

"Then get away!" The Silver Devil's tone was sharp, and he didn't put this flattery in his eyes.

Hearing the words of the Silver Devil, the macaw felt a little relieved.

The hierarchy of the spider monsters is indeed strict. Although there are many spider monsters in the crypt, which is overcrowded, there is a lot of space around the silver monsters and macaws. Other spider monsters would rather detour than invade the silver monster's domain.

I don't know how long it has been, the macaw saw a ray of light appearing in the tunnel in the distance.

As we move forward, the light gets stronger and stronger.

The last white light swept across, and the macaw was stabbed and closed its eyes.

After getting used to it for a long time, only then slowly opened his eyes, and immediately the macaw was shocked and opened his mouth to look at the scene of extraordinary work.

Coming out of the cramped and gloomy crypt, in front of the open and magnificent architectural scene, there are only two words in the Macaw's mind-art, mighty.

The magnificent dome is as large as the sky, and the top is inlaid with countless crystals that emit a slight light, which is as bright as the stars in the night sky.

In the main hall, there are four huge stone pillars, directly dome from the ground, with a height of hundreds of meters, which is much higher than the Morros Building, the tallest in Shadu. On the stone pillars, the unique hieroglyphs of the Nerubians are used to write the long history of the Nerubians family, which will last forever.

The polished slate on the ground, like a mirror, can directly reflect the shadow, and together with the glittering crystal on the dome, it is reflected on the ground slab, giving people a feeling of swimming in the Milky Way.

The grandest light in the entire hall is behind the main seat in front.

A huge cluster of crystal crystals, the naturally grown crystals have sharp edges and corners, and their spikes generally radiate out. They are 20 to 30 meters high, and the whole body is exuding a weird pink color. Under the crystal cluster, there is a huge suspended throne. The architectural sculptures of the throne and the processing of various details make the macaw amazed.

In the Free Federation Earth World, it has also seen many buildings of different cultures, but none of them can compare with the buildings of the Nerubian Empire in terms of grandeur and detail.

"I thought that Link said that the Nerubian Empire was good at building was just a normal compliment. Now it seems that this good at is really awesome."

After entering the Great Hall, all the spider monsters retreated to the sides of the stone pillars, and they lined up in rows respectfully and neatly.

The silver devil led the tied macaw all the way to the bottom of the main hall, and then said loudly: "Ask the spider demon Ubis, ask to see her Majesty the Queen."

As soon as the voice fell, a lot of slender spider monsters dressed in luxurious robes walked out on both sides of the steps.

On the road before, the silver demon introduced to the macaw that the spider demon who can wear long robes are all priests.

The priest ranks second in the hierarchy of the Nerubian Empire.

The queen is the highest rank in the Nerubian Empire. There are two types of nobility, one is priests, and the other is warriors. And below this aristocratic class is the civilian class, all ordinary spider monsters.

Among them, the priest is a natural magical affinity after birth, or a qualified person, who can start with an apprentice, then a deacon, and then a priest. Warriors are born with infinite vitality, and their body shapes are quite different from ordinary spider monsters and priests. They are more like giant beetles or long beetles. They are usually responsible for the protection of ordinary spider monsters and the guards of the queen.

On the high and low steps, all the priests of the spider demon appeared, and twelve priests stood on the left and right sides of the six steps.

And the gorgeousness of the clothes, from low to high, when it reaches the sixth level, you can see that in addition to the clothes, there is a disc-shaped thing behind the head of the spider demon, like a screen behind the head. . Similar things have been seen only on King Kong, but there is Buddha's light in the back of King Kong.

These priests are the discs behind their heads.

what is this?

Do you treat yourself as a dish?

The twelve priests on the stage were all shocked when they saw the silver devil whose body was more glamorous than them, overflowing with dark energy. Before Ubis was just a small deacon, he was sent out to do a mission, but after returning, his strength increased so much. The energy fluctuations contained in his body seemed to be higher than that of most priests.

One of the highest priests said: "You were sent out to do the task before, why did you come back alone, and now you have to meet the queen again, what is the so-called?"

The silver devil tugged, and the macaw was dragged forward for two steps. Then he turned his body and said: "Some accident happened in the middle of the mission. I will report this to the queen personally. As for the prisoner behind me. , Is it a close minister of the ruler Link on the ground, or a confidential secretary, and I will talk to the queen in detail for the rest."

The macaw also said frantically at the right time: "Just wait for the spider monsters, it's ridiculous. Just let me go quickly, otherwise the anger of my master will not be able to resist your little group of spider monsters."

The macaw said this in the language of the spider magic. The twelve priests on the stage looked at each other and saw 96 shocked eyes between each other.

It's incredible that a fat parrot can speak fluent Nerubian language.

You must know that the Nerubian lives underground, and rarely conflicts with the ground, let alone communication, and there is very little language exudation.

Coupled with the words of the Silver Devil just now, and the strange changes in it, the twelve priests unanimously decided that it was time to invite the Queen to appear and discern everything.

"Then...respectfully welcome your Majesty the Queen."

The twelve priests stretched out their arthropods and hugged them across their chests, murmured melodious and difficult curses, and their voices floated back and forth in the entire hall, adding a touch of holiness.

The macaw frowned. Although it has a gift for language, the Nerubian language was mastered after learning the silver devil for more than a day. It has no accent at all. However, when encountering these ancient words like spells, he could only be blinded and couldn't help but look at the silver devil.

The silver devil also saw the small eyes of the macaw at the right time, and saw the heavy scrutiny in them, his eyes seemed to say: So you are the "Nine Leak Fish" of the Nerubian Education!

It's just that now in the hall, the Silver Devil has no way to explain it. This is a university course! It's a deacon that can't even touch such a deep curse.



The sound of two slamming metal hitting the ground.

Stirring back and forth in the wide palace, the sound waves generated even shocked the macaw's mind and opened its mouth in a daze.

Two behemoths appeared on the next high level.

The reason it is said to be a behemoth is really because it is too large. With a body over 20 meters high, the ground trembles every step of the way. The body is covered with a hard chitin shell, the huge tentacles look unusually sharp, and there are insect wings behind them. The appearance is really like a huge long beetle.

The heavily armed armor resembles a general on the battlefield. Under the armor are a pair of eyes that emit purple light, and the top is a sharp and huge curved horn. In his hand, he holds a sharp-edged spear with a crystal head, which is as high as the body.

The two Nerubian warriors are standing on the left and right sides of the throne, showing a defense.

In the eyes of the macaw, these two terrifying spears can easily pierce the high-rise buildings of Shadu.

Turtle, this is too brave.

Immediately afterwards, the spider demons around the four pillars all leaned over and obeyed.

The Spider Sorceress walked out slowly from the side, covered with a layer of veil like stars, as if covering the entire Milky Way on her body. The body is extremely slender, and the huge abdominal cavity is blocked by the four spreading arthropods, but it does not make people feel bloated, but it is just right.

The four tentacles and the short limbs on the chest shimmered pink like a cluster of crystals on the back, and there were two things on top of the head that looked like open butterfly wings, like tentacles. The abdominal cavity and body limbs are inlaid with exquisite and gorgeous decorations and clothing.

The macaw swallowed and was shocked.

Compared with the appearance of the Spider Witch Queen, the appearances it has seen before are simply inferior!

Even the silver devil was half kneeling, greeting the queen.

The empress stood on a high platform, giving people a sense of grace and elegance.

Rao is a macaw, looking at the queen and feeling her whole body radiant, she actually gave birth to a feeling of kneeling and swaying, her heart swaying, ashamed of herself.

The macaw shook his head abruptly, forcing himself to wake up, his eyes full of alertness.

Good guy, almost caught the empress's way.

The macaw could not see whether it was the queen's own ability or the energy of the crystals worn on her body.

But now it is vigilant, and then absolutely must be careful, because it may be careless, there is no flash, and it suddenly overturned.

The empress opened her mouth slowly, but her voice was completely different from her appearance, slightly pointed, and the two calipers at the corners of her mouth kept swinging along with the opening, making a crisp sound.

"Ubis, it seems that you got some gifts while performing the mission. Now that I am here, you can speak."

The Silver Devil will explain what happened when he was performing a mission outside, adding more energy and vinegar to it.

Of course, in some cases, facts are respected, but most of the content is a magical version that has been deliberated by the macaw.

For example, the silver devil's abilities all came from within the ruins.

At that time, they dug inside the stone and saw the ancient desert pharaoh. As a result, at this time the enemy oriole was behind and wanted to grab the fruits of this victory. Ubis grabbed the treasure representing the Pharaoh at a critical moment. When he was about to escape, he was hit by the enemy's energy cannon, but accidentally had a chemical reaction with the Mithril and Void Essence in the treasure, merged, and became what it is now. .

After evolution, the silver devil's companions have been killed by the enemy, and during the battle, the silver devil discovered that this fat parrot could actually speak the language of the spider demon, and immediately realized that there might be a big conspiracy in it, so it caught it. The macaw, the person in charge, escaped through the complex environment of the crypt.

After listening to the silver devil's statement, the expressions on the faces of the twelve priests changed several times. Some looked at each other in disbelief, but they felt very reasonable. Because whether it is the mithril on the silver devil's body, or emits a strong dark void energy, they can't be faked.

The Spider Queen Shakonia was obviously also infected by this thrilling plot, and she was silent for a long time before she recovered slightly.

At first, the spider demon excavated the tunnel, and news of the discovery of the Pharaoh's tomb was passed back to the spider demon empire, so the priest arranged the spider demon and the deacon to check it out.

The time when the Nerubian appeared on this continent is even longer than the history of mankind, especially for the pharaoh dynasty thousands of years ago. It's a pity that the stone wall of the Pharaoh's tomb is too thick, and after a long time of excavation, there is only a crack.

"Apart from Mithril and Void Essence, what else did you find in the Pharaoh's Tomb?" Shakonia asked.

The silver devil answered truthfully: "There is also the moon ship of Pharaoh Tumon, and the soul box wearing a golden mask. But these have been taken away by the humans on the land."

"Since the soul box is there, then there is a way to awaken his soul. Maybe you can learn from him the knowledge and artifacts that extraterritorial civilization gave mankind thousands of years ago." Shakonia finished speaking, looking at the fat follower beside the silver devil. The macaw like a quail couldn't help but praised: "Ubis, you did a good job this time. You have been promoted. From now on, you will be the thirteenth priest of the priesthood."