Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 436

Chapter 436

After Link released the task, a new task prompt appeared in the system.

[You have triggered the main city mission [ShaduRed Dragon's Back Camp]]

[Task reminder: The Red Dragon's Back contains rich mineral resources, and it is a strategically important place to regain the desert. Take the Red Dragon's Back and take the initiative in this war! ]

[Task reward: 300,000 experience points, two random skill books]

Lin Ke silently accepted the task.

Since becoming the leader of the forces, similar missions in the main city have been endless, and the rewards are also very generous.

It's no wonder that many well-known players in the previous life became the spokespersons of the influence. You can earn a lot of money from these tasks alone, which is much better than those players who are looking for tasks to do.

Under Link's "careful training", the players of Shadu have now surpassed their previous lives in average strength, and both the number of tasks and equipment have been greatly improved. If you compare the players of Dragon City and Faye to refugees, then the players of Shadu are obviously Link's "pro sons", and all kinds of large-scale projects are coming, making them dizzy.

The sales of Steppenwolf mounts are just in full swing, and the Monster Security Company's "Gobi Oasis Hunting" plan was launched on an ordinary afternoon.

TV advertisements, broadcasts, and various propaganda panels were overwhelmingly propagated, and the viral slogan "Come to the Gobi Oasis, give the body and mind a vacation" swept the entire sand.

The first second in the promo was still harmonious and natural, and the next second he became a man with long blond hair, muscular knots, and domineering. His upper body was barely wispy, and his scarred muscles were extremely fierce. The whole person was like a mad man. The lion is fighting with a group of beasts with bare hands.

Fist to the flesh, with the powerful BGM, only let people feel the blood erupting.

"In a hand-to-hand fight with wild beasts, you can feel the unity of heart, body, and skills, and find your true self..."

At the end of the screen, a circle of wild beasts all wailed and fell to the ground. Only the middle-aged blond in the Gobi loess stood alone.

"If you have the courage, come and challenge!"

"I am here waiting for you!"

Mad Lion's magnetic and thick voice, coupled with the domineering propaganda film, immediately felt an impulse after watching it, as if only by going to the Gobi Oasis and fighting beasts to prove that he was a man with iron blood.

For players, after seeing the promotional video, they have a completely different view.

"This, isn't this just a time-limited kill to gain experience?"

"It's a good place to spend money to kill monsters and upgrade your combat specialty level."

"The last time I watched, the level of the beasts in the Gobi Oasis is not low, and the experience is definitely not low. If the price is right, a trip should be able to get a lot of experience." As the player level increases, the level is no longer the only one. Experience-intensive users, many professional deep-level skills also require the level of pre-skills, and the upgrading of skills also consumes a lot of experience, making players stretched.

Now that the Gobi Oasis is open, they have another convenient and quick experience place.

At this moment, in the forum, in addition to the players who discussed the Gobi Oasis, there are also some players discussing the golden retriever man in the promo.

"Who is the NPC of the Golden Retriever Lion King 2.0 version? Why is there no impression."

"It feels like this man is a bit hungry. It seems that he belongs to the martial arts system. From the performance point of view, it feels even better than the old turtle."

"I have a feeling that if you get an excellent performance in the Gobi Oasis, maybe you can trigger this person's hidden mission."

"You don't even know this? No, no, no, no? No? One of the four heavenly kings of Moros, the northern king of wild lion, his profession is martial arts-berserker. Later he returned to Link, Lin One of the Titans in the consortium."

"What the upstairs said is correct. Among players who know it, we generally call it the Golden Retriever Lion King."

After learning the true identity and occupation of the Mad Lion, there were more and more analysis monsters in the post, which made it even more conclusive about the hidden mission.

As a member of the think tank, Pirate Liang participated in the entire Gobi Oasis publicity work.

According to Penguin Peny, it is to allow the Pirates to get in touch with the publicity work, not only to promote the Shadu and Lin consortium in the waste Saturn, but also to promote more in the Blue Star where they are located to attract more foreigners. Came to Shadu.

So after the launch of the promotional video, Pirates came to the forum to check the player's reaction and feedback.

As a result, I saw a wide range of analysis of the players.

Some speculations are different, but some speculations are crushed.

As for why the Mad Lion participated in the recording of the promotional video, it is because everyone else has their own work to be busy, the old lady tortoise is too insignificant and not photogenic, and the four popular scenes of "Renaissance" are not enough to have the feeling of a blockbuster. After all, the martial arts department, which can be used for many purposes, is left alone with the wild lion, and the wild image matches the style of the promo.

But the player didn't guess everything.

At least after the Mad Lion participated in the filming, the supervisor Penny did give him an extra task.

The specific details are not clear. I only know that if you meet a certain requirement in the Gobi Oasis, you can indeed get a special mission from the Mad Lion, and the reward is the Berserker career.

Pirate Liang is going to tell the news to Husband.

After all, this guy has studied martial arts in all games for ten years. If his deputy can become a berserker, his personal strength will definitely increase.

As for the Pirate Liang himself, he focused on the astrologers of the constellations early by virtue of his work, and when he opened his secondary career at level 20, he would find the constellations to learn as soon as possible.

Pirate Liang took out his cell phone and sent a text message to Rejoice like a chasing wind, asking him to meet at the sunset cocktail restaurant in Shangcheng District.

It didn't take long for Chasing Wind to call the Pirate Liangren's phone, and said: "The Gobi Oasis is open. I'm counting the people of the Miracle Guild. It's really time for you to ask me to drink coffee now!"

"You also know that the Gobi Oasis is open, don't you know that this is my announcement?"

Zhuifeng's eyes lit up, and his sensitivity as the chairman made him realize that there is something in the words of Pirate Liang, "Do you know any inside information?"

The thief cools off: "Then it depends on whether the coffee you bought is fragrant."

After hanging up the phone, Zhuifeng immediately instructed the king of the dog: "You will take the brothers to the Gobi Oasis later, I have to go to the city."

King Gou left in surprise: "President, are you going back to the city at this time?"

Players know that every time Link opens a new event, it is an outlet.

Sacred Tree Nuoxi, Sacred Wood City, Steppenwolf, all are like this.

This time the Gobi Oasis is open. Although the players in the forum have differences and the discussion is full of gunpowder, but in fact, no one wants to miss this opportunity.

A lot of people can be achieved every time.

Chasing the wind and stealing cool people during the closed beta period, bombing chicken and cold front after the open beta.

This time, everyone wants to be a "pig on the wind" and naturally enthusiastically sign up.

Compared with the high-threshold steppenwolves before, the Gobi Oasis this time is obviously more close to the people.

Players have an average level of 15 or 16, and 3000 waste soil coins are still available.

The threshold is low, so everyone wants to try it, maybe if you are lucky, you can encounter hidden tasks. Even if you don't see it, you can spend money to buy experience and upgrade your basic specialty level, it's not a loss.

"Well, you go first, take a look at the situation by the way, and count the information. The one that flies the fastest right now is not necessarily the one that flies the farthest." Chasing the wind tossed a wise word, and drove his silver sports car from the garage. , Rushed to Shadu for the first time.

Just as the players rushed for the Gobi Oasis and gathered at the entrance under the Weeping Valley, Link stood on the balcony, and all the players who gathered in the distance into the ocean fell into the eye.

Link did not interfere with Monster Security's plan for the Gobi Oasis.

After a night of discussion, modification and running-in between Supervisor Penny and the think tank, the new operation plan and plan can handle most situations. At the same time, the first batch of thugs in the Shadu slum changed from loose and lazy clothes to black suits and sunglasses on the walkie-talkie, and entered the Gobi Oasis Ticket Office under the Weeping Valley, opening a brand new "professional life".

And Link's focus is now all on the excellent event [Beast Change] activated after the completion of the main city mission [Shadu Gobi Oasis].

A good event, if it can get a good evaluation, will be very rewarding.

[Beast Change] The event is activated, but the whole event is like a mess of hairballs. I can't figure out my clues and find no thread.

Although Link can't tell the prophet, he has a "causal weapon" in his hands.

After dialing the phone in hand, the call was connected with a beep.

"Boss, what do you want me to do?" Ah Fu's voice seemed very excited, and the boss called him to arrange important tasks. Compared to working as a manager in the Colosseum, Ah Fu still prefers to stay with the boss, full of novelty and excitement.

Link said slowly: "I have a task here, you have to."

Hearing the words "you must", Ah Fu was trembling with excitement.

What is meant by "you must" is that only you can do this, and no one else can do it!

This means that the boss regards him seriously.

Ah Fu said with confidence: "Boss, you said, Ah Fu is fearless and can do all tasks!"

Link nodded in satisfaction, young man, just have to have this momentum.

"Oh, it's actually okay. Don't you manage the Colosseum? As the Colosseum manager, now the Gobi Oasis is open. As a leader, how can you not go and see what pets have a future? , You can introduce it to the Colosseum."

Ah Fu's eyes lit up, and he clapped his thigh.

"Boss, don't worry, I will prepare to accompany you to visit the Gobi Oasis."

"Oh, I've been busy in recent days. I won't go, but I will find you a reliable partner, and you two will go together."

There was a little disappointment on Ah Fu's face, but when he heard that there was a reliable partner, the images of Li Ziqian, Xing Su, Huang Quan, Allen and others flashed through his mind.

"Resolutely complete the task!"

After Ah Fu hung up the phone, he immediately handed over the work at hand to his deputy Fred, and then hurried to the Howling Castle.

After hanging up the phone, Link shouted to the balcony: "Old Jin, there is a task~"

As soon as the words fell, Link's office door opened sharply, a strong wind came in, and the figure of the macaw appeared in front of Link.

"Macaw, come and report!"

I saw the macaw raised its wings and straightened its waist to salute, and it also carried a cotton hat like a cartoon pig head on its forehead. A bow is tied with a rope at the chin.

[Image here]

Link was stunned: "Why are you still wearing a hat?"

The macaw sighed helplessly: "It's not a good way. It may be that I used too much filming of chickens. I looked in the mirror before going to bed at night and found signs of baldness. People have to guard against it in middle age~" Take out a thermos cup, unscrew the bottle cap and let the fragrance of wolfberry float.

"Plus winter is here, the weather is a bit cold. If you don't pay attention to head care, I'm afraid that the grass outside next year will grow up, and my brain will be bald~" The macaw said with a mouthful of hot water.

When birds reach middle age, focus on health preservation.

Well, it makes sense.

"Since you have all been maintained, I understand that you are always prepared for the task, so I specially arranged a task for you."

"What mission?"

Link checked the time of his watch. It is estimated that there will be about ten minutes before Ah Fu arrives.

"Go to the Gobi Oasis to take a photo with Ah Fu."

The macaw's face changed wildly, and he curiously said: "Link, Ah Fu has done nothing wrong, why did you send him to the Gobi Oasis? I heard Penny said, it's always dangerous, hundreds of thousands. Beast, after returning to the natural environment, it seems to start to move around... It's not what I said, sometimes you still have to allow young people to make mistakes, protect their face afterwards, and criticize it. There is no need to be so stiff, just send in. , Can it come out alive?"

Link was speechless for a while: "I know there is an opportunity in the Gobi Oasis, but this kind of thing is illusory, and it is not safe for me to send anyone, so I can only send Ah Fu. Let you follow him, mainly for the record As the incident goes, take him with your old fritters' qualifications and **** him."

The macaw stared at Link with slanting eyes: "That's Since it's a matter of taking care of the younger generation, why don't I have a macaw to be a horse."

The macaw swished and disappeared, and came back after a while, with a camera chicken on its head.

After a while, Ah Fu ran to the office of Wuthering Castle with his teeth, and came to report to the boss. By the way, who was Kang Kang's little friend.

But when Ah Fu opened the door and saw that there were only Link and the macaw in the office, his face suddenly stiffened.

An extremely terrifying thought was generated: Is it possible that the boss of this wave let him go to the Gobi Oasis with the macaw?

Ah Fu: This wave seems to be weight-bearing exercises!

Seeing Ah Fu's broken expression, the macaw suddenly stopped getting angry.

He didn't even dislike him yet, this guy disliked himself first!

"Since you are all here, let's go. Later, it will change." Link looked through the balcony from the study, and players have begun to enter the Gobi Oasis.