Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 18

Chapter 18

As we all know, the quality of monsters is white, green, blue, purple, orange, and gold in order.

The silver queen is the first blue pet that Link has synthesized. Although it is only light blue, it also represents a leap in quality.

After reading the introduction to the monster's attributes, Link took a deep breath.

This is too strong!

can eat metal, can survive even without food, is amazingly fertile, and can be violent.

Although there is only one active and one passive skill, the effects of these two skills are quite powerful.

In addition to the silver queen, the other marching ants in the nest have also completed the 'glorious evolution' and have become silver marching ants.

Link can clearly perceive the marching ants in the ant nest, just like the red blood cells in the blood vessels moving back and forth on the high-speed passage built by the ant nest.

Link also felt that in the center of the silver ant nest, there was a strong atmosphere different from other marching ants.

Link approached, and the marching ants felt his thoughts and all retreated to the side.

The original face of the ant nest gradually revealed. Link saw the silver queen in the deepest part of the ant nest, with a thin torso and a plump and plump abdomen that obviously did not match the size of the body.

The silver queen ant is about the size of a palm. Under the light, it emits a silver glow, which looks like an exquisite silver craft.

Link stepped forward and stretched out his palm.

The two tentacles on the silver queen's head swing up and down, and then stretched out the forelimbs, twisted and put it on Link's hands, dragging the fat body up little by little.

This kind of touch is very novel.

Link can feel the subtle touch of the ant's forelimbs on the palm of the hand, as well as the cold metal texture.

It is hard to believe that the silver queen is a real creature, not a work of art.

The pincer-like upper jaw of the silver queen ant is clearly visible, and the two tentacles are lightly touched on the palm of the hand.

The silver queen seemed to be familiar with the owner's taste, and began to move boldly on Link's hands.

The six feet of the queen ant move on Link's palm, and Link can clearly feel the touch of the feet and skin.

It's not piercing, it's a little itchy, and there is a goose bump on his arm.

The queen moved and trembled, mainly because the abdomen was too big and bloated.

Link saw that the queen wanted to drag her body to climb on her arm, and immediately reached out and stopped.

"I'll be a good boy, you have to be careful, I will lose a lot if I have a first-rate birth."

Link held the silver queen and put it back into the center of the nest.

As long as there is sufficient food, the queen can produce and grow the team.

Without food, silver marching ants can survive.

Synthesis has changed the internal structure of their bodies, and the role of food is only to provide energy for the production queen.

This is simply an immortal force!

Link turned his gaze to the other marching ants.

With only one thought, all the worker ants on the ground crawled out of the ant nest, gathered in a group, and waited for the inspection by the owner Link.

"Connect as a bridge!"

Link gave an order, and all the worker ants all started to move, stacking up one by one, and quickly formed a curved silver bridge.

Link stepped forward, tried to step on the ladder, and slowly raised the other foot, and found that the strength of the worker ants was enough to support him.

looks like a bridge where worker ants gather, but the actual feeling on the feet is no different from the concrete floor.

Ordinary marching ants can lift objects that are a hundred times heavier than the body, and the enhanced silver marching ants have stronger potential.

The iron bridge made up of a bunch of marching ants can actually support Link's weight.

Link retreated from the iron bridge and dismissed the worker ants.

"Afu, get me a spare searchlight."

Afu handed Link many searchlights.

Link put the searchlight on the ground, and then ordered the soldiers to attack the searchlight.

After a while, the soldier ants flocked to the source of the light arrogantly, sweeping like a silver curtain to completely cover the light.

In the next second, the glass mirror of the searchlight made a cracking sound. The whole searchlight was squeezed and rubbed by a pair of invisible hands. The glass shattered. All the metal inside was eaten by soldiers, and only some rubber seals and plastic remained. .

The silver wave faded, leaving only an indigestible wreck.

Link hasn't made a statement yet, Ah Fu who is lying on it takes the lead to take a breath.

The evolved marching ants are too terrifying. Only a few scum left on the searchlight has been eaten in just a few moments. If this is changed to an adult, I am afraid that it will not become a skeleton in the blink of an eye.

followed by a smaller number of flying ants.

Under Link's control, it condenses into a silver sphere and flies in the air.

Link stretches out his hand and the flying ants will fly to their destination.

Flying ants sometimes spread into a large silver net, sometimes condensed into a ball, and can even change into a more lethal arrow with Link's heart.

Finally Link reached out and pointed at the opposite wall, trying to test the lethality of flying ants together.


A ball of 'iron balls' hit the wall, and a huge explosion erupted. Then the wall was knocked open with a big hole measuring more than 30 centimeters, and light yellow light came in.

Link looked at the wall hole in a daze, how could the wall of this underground secret room break through?

And why is there still light?

The flying ants quickly flew back from the other end of the hole without Link's order, and landed on the ant nest guarding the silver queen.

Link was surprised, but reacted quickly. The pump-action shotgun has changed from being hung behind his back to being hugged in his hands.

Before Link could speak, the treasure hunter seemed to sense something, his little ears were trembling all the time, and his eyes were staring directly at the glowing hole.

jumped off Link's shoulder, jumped directly to the wall, and jumped in along the hole.

Link just wanted to say whether Little Treasure was a little too reckless, and immediately heard the sound of Xiaobao's report from the other side of the cave entrance.


Link lifted up all his energy.

The treasure hunter said that the treasure was found, and there is no living person!

Put away the shotgun, walked to the entrance of the cave, kicked the entrance of the cave even bigger with a few feet, and bent over into a new space.

The scene was already cold enough, and Link didn't take a cold breath.

entered from the entrance of the cave, everything in front of me was greatly changed from before.

The entire corridor has no end at the front and back. The top of the semi-circular arc has been specially polished, and a row of electric lights emitting soft yellow light is installed at the top.

The floor of the corridor is covered with bluestone slabs, and at first glance, it is flat and does not turn up at all, and there is no thick dust. It is easy to think that it is newly built.

On the left side of Qingshiban Road, there is an underground river with gurgling water. The current is ding-dong but there is no rush.

The whole corridor highlights two characters from front to back-upper class.

Looking at the choice of materials and the meticulous attitude of the craftsmen, Link knew that this underground corridor was expensive.

"Why is there a corridor here?"

Underground underground tunnel Link can also explain that it was the prince who left behind in case he could escape from the underground tunnel.

But this expensive, dense tunnel with an underground river, Link really couldn't understand it.

Although he is already standing on the third floor underground, his thoughts are still on the first floor underground, perhaps there is a fifth floor in Wuthering Castle.

Ah Fu also stretched his head from the entrance of the hole, and looked around for a moment, with excitement: "Boss, you actually know that there is a corridor!"

Link just wanted to speak, but when he thought that he broke the wall so skillfully, he explained to Ah Fu that he didn't believe it, and thought he was humble.

glanced back at the hole, Link's brows were twisted together and found the problem.

When I was marching into the ant nest, I couldn't see anything abnormal at the entrance of the cave, but looking from the corridor, the color of the entrance wall was obviously different from the surroundings.

Although it has been said for a long time, the walls are already in the old color, but there is still a clear difference between the two old colors.

Link leaned closer and carefully looked at the two old colors on the wall. The colors around the hole and other places were quite distinct. It was obvious that the hole was filled in by the later construction.

"Boss, what are you looking at?" Ah Fu stuck his head in the hole, watching the boss wandering back and forth in front of him, as if studying this wall.

Link didn't talk nonsense. He reached out and pressed Ah Fu's head back from the hole, then picked up a polished stone on the ground, and muttered to himself: "No, if this hole is newly filled, there is no need to fill it. It's so meticulous and complete, even the workmanship is almost the same as the original one."

Just as Link was curious, the treasure hunter shouted excitedly not far away.



Link put down the stone and walked towards the treasure hunter.

Ah Fu glanced back at the unmanned ant nest, and the densely packed silver marching ants on the ground, with goose bumps.

Although he knew that these things had been in the hands of the boss, but let him be alone with these terrifying creatures, Ah Fu panicked.

Ah Fu's head went into the hole again, trying to squeeze out to keep up with Link.

But the fat body happened to be stuck in the hole, unable to move forward or backward.

Ah Fu put his hands on the wall, trying to pull himself out, it was useless for a long time.

A dilemma.

Now Ah Fu panicked and started shouting: "Boss, help me..."

The bleak cry for help floated in the corridor, spreading far and wide, but Link did not answer.

Because he came to the treasure hunter at this moment and saw a luxurious skeleton in the corridor.

Two small paws of the treasure hunter forcefully pulled their fingers out of the Chinese clothes.

Then the two small claws struggled to lift the skull's...middle finger. UU reading

lifted above his head.

Gesture praise!

Link lit up, squatted down, and took off the luxurious ring from the **** of the skull.

[You get a royal ring]

Link took the Chinese ring in his hand and looked carefully. The five-color gemstones of diamond, amethyst, sapphire, ruby, and emerald in the center of the ring are evenly distributed, and they are unique individuals.

But as a whole, the five kinds of gemstones are concentrated in the center, forming a hexagonal whole. The carving technique is ingenious.

In the system, the introduction of Royal Huajie is only one line:

[The royal ring is so bright that you can't look directly at it, and the brilliance of many jewels can be compared to the stars in the sky]

Link took the Hua Ring, then looked down at the noble attire on the skeleton body, his brain was spinning rapidly.

After a while, Link slowly stretched his brows, smiled openly, and rubbed the small head of the treasure hunter: "Little treasure, you can find the baby now!"

With this royal ring and noble attire as evidence, Link has already guessed the identity of the skeleton in front of him.

Not surprisingly, the skeleton in front of him is the real owner of Howling Castle-the Prince of the Desert.

What detects the enemy?

This is the correct way to open the treasure hunter! (Tactical backward)

The treasure hunter was praised by name, and worked harder, and once again buried his head in the skull clothes.

"Are there any good things?"

Link is looking forward to it.

A few seconds later, the treasure hunter dragged a black stick-like object from under the clothes with two small claws.

Looking at the screen on the stick and the buttons, the joy on Link's face gradually faded.

This doesn't seem to be a baby, but a...recording pen?