Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 391

Chapter 391

The professional quality of this special task force needs to be improved!

The treasure hunter akimbo with one hand, and shouts with the other: "Zhen Zhi Zhi, Zhi Zhi, Zhi!"

After hearing the words, the spoiled agents immediately ran back to the treasure hunter, and the four stood upright with serious faces.

Unorganized and undisciplined!

The treasure hunter expressed his anger.

The treasure hunter called the four mice back and gave them orders one by one.

In the fetters of [Home Alone], the original close relationship between the treasure hunter and the mouse agent team also produced some chemical reactions.

The four mice looked serious, and nodded solemnly to the things the boss treasure hunter ordered.

With an order, the scattered execution began.

Since it is a sabotage task, you must find something valuable.

The work arranged by the treasure hunter for the four mice is to let them destroy in the central restricted area. As for the target of destruction, the treasure hunter also gave some suggestions.

storage medium, as a storage device in the personal laboratory of the mechanical pioneer in the central restricted zone, there must be many key designs and secrets hidden, but there is no guarantee that the mechanical pioneer will have other backups. Recommendation:

Cable, as the power transmission medium of Mechanical City, has a good strategic value. Recommendation:

Collectibles, something that can be regarded as collectibles by pioneers of machinery, is absolutely precious and meaningful, destroy it, recommendation:

Energy pipeline, although it is extremely difficult to destroy, but as the energy hub of the entire machine city, it has a very high strategic value. Recommendation:

After arranging the task, the treasure hunter climbed onto the console.

Looking at the holographic image of the Mechanical City that appeared on the console, he couldn't help but tilt his head.

The treasure hunter pointed his finger for a long time, but found no response. With the current IQ of the treasure hunter, he almost understood that this thing should be set by the mechanical pioneer, and only he could unlock it.

After gave up, the treasure hunter began to wander the operating room with his little hand on his back. After walking around, it seemed that he could not find anything worth destroying.

The treasure hunter suddenly stopped, twisted his legs together, froze in place, and a hint of redness appeared on his cheeks.

Today's task is too stressful, I feel a little urgency at the moment.

The treasure hunter looked around, ready to find a location for a brief explanation.

Although this is the territory of the enemy, the treasure hunter is a quality mouse after all, and it cannot do things like urinating and defecating anywhere.

looked for a circle, the treasure hunter suddenly lit up, and saw a small gap under the console.

It's absolutely unconscious to pee here, and it doesn't affect the cleanliness of the room. The plan is OK!

The treasure hunter walked to the underside of the console, raised a leg, and after two seconds of brewing, a column of water filed out and slipped into the gap without any error.

The mouse was holding a small saw in the lower level to cut the cable. Seeing that the rubber skin of the cable had been cut, a cloud of water suddenly dripped on his head.

Mouse looked up and glanced with a dazed expression, but didn't want the whole cheek to get wet.

The next second, the mouse sniffed his nose, and suddenly realized what it was, and quickly slapped his wet cheeks with his two paws.

The small saw in the mouse's hand also clanged and dropped below, and it happened to be placed between the two underlying circuits. There was a piece of metal between the two parallel circuits without any insulation measures. The current passed through the small saw and gradually moved the surface of the small saw. When heated, it turns into hot red.

Water droplets infiltrated the cut cable rubber, and soon white smoke rose up, scared the mouse who was grooming the hair and fell from the cable, toward the bottom layer.

The mouse in the panic had two small paws struggling to grasp what could be pulled, but they happened to turn the valve of the metal lubricating oil of the hub. For a while, the oil slowly flowed out of the valve, and fell ticking down the instrument hub. Many of them still dripped on the mice.

The mouse was sprinkled with engine oil, and it was even more slippery. The small paws slipped and couldn't hold any pipes, so the two legs split between the gaps, and then they used their **** and started shouting for help.

The treasure hunter was still hushing, and suddenly heard the sound of a mouse emerging from the gap, shaking his waist, and looking down into the gap.

In the next second, a group of red flames appeared in the black gap, igniting suddenly, scared the treasure hunter and sat on the ground.



The treasure hunter quickly turned up and called on several other agents to go to the lower level to rescue the mice.

The mouse is still braced on both legs, like Shange Yundun in the advertisement, a horse in the middle of the truck.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}The action is here

The engine oil tickled and fell on the bottom layer, which happened to fall on the small saw that had just fallen, and a fire burst out.

The treasure hunter took the other mice to the rescue together. The hamster, the smelly shrew and the bamboo rat arrived one after another. However, a few mice tried to drag the mouse over, but found that this guy was covered with engine oil. It was not slippery. Can't pull it up.

The fire below is getting fiercer and fiercer. If the rescue is not done in time, I am afraid that the mouse will become a roasted mouse when it is about to happen.

At this moment, the water rat in charge of wiping the oil thief came in panting, dragging a silver robotic arm with his body, pointing to the robotic arm, and then to the gully in front of him, motioning to put the robotic arm up. Let the mouse crawl over.

The eyes of the other mice lit up, led by the treasure hunter, and supplemented by other members of the special agent team, immediately pushing the robotic arm in the gap.

The mouse pulled and even hugged the five fingers of the robotic arm, and finally the other mice worked together to pull the mouse to the side.

Five mice sat down with a tired butt, and the folds on their stomachs squeezed out twice, one by one panting.

The water mouse squeaked while leaning on his side, meaning that this pair of robotic arms was going to be brought back. Now that this one is used up, it has to be taken out for help, and the other one was not brought in outside.

A few took a break, got up to move the robotic arm out, hurriedly urging the mouse lying in the palm of the robotic hand to come down.

The mouse released its little paw and jumped from above

slid his feet, and the whole mouse came and swooped in to eat shit, and took all the other mice in front of him. In a panic, the hamster's body hits the robotic arm. Under the action of the lubricating oil, the robotic arm slowly slides toward the gap. After a while...

ding ding .

There was a sound of metal crashing, and it came to an end with the mechanical arm falling to the bottom.

Electricity and flames scorched the robotic arm, heating the robotic arm to an unstable and terrible temperature in a very short time.

The water mouse standing aside stared at it, so it couldn't bring the robotic arm in. Now it's gone?

The other mice were holding their heads, rubbing their butts, and stood up. They were also shocked to see the empty space behind them.

What about such a big robotic arm, why is it gone?

The atmosphere fell into a moment of silence and embarrassment.

Flames and thick smoke passed through the gap to the upper control room, triggering the smoke spray fire alarm.

The entire control room was 'pouring rain', and fire fighting water poured into the ground from the gap.

Extremely high temperature, surging electric current, ignited oil and unstable mechanical arm.

The hydrogen generated by the electrolysis of water and the burning engine oil floating on the surface of the water reacted, and a sudden explosion roared, overturning numerous pipelines. And the mechanical arm that has been supporting for a long time can no longer stop an explosion of this magnitude. The inner energy core undergoes a secondary chain reaction under the unstable explosion of the outside, and a wave of stronger explosions comes.

The mice in the gap didn't even know why the explosion occurred. The first reaction at this time was to run wildly outside.

Cables and energy pipelines were all damaged in the explosion, especially between the explosive energy of the violent mechanical arm and the pure energy in the pipeline, a fierce reaction occurred again, and the explosions overwhelmed the waves.

Six mice darted out from the gap at this moment, and the pipes and underground behind them were already distorted.

The front feet just escaped from the gap, the fierce flames of the back feet spewed out, and the air wave directly lifted the six mice away.

The mice in a hurry in the air pulled their bodies around one by one. Finally, the largest water mouse leaped forward and picked up another silver robotic arm that was blown into the air. As gravity fell, six mice stood. On the robotic arm, the five fingers of the robotic arm control the direction.

The mechanical arm rubbed against the metal on the ground and sparked out fire, looking like a group of wildfire teenagers doing extreme sports.

accompanied by the screams of the mice, dodging from left to right in the explosion and fire.

A series of explosions caused one-third of the central restricted area to fall.

The fire soared to the sky, destroying the foundation, and the mechanical giant responsible for the operation of the entire Mechanical City, that is, the golden vertical eye, made a loud noise, followed by a sound of sour metal twisting, which actually skewed and tended to gradually collapse. .

The two people who are disintegrating the ray-to-wave in the experimental area are already at a significant disadvantage. The red energy is suppressed and it is difficult to raise their heads. The anxious air is distorted greatly, and even the light is extremely bent.

At this moment, the golden eyes were slanted and the golden light disappeared. The two of them disintegrated the energy source of the ray, and all the turbulent energy and light stopped abruptly and disappeared instantly.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}The space has gradually returned to normal without any distortion.

Mechanical pioneer Dr. Zhao looked at the giant mechanical giant in a dumping posture, the purple energy in his eyes surged out like two flames.

Suddenly, an invisible stream of mind and consciousness rushed towards Link unexpectedly.

Just less than half a meter in front of Link, it seemed to hit a transparent wall, and there were many cracks in the air. A twisted and torn idea kept tearing at the barrier.

The mechanical pioneer showed a look of shock on his face, and he never expected Link to prevent his mind attack.

You need to know this hole card. He researched and discovered it during the Central Forbidden Land, and he never revealed it to anyone, including the many elders of the Iron Council.

How did he know! ?

Dr. Zhao, who thinks he knows everything and that machines can explain all the rules, is frightened at this moment, and he has adjusted the danger of the new king of Shadu to the highest level.

"Sorry, I let you down." The corner of Link's mouth raised, and the winner's smile appeared on his face.

The spiritual crown on the top of his head appeared, half-hanging above his head, exuding a metallic blue glow, like an angel halo.

Link only has more than 180 energy left at the moment, if he continues to fight, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

Now that the attention of the mechanical pioneers is all attracted by the mechanical giants that will be inclined, it is the best time to leave at this moment.

Once the mechanical giant really collapses and the core of the mechanical city is destroyed, Dr. Zhao will definitely do his best to kill him. With the powerful talent of [Master of Mechanical City], this guy is completely an unkillable Xiaoqiang, continue to delay It's not good for Link to go down.

Link yelled at the mechanical pioneer in the distance: "I hope that the doctor can use something more powerful when I come to the mechanical city next time. Thank you for the hospitality today, and let's say goodbye!"

Linke grabbed the wall of the experimental building not far away with the hook in his hand, and swung over.

Injured John, after a short reply just now, he heard Link's retreat signal and got up and went into the darkness...

"The chairman said that we can leave, let's go quickly!"

Zhuifeng and Bobangji immediately reacted, just about to go downstairs from the rooftop, a hand appeared behind the collar of the two of them, pulling them up.

Under the shock, the chasing and the bombing chicken turned their heads, only to find that the two were already in Link's hands, and they were lifted and slipped like little chickens.

In the next second, Link jumped directly off the roof, his face pale and terrified from the chasing and bombing the chicken.

"Hold on to me!"

The two hugged Link tightly. Link, who was free, took out the box pistol and shot it at the ground.

bullets with various random element effects, directly blast through the ground.

Under the thick layer of ground, the silver marching ants have already dug a new 'tunnel' which leads directly to the outside of the mechanical city.


The wind rustled in the ears, and the chassis of the Mechanic City was behind the three of them for a moment, surrounded by extremely dark

As the parachute opened, the three slowly floated to the ground.

On the other side, in the machine city.

Dr. Zhao glanced at the back of Link's departure, but not many stopped him.

Mechanical City is the essence of his life, and it is also the belief of Mechanical God.

Once the mechanical giant collapses, the entire mechanical city will stagnate in place.

The entire maintenance cycle of a mechanical giant is several months.

Once the Mechanic City is fixed in the desert, it will be bombed by the air force of Shadu. Then the entire maintenance cycle will be extended indefinitely, and the entire Mecha Sect will be passive.

As a mechanical human body, Dr. Zhao will naturally choose the best solution given.

In the next second, Dr. Zhao took a flying saucer back to the bottom of the mechanical giant, and looked at the central restricted area that was blown up for a quarter, his eyes were splitting.

The mechanical force enveloped the hundreds of meters high mechanical giant, and the other hand controlled the broken metal to return to its original position, re-fixing the mechanical giant.

"It's not that easy if you want to go..." Dr. Zhao's skull was full of anger.

In the next instant a signal of consciousness spread throughout the desert.

"The devout believers of the Mechanic Cult, the soldiers, the allies of the Wasteland Gang, send out all the firepower and coordinates!"

As the order was issued, the underground bunker hidden in the desert Gobi rose all at the moment, the muzzle turned to face behind, guarding the side of the Goria Grand Canal, waiting in full battle.

Wasteland Gang's tanks, mercenaries, and armed jeeps, after receiving the order of the highest commanding mechanical pioneer in the desert battlefield, also marched towards the coordinate position...