Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 389

Chapter 389

150,000 silver marching ants paved a large silver net and flew toward the mechanical army.

Originally, he could only become a mechanical soldier who could only eat melons. At this moment, he showed horror, and he hadn't understood what this silver mist was.

But in the next second, the big silver net fell on the body. Before the mechanical soldiers could see clearly, the skin and muscles were turned into flesh and blood, and they were eaten to death in an instant, only revealing a dense white bone.

The mechanical corps shot loudly, and the flames skyrocketed.

But how can the tiny silver marching ants be easily hit by bullets? When the fire dragon pours, the silver marching ants will spread out, and when the firepower is weak or stagnant, they will immediately gather together. In this process, worker ants and soldier ants will continue to be dropped, causing blows to the ground mechanical corps.

The three players standing on the roof shook their hearts. Although the silver marching ants had no secrets to them, these little guys, who could be combined and transformed at will, undertook all kinds of dirty work while diving into the environment.

But when 150,000 silver marching ants appeared together, under the bright light of the golden vertical eyes, a burst of light like a galaxy floated in the sky, and the mechanical army in the mechanical city inspired by the power of evolution complemented each other, forming the most bombing chicken video. The magnificent scenery.

"The effect of this silver marching ant is too outrageous, just like the extremely corrosive poisonous fog, who will die!"

"These silver marching ants specialize in eating metals. It can be said that they are completely the nemesis of the mechanical gods. If they gather together, they will become a net, and if they are scattered, they will be killed. It is difficult to eliminate. This wave of mechanical gods will suffer a lot!" Rou, as the player who has been following Link for the longest time, treats these pets as treasures, and she can talk about the key points when she exports.

With this kind of nemesis, why can't I beat the mechanical gods!

The three players have their backs straight.

I also observed the battle before, once Link and John fell into the wind, they would leave the hole in the building.

But now...

"The slave thief from the desert came through the crypt to near the Grand Canal of Goria."

"The inexplicable Cannibal King and his accomplices successfully entered the Mechanical City in disguise."

"The despicable and shameless thief managed to get the nutrition store he wanted in the energy center."

"Link entered the experimental building and successfully killed the elders of the Steel Council."

"Chairman Lin shot and killed hundreds of mechanical **** soldiers in the lobby of the experimental building."

"The great lord of the ghetto will dismantle the most vicious terrorist forces in the Mechanic City."

"Shadu, your emperor is back!"

In this situation, what else to go?

Take down the mechanical city, the siege change is now!

Players have already begun to show off the scene of Link and John conquering the entire Mechanic City. The three of them will be treated as representatives of the players and will be treated by heroes.

As for John who was fighting with the elders of the Iron Council, he has successfully killed two mechanical elders, but the players' attention is not on him at all.

John? Sorry we are not familiar.

Dr. Zhao, the mechanical pioneer, watched the members of the mechanical legion fall one after another, and the flying saucer on the vehicle began to quickly analyze the composition of these tiny creatures.

Within a second, Dr. Zhao came to a conclusion. The microbes that are ravaging the mechanical legion at this moment are a group of ant organisms with metalized bodies. Dr. Zhao's first reaction was an ant robot, but the analysis records from the flying saucer soon showed that it was a purely metal creature with no mechanical structure inside.

Although marveled at the lethality of this metal ant, Dr. Zhao also knew the way to deal with it.

is covered with metal, it will inevitably react with the magnetic field.

Dr. Zhao lifted one of the tentacles, and the sharp thorns at the end snapped open, revealing a black muzzle muzzle, which was exactly where the silver marching ants were raging.

"Want to do something with my pet, have you asked me?"

Link's figure suddenly appeared in front of the tentacles, and the shattered throat and flashing dagger simultaneously showed a crescent-like blade.

hum! ! !

The spark of the metal strike burst out, and an electromagnetic shock wave blasted out of the tentacle's muzzle in the next second.

Electromagnetic energy poured out, but because Link interfered with the tentacle's aiming point with a dagger, he passed by the silver marching ant.

However, there are still a small number of silver flying ants in the air. After being exposed to electromagnetic energy, they will make a crackling sound and annihilate them into ashes.

In the next second, Link's figure flashed behind Dr. Zhao, and the dagger suddenly appeared on the opponent's neck.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} is another flash of fire, and a huge -1024 critical strike number emerges from the head of the mechanical pioneer.

Before Link made the second shot, Dr. Zhao condensed a ball of electromagnetic repulsion all over his body, which exploded at 360 degrees. The huge impact was like a large truck of dozens of tons, which forced Link to fly. A few tens of meters, like a kite with a broken wire.

The mechanical pioneer turned around, the purple energy surging under the skull helmet, raging like fire, wantonly tossing.

The Mechanical Pioneer reached out his hand and touched the wound on his neck. At this moment, the metal neck showed signs of cracking. A single cut just now directly caused a dent about one centimeter deep. If you take another cut at the same location, the metal protection of the entire neck will be broken, exposing the precise and complicated circuits and connections inside.

Dr. Zhao's hands were trembling, and purple anger came out of his eyes.

"You angered me, ants!"

Dr. Zhao's body was electromagnetically excited, and there was no wind around him, and the mechanical force and electro-optical energy formed the center of the storm.

Link unloaded his power in the air, his claws grabbed the street light on the transportation line, and lightly jumped onto a passing empty transportation train.

The steel on the ground made a huge distorted sour tooth sound, and was torn apart by a violent force. Numerous metal fragments surrounded Dr. Zhao, like a star ring surrounding a huge planet, and was blown by storms and electric lights. Give the power of thunder.

Link's complexion is solemn, and the air feels sticky and drowning in the gale.

Seeing this scene, Link, who had a nearly five-fold bonus, didn't dare to go up against the trend and take the edge.

This trick is absolutely not forbidden!

John fighting on the side, after seeing the furious Dr. Zhao, his premonition of being a legendary NPC told him that Dr. Zhao's trick was by no means simple. Rao is Link whose strength has been strengthened several times through life-enhanced energy. If he is careless, something will definitely happen.

"Stop him, he wants to interfere with the pioneer!" The machine elder who has been evolved easily sees John's intention, but he wants to stop John, which is a fantasy.

But the other steel council elders in the battle group can exchange thoughts, tactics and data in real time through mechanical sympathy. It can be said that the five elders besieging John at this moment share a terminal thought.

"Mach is on!"

One elder couldn't stop him, but the five elders using the strongest skills together can definitely delay John's footsteps.

Gundam Robot pulled out a sword hilt, and the next second purple high-frequency vibration energy gushed out, and a giant sword more than ten meters long appeared in his hand. A huge mechanical fist of two meters, the mechanical force surging on the surface, the purple electric current rushed, and blasted against the ground. The entire asphalt highway suddenly burst underground, generating huge heat that melted the surface and formed a piece of magma.

The other mechanical elders also used their own tricks to try to hold John.

The three people standing on the rooftop were already stunned to see such a movement.

Leng Feng frowned slightly. With the special forces' sense of smell and perception of the aura, he could feel that Dr. Zhao's move was absolutely earth-shattering. Once he was charged up, even Link could hardly resist.

"You said, Link can avoid this trick?"

"This manual is very quiet, it should be a big move? So many metal fragments, how can one flash and hide cleanly?"

"Link is now a level 55 leader-level NPC after all. This move is estimated to cause severe damage, shouldn't it be fatal?"

"Isn't that great, try to interrupt first..."

Just as the chasing wind was bombarding the chicken and discussing whether Link could take this trick, Leng Feng had already jumped onto the edge of the roof, facing the violent wind, his clothes were hunting.

Leng Feng held the electromagnetic gun snatched from the mechanical fanatic, and aimed at Dr. Zhao who was casting the spell, preparing to make a single point on Dr. Zhao's head.

Chasing Wind and Bombing Chicken suddenly caught a glimpse of Leng Feng standing on a high platform aiming at it, and said, "Leng Feng, you want to..."

Dr. Zhao's system issued a prompt in an instant, and Dr. Zhao had already sensed the enemy's location.

"The low-level structure shall be erased."

As soon as 's words fell, a strand of metal fragments around the Mechanical Pioneer flew out.

Before the chasing wind could finish his questioning, Leng Feng's body had been broken down into countless pieces by metal fragments with electromagnetic force.

Meat foam, bone scraps and blood splashed on the two of them. At this moment, they all seemed to be frozen in place, their brains buzzing blankly.

Although Zhuifeng has gone through closed beta testing, I have a deep understanding of the game's full virtual physics engine that is so real and explosive. But after playing the game for so long, it was the first time he saw such a death. It was really a scumbag, without any exaggeration.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} What makes him feel most uncomfortable is the death mechanism of the game. The remains and effects after death will not disappear after 10 minutes.

In other words, he and the bombing chicken have to withstand the cold front that was shot everywhere for ten minutes...

Link frowned slightly when he saw Leng Feng who was killed instantly.

In the next second, Link's black eyes suddenly burst into purple energy, and the same whirlwind began to sway all over his body.

Link stood on the transport train, and the electrified storm swept away the metal on the iron transport train in an instant, and even the rails were lifted and ravaged into metal fragments, just like Dr. Zhao just now, leaving only the one standing under his feet. The metal disc is suspended in the air by strong electromagnetic force.

John, who tried his best to get rid of the entanglement of the mechanical elders in the distance, immediately stopped his figure and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Link using the skills to reproduce Dr. Zhao's skills, so Link would not fall into the wind.

John slowly turned his head, his scattered hair half-covered his sharp eyes, staring at his prey, and said quietly: "You all used the skills at the bottom of the box? If that's the case, then I will attack now... "

Each of the mechanical elders feels that they are being watched and become the prey of the legendary killer, with cold sweat behind them, and an ominous premonition.

"This... why would Elder Lin use this trick?" Bombing Chicken was dumbfounded. At first glance, this trick was clearly only a super mechanical system.

"Ask me, who do I ask..." Chasing the wind simply stared at it, his brain went down, and he couldn't extricate himself from being immersed in the extremely magnificent duel downstairs. Although the public beta has only been open for more than a month, the chasing wind is sure that the peak battle of version 1.0 is nothing more than that!

The person involved, Dr. Zhao, saw Link using the same trick as him, and the logic analysis system fell into a momentary downtime. He tried to analyze how Link, who had no advanced core energy, used this trick, but after 2.3 billion After the second attempt, all I got was the error warning.

What makes him even more incomprehensible is that under the floating-point calculations in his eyes, Link can clearly calculate the same skills, and Link's power is even greater than him!

"Right on Bo, come on who is afraid of whom!" Link shouted confidently.

Link, who has completed the three basic occupational skills of the Mechanics Department. In the evaluation of the skills, the Mechanics Department has been evaluated as "Elementary Mastery", and the damage simulation is 50%. Link attribute has 145 points of energy. Based on the skill requirement, every 1 point of energy is equal to 0.5% damage increase. Link's energy attribute can be converted into 72.5% damage bonus, plus 50% of damage simulation.

With the same skill, Link's damage bonus reached 122.5%, which has surpassed the original version of Dr. Zhao, the **** of machinery.

Also shocked were the soldiers of the Mechanical God Cult.

As the most fanatical and devout believer in the way of machinery, the pioneer of machinery represents the strongest mechanical existence of the entire waste a godlike existence.

But now, someone has actually used a stronger mechanical skill than the mechanical pioneer.

The rock-solid beliefs of these devout believers have cracked at this moment.

The mechanical pioneer Zi is angry and urges Qi Qi to sprinkle on Link.

Link also released.

Under the shining of the golden vertical eyes, two shining giant discs slammed together. It's like galaxies colliding and fusing in the universe.

The squally winds from two metal storms formed thunderstorms and tremors in the center.

There was a gust of wind blowing as far as my eyes, making people unable to open their eyes.

Numerous metal fragments were thrown high in the sky while spinning, and the solar panels on the outer wall of the laboratory building were the first to be hit. They shattered and crashed like a rain of diamonds.

followed by windows and walls, as if bones were being scraped by a strong wind, the walls peeled off and were gradually eaten away.

Chasing Wind and Bombing Chicken rushed to the other side of the roof of the building with their heads buried, for fear of being swept into the storm and crushed and annihilated.

After all, Link's metal storm was one point stronger, and after the wrestling, the aftermath continued to spread in the direction of the mechanical pioneer.

The road on the way was wiped with metal fragments and turned into gravel. The mechanical pioneer with nowhere to escape immediately opened the mechanical stand on the spot and escaped.

But a 100-meter-high catalytic tower not far behind, collapsed in a metal storm and was immediately wiped out.

When the aftermath of the metal storm dissipated, there was no grass growing in the place just now, a mess.

P.S: For the sake of Wanjun staying up all night to four or five o'clock codewords, don't hide the monthly pass, just vote for it~