Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 13

Chapter 13

"They really went to the Weeping Valley! What should we do if we still chase after?"

Mars has a thick breath, and the starlight reflects the embryonic form of the Weeping Valley. If you go further, you will be out of the reach of Mechanical God.

On the site of the Mechanical God Sect, they are really not afraid, and they can call for mechanical city support at any time.

But now far away from the Grand Canal of Goria, at a place close to the border of the forces, even if you call the Mechanical City, you can't get any support.

"Chasing! I've already chased it here, should I return without success?"

"I don't believe they don't need to rest after walking all night."

"They don't know that someone is following behind. They will definitely have to take a break when they get to the Weeping Valley. Then our chance will come."

"I also agree to continue pursuing. This kind of opportunity is rare in a lifetime. After this village, there will be no shop."

A few people expressed the idea of continuing to pursue the pursuit.

gritted his teeth in the bleak Gobi for most of the night, and decided to turn back after chasing here. Isn't that a silly dog?

Mars and the commandos first arrived in the Weeping Valley, and instead of screaming, they waited for three other teammates outside the valley.

"I was right, they went to the abandoned castle in the valley to rest, and did not go straight through the valley."

"Wait a minute, we have one minute to be in place, and when we arrive, we will surround the castle together!"

The five people showed smiles on their faces. As long as this wave is successful, they can bid farewell to the desolate Gobi and enter the holy mechanical city they dream of.

Soon the five gathered together and walked towards the abandoned castle at the top of the Weeping Valley.

"Look, there is fire in the castle, the position is locked!"

Five people came under the castle and saw the glow of the red bonfire through the broken windows and cracks.

"Now it's okay, even the time to find someone is saved."

Mars strolled around and returned to the front of the castle and said: "After the investigation, the castle has three entrances, front and back, plus side."

The captain thought for a moment and said: "The assaultmen and the medics walked to the front door, and the scouts and I outflanked the back door. The logistics didn't have to go deep into the castle, just squatted by the side door to prevent the enemy from escaping."

"Now, turn on the eyepieces and officially start to act!"

The five people put on transparent goggles, and then the goggles emit a light blue cold light, showing various complex data and auxiliary functions.

Assault, medical treatment, investigation, firepower, logistics.

Joint real-time analysis of the primary chips of five different modules, and the official battle begins!

After the team leader's division of labor, everyone acted immediately.

The wooden door of the castle's back door has completely decayed under the erosion of the years, and the glorious appearance of the castle can only be seen from the metal skeleton of the rusty door.

Mars and the captain carefully walked around the gate, passed through the deserted back garden, and vaguely saw the fire from the heights through the cracks in the castle wall.

"Hey, I hid high."

Mars couldn't help but whispered, and then asked: "Captain, why is there a castle estate in such a steep valley?"

"You really asked the right person. I really know the history of this castle."

The conversation between the two is extremely low, and they don't even have to open their mouths too much. The sound is absorbed by the goggles through bone conduction, and then transmitted to the headsets of their teammates. This almost silent communication mode can minimize the sound transmission range and facilitate the execution of special tasks.

"Then boss, tell me something."

In the eyes of Mars, the wasteland gang agent hiding in the castle is already a turtle in the urn, and he cannot escape with his wings.

So the mentality is inevitably relaxed, and follow the boss to ask him about the history of the popular science castle.

After all, for a fanatical believer of the Mechanic Theology, there are not many opportunities to come to the sensitive area of the Weeping Valley.

"This castle was originally..."

The same story happened in the castle.

In the middle of the castle hall, a pulsating bonfire was burning, and the firewood crackled in the flames.

said that flames can purify everything, but at this moment, the hall is light and half of it is light, and the rest is swallowed by darkness.

Darkness reflected the suffocating scale and shape on the wall. At first glance, I thought there was some indescribable monster in the castle.

But when the screen turns to the campfire, the orange-red flames illuminate a... nasty batch.

Ah Fu sat tremblingly in front of the fire, his black face glowing red.

"Boss, this castle looks like a long time ago..."

Link was filling the magazine with bullets, and he replied: "This castle is almost a hundred years old. It used to be the residence of a certain prince in the desert. Forty-two years ago, when the day of reckoning came, the prince fled the castle and was abandoned. Afterwards, fierce fighting broke out between the Liberty Alliance and the Mechanical Gods near the Weeping Valley. The castle served as a temporary headquarters and was bombarded during the war. After the war, the two sides tacitly used the Weeping Valley as a buffer zone, and it has since been abandoned. "

Afu opened his mouth and looked carefully at the four bald walls, and couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that Forbes would have the opportunity to live in the prince's palace..."

Link finished loading the magazine, and the treasure hunter on the side approached him and started squeaking.

The enemy has entered the castle.


Link simply loaded the magazine neatly and got up and said to Ah Fu, "A Fu, no matter what sound you hear later, you will sit here honestly and don't move. Did you hear?"

Afugang was about to answer, when suddenly he heard the twisted and sharp rubbing sound of the rusty metal being blown by the wind, and it spread all the way along the gap of the abandoned castle, and he was scared to stand up immediately.

Afu's forehead was frightened with sweat beads visible to the naked eye, like rubies under the light of the fire.

"Boss, I can actually help..."

Link decisively raised his hand to stop: "You are already doing me a favor by staying here!"

Link saw what Ah Fu wanted to say, and quickly added: "I'm telling the truth, you are here as a decoy. Kill the fanatic this time, you will remember the first merit."

Hearing the bait, Ah Fu's eyes widened to the limit, and his eyes were almost lost.

"Don't worry, those enthusiasts can't live in front of you. Just sit here and rest with peace of mind."

"Okay, Xiaobao, let's go!"

After Link said, he turned around neatly and disappeared into the darkness with the treasure hunter.

Afu wants to catch up, but the castle is very big and the road is very winding. The places around the hall that are not exposed to fire are all dark. Even if Afu wants to go, he doesn't know where he can go!

was so scared that he held a kitchen knife in his hand and paced in place.

Link held Glock in his hand, without any lighting, walking like flat ground in the dark, coming and going like wind.

If the blue wall maze in the ruins of the city is Link's first attempt to pull monsters with a single brush, then the Howling Castle in the Weeping Valley is where he became famous.

In the history of the castle told to Ah Fu, it used to be the headquarters of the Free Federation to issue orders against the mechanical gods. However, after more than half a year, the friction and conflict between the Free Federation and the Mechanic Religion gradually began, and this place will once again become the front line.

is the same as the blue wall maze.

Link is so familiar with this abandoned castle that he can walk back and forth with his eyes closed, and the mere darkness of night cannot stop him.

If you think Link's degree is limited to this, then you may underestimate the meaning of the two words 'famous'.

Now all five mechanical fanatics have entered the castle.

Before changing, Link still needs to listen to the voice to argue his position, or appear to be seduced.

But now, there is a fixed-point report by the treasure hunter, so there is no such trouble.

He just needs to appear unconsciously, take advantage of the sneak attack, and withdraw after the fight.

appeared quietly, don't shoot!

According to the information from the treasure hunter, Link already knew the plan of the five.

"If five people get together, it may still cause some pressure. Choosing to spread out and outflank will be a dead end."

His first goal was the back door.

The two people who came in through the back door, one was a gunner with heavy firepower, and the other should be a scout.

The heavy firepower gunner is wrapped in exoskeleton equipment, plus heavy firepower weapons, so the body has the highest metal content.

The front door is for assaulters and medics, and the logistics is responsible for guarding the side door, so the only option to follow the artillery is the scout.

As long as he understands the tactical logic of the elementary chip, coupled with the intelligence of the treasure hunter, Link seems to see the five people entering the castle with his own eyes and knows the identity of the five.

Artillery with heavy weapons and scouts with reconnaissance modules, these two are the most threatening existence to Link in the five-man team.

So Link decided to kill the two first. U U Reading

As long as the gunners and scouts with the strongest firepower are eliminated, the rest will become headless flies, which can be solved by themselves at any time.

51 rounds of 9mm bullets,

Kill two lv10 mechanical fanatics,


The fire in the hall on the fourth floor of the castle was made by Link deliberately, in order to attract five people upstairs.

"Okay, then wait for the fish to get the bait!"

Link is the only way to reach the second floor, a sly smile rises from the corner of his mouth...

Although the captain of the Mechanic Fanatic and Mars are already very cautious, it is still easy to step on some sparse things under their feet, and make all kinds of smashing noises unconsciously, which makes the two of them heads.

"If this sound is still made upstairs, I am afraid that the other party will find it before touching it." Mars couldn't help but complain.

walked through the first floor where all kinds of waste were piled up and came to the stairs.

In the past, stairs and wooden floors were carefully maintained every year.

But people left the building empty after the liquidation day, and it has been completely abandoned for a full forty-two years.

But the wooden floor is not weathered and decayed, and it can still carry the weight of people. I can only admire the luxury of the prince back then. The floor is made of top-quality wood, and it is still tough after nearly half a century.

Of course, it would be even better if there were no crunch caused by this annoying walking.

Fortunately, the number of decibels displayed on the goggles is not very large, so you don't have to worry about getting started.

The two crept up the spiral staircase to the second floor.

When the light on Mars's shoulder was spilled on the long narrow corridor of the castle, Mars and the captain trembled all over, taking a sharp breath and nervousness!

P.S: In the new week, ask for recommendation tickets for rewards!