Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 11

Chapter 11

"Shhh, don't make a sound!"

Link ran to Ah Fu in two steps and saw Ah Fu plunged into the ground half of his body through the faint starlight, and he was stuck tightly.

"Why are there holes in the Gobi?" Link was confused and frowned.

Afu pulled his hands on the Gobi, pulling cold from his heart.

"You slowly stretch your feet to try, if there is something hollow under your feet, remember to be careful when you stretch your feet!" Link said unhurriedly.

Ah Fu was so panicked that Liushen Wuzhu was so panicked, but when he heard the boss's words, his previous worries and tensions were wiped out, and his backbone was restored.

Following what Link said, he focused on his lower body, his two legs moved slowly, and the soles of his feet were tentatively lightening.

Soon, Ah Fu's army boots stepped on a hard pointed object, and his body was trembling with fright, but he still tried seriously.

"What did you try?"

"It looks like a trap, there are many pointed barbs underneath."

"Boss, go quickly, people who don't follow the mechanical gods will come around." Ah Fu closed his throat and said in a low cry.

"What do you do if I leave!"

"It's better to die alone than two!"

Link laughed angrily and stood up and looked at him condescendingly. Although he could not see Ah Fu's face, the two lines of tears in the dark night were very clear under the stars.

"You just can't believe me that way? Are you just a group of fanatics of the Mechanic Cult? What are you afraid of!" Link's tone was flat, as if he was not afraid of being discovered.

Ah Fu's expression freezes, and he stares directly at Link.

Although the dark night blocked the boss's stalwart face, the self-confidence exuded from the boss's body was as dazzling as thousands of suns, making it impossible to look directly at him!

Link was not idle either. He probably had guessed the purpose of this trap, and 80% of it was dug out by these enthusiasts who patrolled the Grand Canal to improve food.

You must know that there is only one canal in the entire deserted Gobi. During the day, the animals in the Gobi hide from the sun. At night, they naturally go out to find food and drink water. If this trap is hit, you will be able to fight the teeth.

The enthusiastic believer heard the call and must be on his way now.

But there is no room for salvation, otherwise Link would not be so calm.

"Abao, you start to loosen the soil and dig a hole from the edge, I will try to pull Ah Fu up!"

"Afu, breathe in your stomach, let's try again!"

"Sand sculpture, lower your height and stare at the fanatical believers who come over. As soon as I give you an order, I will blow them with [Sand Dust]!"

Link sent three news in a row, and the treasure hunter, Afu, and the sand sculpture all moved.

The treasure hunter buried his head in the place where the trap was stuck, digging a hole, and Link pulled Afu's arm with both hands, trying to pull him out.

The sand sculpture originally 'positioned and hovered' in the air, and took a nap with his eyes closed.

Hearing Link's command, he opened his eyes and hovered quietly from the sky to lower the height, and approached the fanatics.

The treasure hunter quickly dug a hole, and immediately used this hole as a breakthrough point, struggling to dig the soil and continue to "untie" Ah Fu.

"Does the trap you dug are useful? Can you catch it?"

"That's right, we'll leave all our stomachs to you, so don't play with us!"

"Believe me. I worked as an orion for two years before surrendering. The water level of the Grand Canal is shallow at night, so animals will definitely come here to find water. This trap took more than half an hour to fix. I always It's impossible to cheat yourself, right? Just wait to eat game at night!"

"I believe you once, if we can't eat game tonight, we won't be able to get out of the tent tomorrow!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's headsets filled with a burst of "hehehe" weird laughter.

The life of the enthusiasts in the Gobi was not easy.

The mechanical city's sphere of influence is in the deserted Gobi, so they can only move in the Gobi. If it weren't for the worship of machinery and the longing for the religion in their bones, who could stay in this Gobi where birds do not **** would last for several years.


Everyone laughed and cursed, suddenly it was like pressing the pause button.

The smile stopped, and so did the scolding.

All five people froze in place, their ears pricked up.

"By the way, did you hear anything just now?"

"I can hear it vaguely, and the sound seems to be coming from behind."

"I heard it too, it seems that there is still a scream..."

"Wait! Could it be that the trap has come into effect?"

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of the five people were suddenly lit up, like a weasel who saw a chicken, and all walked back.

The five people were talking excitedly while walking along the way.

"The screams just now were quite loud and full of air. Based on my two years of experience as a hunter, this prey is definitely not small!"

"Haha, not counting sand scorpions and geckos, I haven't eaten meaty fish for almost a year!"

"Ready-made prey, traps are ready-made fire pits. Let's have a barbecue tonight."

"Do you still question me in the future?"

"Don't dare or dare, you will be the master from now on!"

"During the day, we look at the leader of the team. At night, you are the real decision maker of our team."

"Mars, your kid is the closest to the trap. You don't say a word right now. Are you going to eat alone?"

"What kind of criticism do you say, am I that kind of person? I am going to hurry over and see what game it is!"

There was a heavy gasp in the intercom.

The remaining four people are also walking towards the trap position, while raising their ears, waiting for Mars' report.

But at this moment, there was a noisy howling, howling of ghosts and wolves, and the noise of gravel cracking in the microphone of the walkie-talkie.

Just when several people thought it was a signal problem, Mars' voice came from the intercom.

"Bah, baah! Why is there still sand in the Gobi at night!" Mars covered his eyes with both hands, and talked with a lot of sand blowing into his mouth.

I was getting closer to the trap, but a gust of wind blew up inexplicably halfway through the sand, which blurred the vision. The light of the searchlight couldn't even penetrate a meter, exaggerated like a sandstorm sweeping the entire Gobi.

Mars bit his scalp and traversed the vortex of the violent wind. He turned his head and illuminated it with a searchlight, and found that it was a cyclone four to five meters in diameter.

"It's weird, there was such a thick whirlwind on the ground at night..." Mars whispered, and continued to walk towards the trap.

It is very common for cyclones to appear on the Gobi, but this thing usually only appears during the day, and the diameter is at most one or two meters, like such a large cyclone Mars has never seen.

But it doesn't matter!

What is more tempting than a barbecue on the cold night of the Gobi?

Mars searchlight carpet-like search, and soon saw a black hole about one meter in diameter where the light passed.

stepped forward quickly, the searchlight shone around in the trap, and Mars's face suddenly changed.

"The trap is empty, no prey!"

The intercom fell silent, and there was no sound.

One second later...

"Hahaha, this joke of Mars is really not funny at all!"

"If there is no prey in the trap, you must have hidden it."

"Please, tell me what a good thing is, my stomach is already groaning."

Mars's face is full of puzzlement and absurdity, and the trap is clearly working, why is there nothing? The most important thing is how these people don't believe it!

Mars paused word by word: "I'll say it again, the trap was opened, there really is no prey!"

The others were all taken aback when they heard Mars's solemn tone.

Doesn't this guy sound like a joke?

But how is this possible?

The trap was opened, and they heard the sound, how could there be no prey.

"Wait a minute, we will come right away!"

Soon the other four people gathered at the trap and saw the empty trap.

"I'm really not kidding you, I don't have a place to hide prey." Mars raised the mechanical armguard and turned around in place. There really is no place to hide things.

The trap enthusiast squatted on the ground, raised his searchlight and buried his head.

"There is no blood on the barbs, but there are steps on the walls of the trap, and there are signs of excavation on the edge of the trap."

The zealot's head was pulled out of the trap, and the searchlight shone around the trap.


The fanatic saw a clear trail of drag beside the trap.

As the searchlight continued to extend, a few messy shoe prints appeared at the end of the drag trail.

"The horizontal pattern sole, the non-slip rubber sole, the zigzag stripes are about one centimeter wide...This is the style of military boots of the wasteland gang."

As soon as the words came out, the five people were shocked, their eyes brightened.

"It must be the agents who infiltrated the Wasteland Gang. If you can catch them, it will definitely be a great achievement. Maybe we can all enter the Machine City!"

The searchlight continues to shine in the distance, UU reads www.uukavanshu. Com's messy shoe prints become orderly, and the four shoe prints extend all the way.

"There are two wasteland gang agents in total."

"Shhh! We must not talk about this. If we say that other teams also want to get a share of the pie, then we won't be able to get any benefits. There are only two agents, and the five of us can easily win!"

The five people quickly reached a consensus that this matter will never be revealed, so as not to be intercepted by others.

"The brightness of the searchlight is turned on to the lowest level. Don't disturb other teams."

"We will follow in the footsteps now."

Under the double stimulation of the rejoicing of the aftermath and the crisis of life and death, Ah Fu's body trembled uncontrollably.

Afu walked quickly next to Link, gasping over the waves: "Boss, you saved my life from death. From now on, Forbes will only look after you, and I will follow you for a lifetime."

"As for? Although there are a little twists and turns in the middle, it is still far from the point of'accepting each other'."

Link didn't think there was a big problem. With the cooperation of treasure hunters and sand sculptures, he was almost embarrassed by this sudden situation.

Ah Fu looked serious, and quickly ran to Link: "Boss, I am serious! This is a century-old tradition of our tribe. If you save my life, I will use the rest of my life to repay this kindness. The boss is just a small effort, but to me it is a great grace!"

[Forbes' loyalty to you reaches 100 points]

[Forbes asks to be your servant, accept/reject]

Link looked at Ah Fu with a serious face, and was in a posture of not leaving if he didn't agree.

"Okay, I accept your loyalty!"