Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 9

Chapter 9

The mechanical city on the horizon is like a mysterious tortoise, slowly moving horizontally in Link's field of vision.

Link's expression is extremely solemn.

Thousands of calculations did not expect the Machine City to pass upstream at this time.

Although only the huge Mechanic City can be seen 20 kilometers apart, Link can already think of the patrolling soldiers following behind when the Mechanic City moves.

is just that Link searched all over his memory, and he didn't remember that there was a record of this move of the Machine City in the Chronicles of Wasteland.

all the way from downstream to upstream, this posture is to go to the sea!

"Boss, or... or let's make a detour?" Ah Fu begged with a trembling tone.

Machine City is right in front of me, and now I'm looking for a dead end to the Grand Canal.

Link shook his head and said: "Now we can only move on, and wait until the machine city is gone to fetch water. Our water stock is not enough to support the detour."

The Mechanical City passes by the Goria Canal, and there is no doubt that the difficulty of passing it will increase.

Just to be on the safe side, Link decided to make another pet.

Link looked around, trying to find any animals that could be synthesized, but there was nothing on the Gobi. There were only three living creatures like him, Afu and the treasure hunter.

"Let's go forward first. As long as we don't enter the five-kilometer warning range of the Mechanical City, we are all safe."

"Boss, how do you know so much?" Ah Fu sighed, whether it was the news from the Wasteland Gang or the Mechanical God Cult, the boss could always come at his fingertips.

"The more you know, it will lead to murder!"

"Do you want to listen?"

Afu immediately shut up and covered his ears with both hands: "Boss please stop talking, I don't want to listen, I don't want to know!"

Link and Ah Fu continued on.

Although the Mechanic City seems to move very slowly, it is a viewing angle 20 kilometers apart. In fact, the mechanical city moves very fast, allowing a steel city with a diameter of five kilometers to gallop across the Gobi at a speed of 120KM/H. The mechanical gods still have extraordinary accomplishments in mechanical manufacturing and metal.

Link walked and observed, still trying to synthesize a pet to minimize the risk of breaking through the Grand Canal.

is the deserted Gobi. It is difficult to find a living creature, let alone suitable for pets.

The only thing that has many is the white bones of animals half-covered by the Gobi sand.

"Boss, look at the sky!" Ah Fu said with his fingers.

Link looked up, and saw three moving black spots against the scorching sun, hovering over their heads.

Link squinted his eyes for recognition, and then he was shocked and energetic.


"No wonder that after approaching the Grand Canal, there were so many bones in the Gobi..."

Link's thinking moves fast.

The vulture is just a level 2 creature, and it has reached the conditions for pets.

Link looked up again, and the vultures were hovering above them. It was obvious that they had been regarded as prey and were being targeted by the vultures.

The only problem now is how to get the vulture down from the sky.

Link thought for a moment and said, "Afu, I want to trick the vulture down. You play a play with me."

"Huh? How do I act, I have never acted before?"

"It's very simple. Give me an energy bar and watch me fall and you can go. Go two or three kilometers ahead and find a cool place to sit and wait for me."

Link glanced around and saw a small stone in the Gobi ahead. He pointed and pointed: "You will stay there later, no matter what happens here, don't come back. If you can do it, we are safe The chance of crossing the Grand Canal is greater."

I heard that it can help Link, Afu no matter what it is, the chicken nodded like a peck.

Link unpacked, put the energy bar in his mouth, and vaguely said to Ah Fu: "Li Kuoyi can go and talk!"

As soon as Ah Fu walked on his front foot, Link fell onto the Gobi with a plop on his back foot.

Afu glanced back, subconsciously wanted to run back, but was stopped by Link: "How did you promise me just now? Go ahead and wait for me."

Seeing that the boss is okay, Ah Fu only turned his head one step at a time and left.

Link's plan is also very simpleplay dead.

Pretending to be dead sounds simple, but facing a cautious vulture is not so easy.

Vultures usually don't take the initiative to attack. They only dare to fly to your side when they think you are dying, and then wait for your breath like a corpse grabber, and then come forward to enjoy your meal.

Link was lying on the Gobi, lazily basking in the sun.

It is not difficult to pretend to be dead, but to remain motionless for a long time.

The reason why I need an energy bar is because Link is ready to 'boil the eagle'.

"I'll take a nap with my eyes closed for a while, and let me know if something happens." Link communicated with the treasure hunter with his mind.

Ah Fu walked for a while and arrived at the designated place, sitting and waiting according to the boss's statement.

In the sky, the vulture is still circling, and there is no move to come down.

Afu waited cross-legged for a long time, until the Mechanic City had disappeared from the horizon. The hovering height of the three vultures in the sky dropped a little, but there was still a long way to go before landing.

The sun is rising higher and higher, and becoming more and more vicious.

Ah Fu yawned, fighting with unworthy eyelids.

Link was lying on the ground, holding a Glock pistol, his body was already numb.

It stands to reason that the Mechanic City has left, and now Link and the others can try to pass the Goria Grand Canal.

However, Link's character is more stable than ever after crossing the game world.

In the past, he could be resurrected after he died in the game, but now he is an NPC, and he really has no chance when he is dead.

Everything must be done carefully!

Link closed his eyes, but he can still call the system interface.

Lie down from 11 in the morning, it is already 2 in the afternoon.

Link pretended to be dead in the Gobi for three hours, his face hurting fiercely by the sun.

During these three hours, Link fell asleep; after waking up, he thought about the synthesis of vultures and read the synthesis instructions word by word; finally, he simulated all possible situations in his brain.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

Link can already hear the vulture flapping its wings, just wait patiently.

Another hour later, the vulture finally put down its vigilance, fluttered its wings and landed not far from Link, and began to approach him bit by bit.

Link's 'Eagle Plan' is about to succeed.

The three vultures have already landed, pacing towards Link from different directions.

Link heard that the vultures were already within one meter, holding his breath and using his mind to communicate with the treasure hunter.

"Little Treasure, start the raid in tens of seconds!"

The heartbeat of the treasure hunter also dropped to the lowest level, crawling under the linen clothes, and only waiting for the master to give an order to attack the vulture.

Link silently counted down in his heart.

When the last number is over, the treasure hunter pops out of the linen clothes like an off-string arrow, and pounces on the nearest vulture.

At the same time, Link also stood up, abruptly relying on his perseverance to overcome the'stiffness' state.

The vulture was immediately frightened and fluttered its wings to take off, but the treasure hunter had already pounced on one of its heads, biting the muscles connecting its wings, and disturbing the flight.

The other two vultures flew away with an excessively surprised rattle, and one flapped its wings vigorously, but only struggled in mid-air.

Link quickly rushed up with eyes and hands, and threw the vulture to the ground, his knees firmly pressed the two wings of the vulture.

In the next second, Link put away his pistol, took out a sharp dagger, and pierced the vulture's wings directly, nailing the vulture to the ground like a nail.

Ah Fu, who was hiding in the rock in the distance, saw the boss get up, and immediately rushed to him at a speed of 100 meters.

Link didn't dare to waste time. The vulture under his body was half a meter long, and its wings spread out about one meter or two. After the system gave a temporary uniform prompt, it immediately began to synthesize.

Vulture lv2 (adult) + gravel (100 grams) =? (90% success rate)

[Combining consumes 20 points of life, is it to be combined? whether]

Link's eyes lit up, this time the success rate was very high, but the HP consumption was also doubled.

Since there is no conflict between creatures and materials, Link is not going to take out B and choose to synthesize directly!

20 o'clock is 20 o'clock, after all, it is a flying bird of prey, and it is so big that it can be understood with a little more blood.

The gravel picked up by the left hand was gradually absorbed by the palm, and thick bloodshots grew from the hand of the vulture, which quickly wrapped the struggling vulture. The blood cocoon formed this time was huge, about the size of his arms.

Incubation time also increased, this time it took 5 minutes.

Link slumped to the side and gasped. This 'boiled eagle' is really not human.

At this moment, he only felt that the skin on his cheeks kept tingling, as if there were thousands of needles piercing.

The body was not moving for too long, and the blood flow was slow with an electric shock.

In the sky, two frightened vultures croaked in protest, and they dispersed for a while.

Afu ran over from a distance, panting, and saw that the boss's cheeks were roasted red, and his lips were chapped and a lot of white skin turned up. Apart from anything else, he untied his bags and took out the bucket: "Boss, drink some water!"

Link took the bucket and poured water into his mouth little by little, moisturizing her dry lips.

The sweet and clear water flowed into the throat little by little, as if the watercourse of long drought and rain was radiating life again.

The water entered the stomach, and an indescribable force spread instantly across the limbs.

Link felt half-life back then and began to gasp.

Ah Fu used his fat body to block the sun, creating a shady area for Link to shade.

then looked at the huge blood cocoon and couldn't help asking: "Boss, will it be done this time?"

Link nodded, this time with a 90% success rate, plus having been exposed to the sun for four or five hours, if he fails, his mentality will collapse!

Link slowly turned his head and glanced to the north. The Mechanical City had already left.

In four or five hours, the mechanical soldiers near the Grand Canal must have been scattered.

Five minutes passed quickly.

The blood cocoon gradually reacted, and a sharp yellow beak pierced the blood cocoon and cut it open like a knife.

Then a majestic head stuck out from the blood cocoon, turning his head to look at the new world.

[Monster synthesis is complete, and white quality is obtained-sand sculpture! ]

Monster attribute

Name: Sand Sculpture (Adult)

Quality: White

Race: Eagle

Attribute: Sand element affinity

Level: 2

Initial Skill: Sand Sweep lv1 (The unique sand element affinity characteristics of sand sculptures make its wings have extraordinary abilities. Sand sculptures vibrate their wings to induce sand elements, creating a sand whirlwind with a diameter of 5 meters, blurring the enemy's sight , Slow action, lasts 15 seconds.)

Initial skill 2: Hawkeye lv1 (The sand sculpture has super dynamic vision and can capture all dynamic biological trajectories within a radius of 5 kilometers, but...)

Evaluation: As we all know, the eagle is a eagle!

Link grinned, the skin on his cheeks tingling more intensely, but his heart was extremely happy, painful and happy.

The pet name this time is really unexpected.

Link thought he would be called 'Desert Vulture', but when the system prompt appeared, he was ashamed to not hold back.

was laughing, but tears came out of the corners of his eyes.

Sure enough, when it comes to naming, the system is broad and profound.

Originally, Link thought that after all pets were synthesized, they would initially be in their juvenile state, and their level would become level 1. But the appearance of the sand sculpture broke his original conjecture, that birth is adulthood, and the original level is still retained.

Now Link realized how powerful his [synthesis] function is.

If you are lucky enough to catch high-level creatures in the future, and not to mention the enhancement after synthesis, you can still retain the level, can't you directly enter the high-intensity battle, eliminating the trouble of nurturing?

"This thing is simply an artifact! As long as the amount of blood is enough, you can synthesize pets of the same level. An enhanced pet of the same level is already very powerful, if you pull up a pet army like this, that scene..."

Link's eyes were bright, and he had already pictured Paul the Great in his mind, and PS became himself.

Link looked very detailed this time.

There are skills related to sand sculptures. The first [Sand Dust Sweeping] is completely an auxiliary skill. The scope is large and the effect is very clear. It can be said that it is necessary for escape and sneak attacks.

The second [Eagle Eye] passive skill, UU reading can understand the first half of Link, which is equivalent to a large-scale aerial radar. As long as it is a living or moving object, the sand sculpture can be clearly recorded.


The second half of the sentence "Just..." made Link a little panicked.

You remember that a gerbil just wrote the sentence 'may induce unknown problems', and it has already made Link experience the pain of 'raising for others'. Now there is an ellipsis in the sand sculpture skills, making him a little panicked.

Although I don't know what it is, it's definitely not a good setting!

Link looked at the monster attributes several times, and finally muttered to himself: "Although there are pits buried in some places, at least he won't abandon me this time?"

Link exited the system and saw the sand sculpture standing motionless on the ground, really like a sand sculpture.

was Ah Fu on the side, making a giggle.

"Afu, what are you laughing at?"

"Hey, I just watched the boss laugh, so I must have stabilized crossing the Grand Canal this time! So I am also happy!"

Link snorted, "You are smart."

Link raised his arm, and the sand sculpture flew onto his arm in the next second.

Don't say it, it's heavy!

"Sand sculpture, you are now investigating along the Grand Canal, I want to know the situation along the Grand Canal!"

Link said, raising his arm.

The sand sculpture flapped its wings and flew into the air for a moment.

This time, in order to prevent accidents when crossing the river, Link first tried the sand sculpture's [Eagle Eye] ability, and by the way, he also investigated the situation near the Grand Canal in advance.

Wait until you get the detailed dynamics of the enemy before you act.

five minutes later


Link was shocked.