Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Chapter 266

Link froze for a moment, and couldn't help sighing: The installation of these two water cannons is really unique.

Except for the colorful butterfly and the emperor scorpion, the other pets have been synthesized, waiting to be reborn from the cocoon.

The colorful butterflies and the emperor scorpion, Link also already had ideas, just lack of materials on hand.

Into the night.

Fred took Quentin and Bob to the backyard for a meeting.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw the boss sitting and waiting.

The three of them are the three deacons of Qilintang.

But after seeing Link, they bowed their heads one by one, hunched over and sat down quickly, like students with a guilty conscience late for class.

"It's all here, so let's start. Let's first report on the situation in the recent period."

Lin Ke took a sip of tea, put his hands on his chest, and waited for the three to report their results.

The three looked at each other, and Fred took the lead and said: "The brand value of the fragrant pig feast and weekly auctions are very stable, and the income of the commercial street increases slightly every week as the reputation of the boss increases. And in the breeding factory. , As of today, there are 87 little pigs, 28 of which are mature and ready for sale..."

After Fred finished speaking, Bob followed: "The operation of the security company has not changed much, and the Newman family pays monthly payments in a timely manner. In terms of street protection fees, the four blocks plus the newly incorporated buffer zone are paid in time. The monthly fees can be collected in two days. The monthly payments of the surrounding small gangs are also very timely, and there is no arrears."

Link nodded slightly, these are the more beautiful places that Qilintang is better than Baihetang.

With the popularity of Kylintang, in addition to the benefits of Kylintang itself, the seven gangs attached to Kylintang also benefited from it.

After the merchants learned that they belonged to the Qilintang subordinate gang, they took the initiative to pay protection fees, which can be described as eagerly looking forward to them.

These little gangs were caught off guard for a while.

How can the merchants who used to threaten and lure money to their door?

After investigating and finding out the truth, the small gang had to grit their teeth and send thugs to patrol, and follow the same method as Kylintang to resolve the business conflicts or requests. Unexpectedly, after a few weeks of management, the signs of disturbances on the site have been significantly reduced, the commercial market has gradually improved, and the commissions received from the merchants have also increased.

The little gang who tastes the sweetness seems to have mastered the code of wealth.

From being frightened by Qilintang's prostitution at first, to now taking the initiative to join Qilintang's body, it formed a sharp contrast.

You don't even need to innovate at all, just copy the homework.

At this time, the boss of the seven gangs all wanted to say:

Oh my god, it smells so good!

Finally, Quentin also reported the situation of the terminal.

The cargo flow at the wharf has increased and public security has also improved a lot.

After the three of them reported, Link nodded in satisfaction and said, "Actually, I called you over for a meeting today because I wanted to introduce you to a new supervisor..."

The three deacons heard that there was a new supervisor and looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise.

The original three deacons were the backbone of the Qilintang, but now they are lurking to other forces.

But now suddenly there is a new supervisor who is above the three deacons, and there is some unconvincing emotion in the three of them.

If it is an old member who has contributed to the Kylintang and has made tangible results, then they will not say a word.

But now they join the Kylin Hall, and they stand on their heads and gesticulate before an inch of success. They are really not convinced.

For the boss's decision, they are not easy to disobey, but they do have some resistance in their hearts.

Link looked at the expressions of the three of them all, guessing their true thoughts, and at the same time felt a little funny.

Link clapped his hands and said, "Penny, come out."

The three of them all looked up and saw a penguin swaying out from behind the screen, and their jaw dropped suddenly.

Watching the penguin climb up to the seat next to Link, tiptoe reveals a small head.

The three of Fred opened their eyes and looked at Link suspiciously, hoping to hear that it was a joke from the boss.

A penguin with a red snood, being the boss of three of them, isn't this a prank?

"This is Penguin Penny, and from now on will be the director of the Lin Group, responsible for all the strategic plans of the Lin Group. You have to report to it in the backyard every day."

Link's serious answer made the three realize that the boss was not joking with the three of them.

"Next, let Penny tell you about the next group strategic plan."

Penguin Penguin didn't overstate or greet him, and went straight to the topic: The group's strategic plan for the next period of time is to focus on the monopoly industry's pig banquet, so as to promote the other projects that the group attaches importance to. I'll do it one by one. Come on, the first item is a pet hamster..."

Penguin Penny spoke smoothly and had a clear thought.

The three deacons whose brains were blank, after listening to them for a while, suddenly converged their relaxed attitudes and listened carefully to Supervisor Penny's next plan.

I thought it was funny for the boss to send a penguin to order the three of them, but after listening to Penguin's plan, all of them were shocked.

The three of them are not Wu Xia Amon. After a period of deacons' experience, their vision and ability have been greatly improved.

"How did this scheming plan of step by step come up from the head of a penguin."

"And this guy's memory is amazing. He can remember the expenses and expenses of the previous period in the account book clearly. This is not forgotten..."

"As expected to be the boss, there are always these unexpected magical pets around."

"I even feel that this penguin's business talent is extremely overbearing, like a torrent of iron and steel of the army, destroying and destroying the city, even if it is Brother Fu, it is slightly inferior to this penguin."

"Dare to call his name directly, and remember to call Director Penny in the future!"

After the regular night meeting, the three came out of the backyard with emotion in their voices. They became the fans of Penguin Penney, and they were full of praise for its plan.

The employees who were in the front hall for a shift and rest, could not help but frown when they heard the words of the three deacons inadvertently.

"Director Penny? When did the Qilintang have a director? What is the origin of this Penny? Why haven't you seen it... No, you have to spread the news quickly and let the forces take precautions!"

The night is getting darker.

After the meeting, Link came to the front yard and counted the time. It was time for the black whirlwind to break out of the Link simply moved a stool and waited for the blood cocoon to hatch in the greenhouse.

"When will Black Whirlwind hatch?"

Just as Link was waiting, Lao Jin, the big bird of Qilintang, appeared at the right time, wearing a gown and sunglasses in the evening, a Bing alive.


Before Link finished speaking, a ray of lightning burst out of the blood cocoon, and electric light wandered in the blood cocoon.

Thanks to book friends 20190627221321986 for the reward of 100 starting coins, 83 years of memory of 100 starting coins rewards, SUN-IS-ME's 100 starting coins rewards, Xuezhongyan's 100 starting coins rewards, G friends are the 100 of true love Reward with starting coins, life is a reward of 1000 starting coins for a pot of porridge, 100 starting coins for the anger, 100 starting coins for Tang Jiujiu, 500 starting coins for rewards for Tang Jiujiu, 100 starting coins for rewards for the kitchen knife on the cutting board, Xia Zhi In February, the 500 starting currency rewards, the 500 starting currency rewards of Star Forest, the 100 starting currency rewards of 0070071007, thank you!

(End of this chapter)