Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 253

Chapter 253

Chapter 255

The next day, Link handed over the division of groups and the tasks of each team to Bob, instructing him to train the newcomers' collective consciousness and competition by group confrontation.

When Bob saw the boss's plan, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"It is indeed the boss. I can think of group confrontation to enhance team cohesion among new members, competition between different teams, and a reasonable reward and punishment system. These new members can be quickly promoted and adapted to the business and business of Qilintang. Rhythm."

"It's really a wonderful frog seed eating a wonderful crispy corner into Mickey's wonderful house, wonderful home!"

After breakfast, Bob gathered all the newcomers and announced the division and confrontation.

After the members learned of the grouping, their first reaction was surprise.

But after inquiring that the deacon Bob said that the team that wins after the two-by-two confrontation will receive the attention of the boss and more important tasks, all the members shined.

"This mode is also to inspire your ambitions. There are 8 teams in total, and the 4 teams that won after a two-by-two confrontation enter the next round, and accept more advanced tasks, continue to advance, and finally select a top team. The team that fails to come out must start from the grassroots."

"I must emphasize to you that Qilintang is a place that believes in strength. The better the strength, the more respected, and the better the treatment."

After Bob finished speaking, he found that all the new members except the old man were eager to try.

"This morning's itinerary is to take you to visit the area under the Kylintang governance, including the block, the commercial street and the security company of the Kylintang. After lunch, there will be a group lottery and task distribution, and then there will be self-tasking time. The difficulty of the task is basically the same, and it takes time The shortest winner wins and advances to the next round."

After all the rules have been said, the new members are already attentive, their minds have already flown to the task, and they are not interested in what to visit.

The morning visit ended hastily. The place for lunch was the Brilliant Hotel. The food for the new members is also the top of the Brilliant Hotel.

It's a pity that everyone is looking forward to the task in the afternoon. They devoured the delicacies one by one, giving people a feeling of violence.

"It seems that you all can't wait to work, so I won't talk nonsense in that case." Bob held two closed cardboard boxes and put them on the table to start drawing group duels and tasks.

After five minutes, all groups and tasks have been issued.

The seventh group of spy groups received the task-to secretly carry out a propaganda project on the site of the Priory of the Freemasonry.

The task requires that as the hidden alliance, infiltrate the convent site, destroy the reputation of the Freemasonry, and at the same time find ways to promote the benefits of the hidden alliance.

As for the propaganda language and communication skills, Link was also prepared early.

After the mission is determined, it will be issued to the seventh spy group.

And the seventh group of PK is the second group.

This group is a team composed entirely of special forces, and the tasks drawn are similar, pretending to be ordinary customers, causing trouble in the shop opened in Dassaki, causing disputes and disrupting business.

Since the missions of each group are only known to you and your opponents, after seeing the missions, both parties have no objection to the difficulty of the missions.

One is false propaganda and the other is making trouble.

The risks of the two are similar, and they are basically tasks of the same level.

At this moment, there are three people in the seventh group hiding things in their eyes.

The first is the spy sent by the Freemason, who learned that today's mission is to dig the corner of his own power, and feel a little anxious at the moment.

If he remembers correctly, the person in charge of the Priory is the former Qilintang deacon of the Hong Kong Freemasonry Society and the traitor Forbes.

Link's move also has the meaning of disgusting Forbes, to prevent him from getting better.

Freemasonry spies, on the one hand, want to enter the next round and obtain higher mission authority, but on the other hand, they are doing the task with the team, which is at the expense of themselves and others.

For the present plan, we must find a way to inform ourselves and wait for instructions.

Also worrying are the spies of the Hidden League and Dassaki.

The Hidden Alliance did nothing, so it was replaced by the Qilintang impostor, and suffered a disaster.

As we all know, the core members of the Hidden League are all kinsmen. Freemasonry is a group of old bishops, elders, and pastors.

The two can be said to be feuds.

Now the Cao Yun Gang is fishing in troubled waters and adding fuel and vinegar, which will only lead to deeper and deeper conflicts between the two sides.

It provoked a conflict between the Hidden League and Freemasonry, and loved ones hurt their enemies.

Dassaki's spy was anxious.

Dasaki usually has few manpower arranged in the neighborhood, and it only appears when the monthly protection fee is routinely collected. Now that the Qilintang sends people to make trouble, there will definitely be problems!

The three spies involved were racking their brains at this moment in order to send the news back to the base.

The other four spies all geared up, unabashedly exuding eyes longing for victory.

Only by climbing higher and higher can the secrets of Kylintang be stolen.

If you start from the bottom, then spies like them will lose their effect.

"Okay, let's take action now! I don't care what method you use, I only look at the speed of completing the task!" Bob clapped his hands, then glanced at the time and said: "The official start at 13 o'clock, now you have five minutes to prepare time."

When the time reached 13 o'clock, everyone immediately took action.

As for the three major forces, Ah Fu, Mr. Cong, and Allen were also ready at this time.

Inside the Kirin Hall.

Link sits in the study and drinks tea, waiting for the members of the seventh group to start performing.

The time that can't be pretended always passes so fast.

Link just drank tea, looked at the information, and the courtyard changed from the bright sun to the sunset.

Link's phone rang, and Bob began to report today.

"Boss, the first day of trial training for new members has been completed. There are a total of 8 teams, 6 of which have successfully completed the task, and 2 failed..."

"Boss, the two failed teams are going to fall to a normal level?"

Link thought for a moment and said: "The 14 failed can now be split and added to the front line. If you want to improve your status in the future, you can rely on points in exchange. The 6 successful teams can continue to compete."

"I will arrange the grouping and tasks this time."

"Later you will summarize the tasks they have written and bring them all to the study."

Not long after, Link saw the task summary of the six teams.

The seventh group of conclusions, if viewed by an unsuspecting person, would definitely feel extremely irritating. Problems occurred repeatedly during the task, and eventually they were found helpless. However, with the concerted efforts of everyone, the task was successfully completed.

But in Link's view, this task summary is very cola.

Among them, the three spies of the "Three Royal Family" can be said to have performed to the extreme, and the spies of the other four have tried their best to carry the other three up.

Across a piece of mission summary, Link also seemed to see the scene of people behind the major forces madly coming forward to help.

(End of this chapter)