Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 175

Chapter 175

Link opened another brown paper document bag and glanced roughly at the documents inside.

That's right!

These are the land deeds and house deeds of Baihetang's various properties, as well as records and evidence of secretly colluding transactions with other gangs.

Link opened a few more file pockets, and the more he looked at it, the more he got scared.

"Unexpectedly, Baihetang secretly colluded with rival gangs, betrayed Caoyungang information, exchanged information, and even sold gang territory in disguise on the grounds of gang friction."

After reading it, Link was stunned: "This Baihetang still knows how to play. I can actually think of this way of trading assets..."

Link immediately shook, as if thinking of something important.

"Hurry up, everyone will come over and sort out the information together, do as I say..."

The thugs rushed into the house, and saw cash and gold all over the floor. They were all stunned.

Shadu, slum area.


According to Sun Shu's opinion, everyone brought in the signal jammer, but released it to the swarms of flies to no avail.

Old Crane also wanted to kill all the self-explosive flies with his own brave fighters, but after a while, not only did it not disperse, but the explosion that caused it wounded several righteous sons and subordinates.

When the last few righteous sons saw this, they directly picked up Old He and fled to the secret room of the house.

The explosion of the self-explosive flies continued for half an hour, and finally the self-explosive flies were unexploded. They simply flew to the rooms of Baihetang and found the electrical sockets on the wall. Then drilled in along the socket hole, rushed to touch the fire line and got an electric shock and exploded.

"Ten minutes have passed since the last explosion. Let's go out to see the situation."

The old Crane with the bones of immortal wind, gray-headed face, neatly combed hair is extremely messy at this moment, and there are even traces of scorching blast in some places.

"Okay, you guys go out to see the situation first." Old He leaned on the faucet cane in both hands, and said calmly.

Several uninjured sons walked to the secret door to observe the situation outside through the cat's eyes.

After confirming that there is no danger, the secret door slowly opened a gap, and the three of them quickly jumped out.

He Lao glanced at Sun Shu, who was sitting next to him, his most proud son, his brow furrowed and his face tangled.

"Sun Shu, what do you think of this attack?"

Sun Shu shook his head, now completely out of thought.

Before, he determined that these flies were small explosive robots, but after the signal jammer was brought in, the self-detonating flies were not affected, but they flew even more fiercely.

Now when the foster father asked his opinion of the attack, several faces flashed in Sun Shu's mind, but there was no evidence.

"This time must have been planned for a long time, but I have no idea who did it, and what is the purpose? Just to see us embarrassed?"

Old Crane stood straight and looked at the secret door: "Behind the Hidden Alliance is the blood family, and they have just traded the territory with us recently. They shouldn't be able to explode the flies. Both Freemasonry and Dassaki It is possible to master this ability to manipulate insects, and there are reasons to do it, but it is very likely..."

"Foster father, you seem to have forgotten a little, Link also has a reason to shoot, and he also has a lot of pets."

Old He sneered: "It can't be Link's. If he does this, what good will it do for him besides venting his anger? From the beginning of his obediently paying 300,000 yuan, I knew he wanted to be famous within the rules. If this time the offender is caught, it will completely cut off the way he wants to develop in the slum."

Sun Shu on the side heard what the foster father said, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "What if it is for money?"

"Baihetang normally comes to collect rent every month, but Link sent money to the door abnormally two days ago, which in itself is very unreasonable."

Old Crane suddenly burst into a cloud of light in his eyes, got up abruptly, and said in unison with Sun Shu: "Underground vault!"

A group of people hurried from the dark pavilion to the underground vault.

The four thugs guarding the underground vault opened the door and saw Old Crane and a group of Taibaos looking dignified and a little timid.

"Is there anything unusual about the underground vault?" Old Crane asked urgently.

The underground vault is his lifeblood. The new cash collected every month, the accumulated gold, and more importantly, the various land deeds and transaction records of Baihetang are all stored in the vault ten meters underground.

The guard scratched his head and thought about it carefully: "Except for the intercom telling us to close the door and not go out, it's the same as usual, nothing unusual."

"The underground vault has a triple-iron door, even if there is any sound, it will never come out." Sun Shu pushed away the guard and inserted his key into the keyhole.

Old Crane also took out two keys and inserted them into two keyholes.

The keys to the underground vault are only owned by Mr. He and Shu. From this we can see how much He prefers Sun Shu.

Thirteen righteous sons, only the second grandson is truly trusted by the old man.

Then Sun Shu pulled the controller on the side, and the three iron gates roared up one by one. Old He couldn't even wait for the iron gate to be fully lifted, so he bent down and rushed in.

First, second...

After crossing the third iron gate, Old He saw a messy underground vault. He was stunned on the spot and his eyes were distraught.

The many Taibao who rushed in immediately followed and took a breath when they saw the underground vault that had been wiped out.


The cash piled in the underground vault is gone, and the "Golden Mountain" made of gold bullion has disappeared. Even the various kraft paper bags on the bookshelves have been looted.

The huge underground vault, now only the relics of the old era on the shelves against the wall.

The old Crane looked more and more angry, and the wealth he had accumulated over the past few decades disappeared instantly.

fixed his eyes, there were excavated stone bricks and a lot of dirt on the ground not far away.

Old Crane held his heart with one hand, and pointed at the newly dug hole in front of him, motioning to come forward and check.

Sun Shu strode forward, squatted in front of the big hole and looked inward, then waved his hand to beckon other brothers to come to help, and finally jumped down with a searchlight.

After a while, the people in the cave crawled out with a husky face, and said helplessly, "The cave is sealed!"

Old Crane's face was extremely pale when he heard this.

Seeing that the wealth he had accumulated for decades disappeared instantly, looking for hopelessness, he directly furious.

staggered for two steps, suddenly spit out a cloud of blood, and then slowly fell down while clutching his heart.

"Foster father!"


Linke's help. UU Reading www.uuknshu.cOM

The people are like corpses, sitting or lying in the rest area.

Just now, in order to deal with the things brought back by the treasure hunter, everyone was useless.

There are many people who haven't fully recovered from this period, don't know why Baihetang's wealth suddenly appeared in the Link's Gang.

The cash...the gold...and countless title deeds and information.

Link held a glass of iced whiskey to cool down his brain.

These things are really crazy!

The gold banknote Link can still understand, but the document title deeds in these kraft paper bags are the lifeblood of Baihetang!

If Baihetang finds that these things are missing, it will definitely work hard.

took a sip of wine, the cold air and the burning sensation of the wine poured into his throat, making Link's brain suddenly sober.

Fortunately, everything has been processed now. If Baihetang finds it, he will definitely not know!

Now, as long as you give orders to your brothers, there should be no problem.

Just as Link was thinking about it, the phone suddenly buzzed twice.

Link picked up the phone, opened the text message, and suddenly jumped out of his seat!