Monster Synthesis Master - ~


After a lapse of two years, I gave a big push again, let me applaud myself!

I would like to thank my editor for pointers in advance, okay~

Secondly, I would like to thank myself. When this book was on the shelves, my grades were not very good. The first order was 830, and both orders were 650. Because at the age of 18 and 3650 days, I am about to face a series of things such as marriage, which requires money. There are so many places, Wan Jun was once ready to find another way out, but fortunately he persisted in the end.

Now, the word count of this book is almost 1.1 million words, and it has been on the big seal, and progress has also exploded in terms of grades. Both are 2850 and the boutique is in front of them. Thank you to all the readers who support Wanjun and subscribe to this book. I can't hold on to your support now.

Therefore, readers who follow this book don't have to worry about Wanjun's hastily ended. The book's results are now very good and the momentum is also very good. According to the outline design, the number of words should be between 4 and 5 million (so this book Can accompany you for about a year).

The website has been launched in a big way.

The treasure hunters clapped their hands~

Even the macaws are screaming!


Are you sure you don't vote for a monthly pass to celebrate?

I hope you can continue to support this book and Wanjun, thank you! ...Is hitting, please wait a moment,

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