Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 104

Chapter 104

The three archdruids did not have the unkindness and rejection in the sacred tree before.

On the contrary, they all smiled and greeted Link with a kind smile.

As soon as Link entered the door, he heard the familiar line, so scared he almost quit without closing the door.

But whoever said this, one of them is regarded as an old pit ratio.

"It turned out to be the three elders. I don't know what advice you can give me here."

The three archdruids are all elders of the Moonshade Council, and they are assigned to the Colosseum because of business relations.

He agreed to come to Shadu at the invitation of Moros. On the one hand, he wanted to break the status quo of a quiet corner of the dark forest, expand his influence, and make it easier to understand the intelligence of the Free Federation; on the other hand, he also wanted to go out to see the outside world and get more. Rare beast.

"Mr. Lin's hunting dog, looks extraordinary, actually has the ability to attack the soul."

"Moonshadow Council has been with animals in the dark forest for hundreds of years, and is best at manipulating animals. I have seen many animals that affect people's minds, but such animals that directly face the soul have never been seen before."

"Frankly, we are very interested in Mr. Lin's pet."

Link's reply was also very direct: "Sorry, this hound is not for sale."

The disappointment of the three archdruids was fleeting, and they waved their hands immediately: "Our Moonshadow Council also manipulates beasts, and understands the truth about not taking people away. Mr. Lin need not worry."

"The main reason for letting Mr. Lin stay this time is to be a friend with you."

One of the elders said, and brought out a small wooden case with a wooden waist plate and a pill on it.

"This is our Lunar Shadow Council's Ke Qing elder waist card, and there is also a strong beast pill that can enhance the strength of pets. Mr. Lin's beast tame and the manipulation of beasts advocated by our Moon Shadow Council have their own methods, but they have the same goal. So we sincerely invite Mr. Lin to become Our elder Ke Qing from the Moonshade Council."

Link couldn't help sighing when he looked at Xiao Mu's case.

It seems that Moroth's acting style has deeply influenced the elders of the Moonshade Council.

Even they know that asking for someone to do something must come up with enough benefits.

"The price is, I know that in the Noah God Tree, there are a total of seven elders in the Moon Shadow Council, and receiving this brand is equivalent to becoming the eighth elder. This status is extraordinary."

The three elders in front of him, Link detected one by one, all of them are lv35+ (elite).

Three 35-level elites, such a peaceful and peaceful 15th-level people intersect.

This is by no means approachable, but a big picture!

"We just want to know where Mr. Lin got this hound, nothing more."

For the reason why the Lunar Shadow Council is so thirsty for talents, Link is naturally a 'clean man'.

The reason for this incident must start with the dissidents being exiled by the parliament.

The exiled heretics did not as the archdruids thought, because they lost the blessing of the tree and died.

On the contrary, it re-established a new organization in the wilderness-the Alliance of Nature.

The Alliance of Nature chooses to coexist peacefully with other humans, change the extremely bad environment of the wasteland, and rebuild its homeland.

Not only that, they have also been accepted by the Free Federation, and have traversed the wasteland and discovered many new creatures to accompany them.

Even in the later war that the Dark Forest invaded Faye, the druids of the Natural Alliance chose to help Faye fight against the Moon Shadow Council.

On the battlefield, the Lunar Shadow Council saw many creatures that had never been seen before, and their strong sense of crisis made them think about going out.

So after Moros came to the door, the Moonshade Council went to Shadu along the way.

The strong alliance between them has been more than 20 years.

In the past twenty years, with the platform of the Colosseum, the Moonshade Council has gained huge wealth.

At the same time, they used these wealth to frantically purchase the powerful or potential wild animals that appeared in the Colosseum, and transport some of them back to the dark forest as a reserve of combat power against Faye.

"What if I said, this hound is unique?"

Link looked at the three arch druids playfully.

"Then we hope that Mr. Lin can join us!"

One of the elders sighed and stood up and said, "Mr. Lin is on the promenade, should you see those murals?"

Link nodded and motioned to the elder to start performing.

"Then Mr. Lin should know that our Moon Shadow Council exiled a group of traitors decades ago, right?"

"At that time, they were soft-hearted and just banished them. But they did not expect that when they were banished, they stole a new sapling of the sacred tree and planted it on the wasteland. So these banished people gathered together and claimed to be natural Alliance."

The elder who got up pushed open the window and motioned for Link to the window.

Link got up and walked to the window, and saw a lot of translucent souls who still maintained their appearance.

Some are druids in the soul state, and some are beasts in the soul state.

"Become a druid and enjoy the blessing of the sacred tree. After death, the souls will return to the sacred tree. Although these souls cannot leave the scope of the sacred tree, their state of consciousness is still alive and can impart knowledge and skills during their lifetime to new generations. "

"Isn't this great?" Link knew this well, and understood the meaning of the three archdruids.

"But now the Nature League also has a sacred tree, and they can do the same. We hope that Mr. Lin will join us. In the future battles against the Nature League, he can send hounds to deal with them and make their souls unable to Resurrection, in this way, can substantially weaken the strength of the Alliance of Nature."

Although Link already knew the intentions of the Moon Shadow Council, Link was still a little surprised.

The main reason is that these people did not expect these people to say so frankly about their plans. They deserved to be an extreme force with the same reputation as the Crusaders.

"If you want to participate in the battle, it's not the price."

When the three archdruids heard this, their eyes lit upthere was a show.

"Under normal circumstances, we will be responsible for catching the job, and then we will ask Mr. Lin to focus on it."

"If there is a need for Mr. Lin to fight, we will definitely give you a satisfactory price."

Link was thinking.

It's not just Hellhound who can get soul in his hand.

Hellhound's 'soul trial' can only be used once a day.

But Ah Fu's 'psychic ritual' can be ingested as long as the soul is within half an hour of death.

Fully meet the requirements.

The Moon Shadow Council does have two brushes in controlling beasts, and as a large-scale villain organization does have a lot of good things.

Coupled with the long-term cooperative relationship between Lunar Shadow Council and Moros.

If you can join the Lunar Shadow Council, it will also be of great benefit to Link's approach to Morros.

At the same time, Link considers that the Moonshade Council is in the Colosseum and has many rare wild animals.

If you can make good use of the right time and place, it is entirely possible that Link will occupy the magpie's nest and subtly turn all the wild animals of the Lunar Shadow Council into his own power...

"Then this elder Ke Qing, what privileges does he have?"

When Link asked about this, the three archdruids lit up.

Knowing that the other party intends to join, the next stage is the bargaining stage.

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