Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 94

Chapter 94

"Boss, there are no other punishments?" Fred took the newspaper and couldn't help but asked, his tone in disbelief.

He couldn't believe it, the boss' punishment was to arrange a task at his doorstep.

Link stared at Fred and said, "What punishment do you want, wage deduction or broken finger, do you choose one?"

Fred's newly happy face was suddenly sad.

"Boss, can you not choose it?"

"Then what are you asking, itchy?"

Link waved his hand, motioning for Fred to get out.

Fred dashed out with a big white tooth grin.

Then he was ordered to take "Streets and Alleys" to the room where the group lived, and he straightened up and shouted: "The boss has arrangements. Let everyone read this newspaper!"

The thugs turned off the bed one after another and gathered to read the newspaper together.

Even the third child came over when he heard the news.

"Boss, this arrangement is a bit interesting. Before the third brother also asked us to read more newspapers to learn more about major events, but what we read was the "Waste Saturn Morning Post", and all the words in it were full of twists and turns, and a word can be said. Flowers out."

"Look at the old people's down-to-earthness. I showed us "Streets and Lanes". I like to watch this kind of gossip story..."

"Ahem, I can hear everything you say." The third child said with a bit of a grudge.

The beater who had just opened the comparison immediately panicked, and quickly explained: "Brother, that's not what I meant, I'll just say it casually."

The third child rolled his eyes, these guys are all old fritters.

"I just listened casually."

The thugs got up one after another and gave the youngest a place.

Fred asked: "Brother, you said that the boss let us watch "Streets and Lanes", what's the meaning?"

The third child came over to read it with everyone because he didn't know the meaning, and wanted to find clues in the newspaper.

The third child knows that the boss never does meaningless things.

Since let this group read gossip newspapers like "Streets and Alleys" without thinking, it must have some meaning.

"The boss told us to read the newspaper. It must be meaningful, but our understanding is too low to understand, so we still read the newspaper with questions, maybe there are answers in it."

"Huh? You don't even know the third brother, then we probably won't understand it."

"Don't talk nonsense, look!"

Then, a newspaper reading group was set up, with the youngest as the third and the thugs as the supplement.

I have to say, "Streets and Lanes" is a high-quality gossip newspaper. In addition to the content Link wants them to read, other anecdotes are also quite interesting.

Especially "Mrs. Dana's Love Affairs (3

"Postscript of Mrs. Besha and her pet dog being rushed to the hospital"

"The Sin under the Dark Night in Shangcheng District (End

A few popular articles, everyone's faces were flushed, and they were hooked!

Later, when they read the corners, some unusual anecdotes appeared.

Everyone's expressions seemed to be carved out of a mold, their brows furrowed and their expressions solemn.

Especially Fred, seeing the content is too strong!

"Speaking of Brother Third, these few news are a bit similar to what we encountered in the morning..."

The youngest has a solemn expression.

Indeed, as Fred said, there are also many situations in the newspapers that reappear soon after death, as well as various gibberish neuroses, corpses that suddenly disappeared, and so on.

It's just that the newspaper "Streets and Lanes" is mostly anecdotes, and some stories are even fabricated by the newspaper to increase sales.

But the body disappeared in the morning, but a dozen of them witnessed it together. Now I read the newspaper and said that this happened many times today, and the authenticity was immediately verified.

"The boss also said that they are not ghosts, but have some ability to be reborn." Fred said again.

He was worried about the difficulty of this task before, but after reading the newspaper, he quickly came to a conclusion-these people can come back to life after death, but their strength is not very good.

In this way, he doesn't worry about the task that the boss confided.

"Afu and I have gone out. In the afternoon, you will arrange for someone to be on duty. I will take Wangchai away. If anything happens, call me."

Link suddenly appeared at the door. The thugs were about to get up, but Link reached out and stopped them, and then went out violently.

Everyone looked at each other, their faces embarrassed.

The boss runs around every day, but they do nothing to help Linke every day.

"Perhaps, we have to organize a wave of training ourselves."

Someone suggested, and others agreed and agreed.

Link and Ah Fu got into the car, and Wang Chai, the **** dog, jumped up.

sand sculptures and white sword sea eagles also flew into the car.

The treasure hunter sat in his exclusive seat in the back row earlier.

This is the time that Link's pets go out the most. Except for the skeleton wolf who continues to make statues in the office, the vanilla mud horse is waiting in the basement, and all the other pets are dispatched.

dressed in a suit, with a younger brother, with a hound in the front and double eagles in the back.

Link went to the Platinum Hotel first and carried the mutant killer's head to make a wave of exchanges.

is worthy of being an old bird, even the bounty is higher than the previous killers, Link Kari directly increased by 100,000.

[Your bank card ending in number 2334 will transfer 100,000 waste coins at 14:48 on April 20, and the current balance will be 307,550 waste coins]

glanced at the balance, it has already exceeded the 300,000 mark.

Linke's group also received 180,000 cash from selling cars today, plus some funds in the safe before, and there are nearly 300,000.

Then Link and Afu went to the bank depository on the fourth floor of the Platinum Hotel and searched the mutant killer's storage room.

When Link walked out of the room, his face was pale.

I was expecting this old bird killer's storage room to get a lot of good things.

It was the first time that I came to the hot lady's storage room and got a high-concentration liquid explosive.

came to the gunner's storage room and got an arsenal worth 450,000.

This time came to the storage room of the 18th-level elite veteran. Guess what Link got?


Many bookshelves!

What "Language Art", "New Edition of the Waste Saturn Language", "Ten Speeches", "Art Development History", etc. ~ ~ basically about language, language skills and artistic content.

Link's brow furrowed deeply: "As expected, he has a long tongue. The books I read are so connotative."

"It's a pity to be a killer, I should do sales."

Great scenery!

Link had some illusions about the spoils before opening the door, but now they are all shattered.

Link took Ah Fu to the first floor of the Platinum Hotel and came to the front desk.

"Thomas, please help me take care of Wangchai."

Thomas had a kind smile on his face: "I kind of like this little guy. Is Mr. Lin done?"

Link nodded and came to the Platinum Hotel to withdraw money today... Partly succeeded, partly failed.

"Last time Mr. Lin gave us precious suggestions, we have received and discussed, and agreed that this is a very bold and successful idea, so we have released a new software version and expanded the scale of testing. Mr. Lin subsequently has Time, you can enter to upgrade the software."

"There is a fee you suggested, and it has been added to your account according to your instructions. You can check it."

"Okay, I will upgrade to check after I go out. Go!"

Thomas looked at the back of Link's departure, he only felt that Link's temperament had changed again, and he became more confident.

Walking out of the Platinum Hotel, Link took out an All-knowing silver coin from his pocket and pressed it to his thumb.

"I hope that today's trip to the Colosseum, don't be in bad luck."

As the coin spins in the air, today's coin divination has an answer.