Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Link knows that United Pharmaceuticals has some 'cleaners'.

In Shadu, only mental mutants, or mutants with brainwave blocking devices, can isolate their spiritual consciousness from being discovered by United Pharmaceuticals.

The other mutants are almost all under the supervision of United Pharmaceuticals.

Once a mutant dies, United Pharmaceutical Company will dispatch a 'cleanup team' as soon as possible to go to the location where the signal disappears to collect the remains of the mutant or the remaining blood.

United Pharmaceutical Company collects everything about mutants, mainly for the purpose of extracting and mastering the mutant genes contained in DNA, trying to grasp the mystery of human variants.

And the 'gene repair stock solution' used by Link before is one of their research results.

The idea of this thing is that many factors of the human body will interfere with growth.

Some people lack a good diet, resulting in underdevelopment and short stature.

or myopia or functional deterioration caused by acquired factors.

These effects can all be improved by 'gene repair stock solution'.

stimulates the potential of ordinary humans, eliminates all acquired influences, and simply allows genetic factors to determine the body, so it is called 'gene repair liquid'.

But within the United Pharmaceutical Company, this thing has another name-mutant liquid.

In the process of gene repair, there is a certain probability that it will cause mutations, and the result of mutation is to activate some unexpected abilities, that is, to become mutants.

But Link knows that for the player, the function of the 'gene repair solution' is only to improve the basic attributes and will not cause mutation.

That's why he felt confident and bold to improve his basic attributes, because he was sure that he would not become a mutant, and naturally would not be monitored by United Pharmaceuticals.

Link followed a section of the van and suddenly turned to another road.

It's not that Link is no longer following, but that there is no need to hang behind blatantly.

If he guessed correctly, then the van in front should go to the place where he fought with the mutant killer just now to condense the mutant body.

In that case, there is not only one way to the incident, and Link does not have to risk being discovered to follow.

He just wants to determine whether the F4 man in black who besieged him before is a 'cleaner' from United Pharmaceutical Company.

Link accelerated all the way, and arrived near the scene of the incident before the van.

Link did not stop directly in the alley, but stopped not far from the other side of the residential building.

then used the 'eye of the beast' on the sand sculptures to fly the sand sculptures to the roofs of residential buildings and observe them from the perspective of the sand sculptures.

The white van of United Pharmaceutical arrived at the scene soon.

Four men in black and two doctors walked out of the car.

Two men in black skillfully pulled up the cordon, guarding the alley one after the other, and their faces were full of strangers not entering.

One person in black entered the residential building to investigate, and the last one followed the doctor and investigated in the alley.

"Sand sculpture, come back."

At this time, Link removed the'eye of the beast', and there was a little confusion between his brows.

Based on his observations just now, he can be sure that the man in black F4 he met at the back door of the underground black market before is the 'cleaner' of United Pharmaceutical.

Link's doubts are not answered, but more and more.

Link is speechless!

Is the data left in United Pharmaceutical Company air?

The staff of United Pharmaceutical asked Link if he was willing to cooperate in leaving information.

Link knows that whether you agree or disagree with this thing, the other party will back up the collection, so he said he was willing, plus it was only experimental data, he did not mutate, but the most common physical enhancement, there is nothing to watch.

The content of this thing is the same as the data that the player sees after using the 'detect' skill, which quantifies physical abilities into numerical values.

Link didn't understand. The experimental data was in front of him, and he was just a normal person who had been strengthened. Which kind of 'cleaner' was sent by United Pharmaceutical to do it on himself?

There must be some reasons that I don't know.

Link drove away. Many doubts had been answered along the way.

For example, why did the underground black market not pursue the bombing? It must have been a 'deal' with United Pharmaceutical.

With the friendly relationship between Link and the Platinum Hotel and the relationship between the painter John, this reward is definitely not under the Platinum Hotel.

Combined with this period of time, United Pharmaceutical did not send any "cleaners" to make trouble. Link has reason to believe that it should be Platinum Hotel and United Pharmaceutical that have reached some kind of 'tacit understanding' on their own issues.

From this point of view, the anonymous reward of 200,000 yuan is the right handwriting of United Pharmaceutical.

"Very well, at least I now know who the black hand was."

in the alley.

After the two doctors checked, they carried the body into the car with body bags.

The man in black who entered the residential building to check went back to the alley and met with his colleagues who were investigating outside.

"The room upstairs is the first battlefield. The hedgehog wanted to kill the red light target at a fixed point, but the target seemed to react. Then he used a blinding technique in the middle of the road, and then used a very penetrating thing. He hurt the hedgehog and took the opportunity to appear downstairs."

"I saw the holes and marks left in the room, it should be a kind of arrow."

Another person in black said: "I checked the corpse, and the hedgehog's body armor and body did show signs of piercing. UU Reading"

"This is more than that. The arrow first penetrated the red brick and concrete walls of the residential building, then pierced through the body of the body armor and the hedgehog, and finally nailed to the ceiling of the room, submerged five centimeters."

"Hiss!" The man in black frowned.

"What kind of material is the arrow that has such a strong penetrability, even several times more powerful than the armor-piercing bullet of a sniper rifle!"

"After that, the hedgehog jumped downstairs, but when he was in the third floor window, he was hit by an arrow again and fell downstairs."

Next, another man in black continued to analyze the replay.

"The situation after the fall was quite simple. There were many explosion marks on the ground. According to the characteristics of the explosion, it should be a high-concentration liquid explosive, but the large dose was changed to a small dose and a large number. This man's fighting style has never been seen before. Is it a newcomer?"

Another man in black spreads out his palm, with some gravel on the palm.

"I found these gravels on the side of the road. They are very similar to the ones I collected at the entrance of the underground black market."

"You mean?"

"Specifically, laboratory analysis is needed, and no definite conclusion can be obtained now. But I don't want it to be the 777 experiment."

Although the other person in black is wearing sunglasses to cover his eyes, he can tell from the slight twitching of his facial muscles that he is quite nervous.

"If it were him, it would be terrible. In just two days, the fighting style has changed again, and he has a very penetrating arrow. The danger rating needs to be increased..."

P.S: Reward plus more (1/36), there is a chapter in the evening