Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 87

Chapter 87

Rejoice like a chasing wind was originally a martial arts system in "Destiny", and it was particularly brilliant.

At the end of the 2.0 version [First Type of Contact], players smoothly walked out of the novice planet and entered the universe. The players from the three novice planets successfully met and held the first professional league.

Rejoice, like a chasing wind, won first place in the martial arts department from millions of players, and won the top five in the ranks regardless of profession.

"Such a talent came to Shadu, and now he was hit to death by Ah Fu. It must be taken care of."

Link thought for a moment and decided to go to the library again today.

[lv14lv15 requires 12900 experience points, do you want to upgrade? whether]


Yesterday, three pets were synthesized, and Link only had one layer of blood skins left. Upgrade first to bring all the blood back to full.

Link is now at level 15 and can learn two more skills.

This time he focused on the two skills of martial arts fighters.

One is Body Protection and Qi, and the other is Fisting.

Lin Kelly is resolute, and there is nothing to do for the time being anyway, just do it now.

Walking out of the office, he arranged for the third child: "The third child, WISP V8 is temporarily parked on the side of the road and does not need to be repaired. In addition, the registration for the rare animal beauty contest has two days to close. You can arrange for the animals in our competition. Go to the basement. Just look at it."

The third child thought about it, and the bald eagle and hound were brought out by the boss domestication.

Then there are only lions, tigers, mutant wolves and alpacas left in the basement.

Participate in the rare animal beauty contest, then it may only be an alpaca.

As for WISP V8 not being repaired for the time being, the third child didn't figure it out, but this did not prevent him from carrying out the boss's arrangement.

After all, many facts proved that sometimes he only saw the first floor, thinking that the boss was on the third floor, but in fact the boss was on the fifth floor.

"Boss rest assured, I will do it!"

Link stretched out his hand and said, "Is there any car, come one, I want to go out and do something."

The third child took out his car key: "The black one at the door."

Ah Fu, who was preparing lunch, ran out from the back kitchen, wearing an apron, holding a kitchen knife in one hand and a shovel spoon in one hand: "Boss, you are going out, do you want to bring me."

"You can cook without worry, I will be back before noon."

Link waved his hand, the sand sculpture of the bird's nest in the waste paper piled up before his eyes lit up, and immediately quack said that he would follow his master out.

Half of his body just climbed out of the waste paper pile, and the white sword sea eagle behind it stepped on its body with two paws as a pedal, and rose into the air.

The sand sculpture chirped and fell to the ground and an eagle ate shit.

After getting up, the sand sculpture glanced around and found that no one noticed its ugliness. He hurriedly used his wings to tidy up his appearance, and then fluttered his wings to follow.

When Link walked out of the alley and saw the WISP V8 had been parked in a prominent position on the side of the road, he couldn't help but smile.

Now that the bait has been set up, I hope that Rejoice like the chasing wind can come to the door.

Based on Link's understanding of the chasing wind, he is a person who will get revenge if he has grace and revenge.

In the first professional league, the Super Smash Bros. Qualifying was defeated by Pandora's Moon Emperor. Their grievances lasted until the 6.0 [Heart of the Swarm] version before Link crossed.

The post was full of resentment, and Link didn't believe that he wouldn't come to him.

Driving in the third child's car, opening the window, white-sword sea eagles and sand sculptures swooped in from outside one after another.

Drive on the Golden Coast Bridge all the way to the city library.

In a moment, Link came to the door of the city library.

Sand sculptures and white sword sea eagles sprang from the car window and landed on top of the city library ahead of time.

Today is a working day, the city library is deserted, especially in the early morning, not many people come here.

Link walked up the steps to the door of the library, glanced but did not see Benjamin's fiancee Jenny.

"Sir, please disassemble your belongings and firearms and put them aside."

Link was about to take off his jacket when a man came out from the library with a happy smile on his face.

"Hi, Mr. Lin, I didn't expect to meet you again."

Link took a look, isn't this the Jenny he was thinking of just now.

Look at what she is wearing today, a simple and elegant floral dress with her curled hair, which perfectly outlines the intellectual beauty of women.

Coincidentally, Link also saw the nameplate of the "curator" on Jenny's breastplate.

"Promoted? Congratulations."

Jenny pulled the tip of her hair and said embarrassed: "It's just the acting curator."

"That seems to be the curator soon."

Jenny then turned around and said to the staff of the city library: "Mr. Lin is a VIP guest of the city library. You don't need to search the body to check and disarm the weapon in the library."

The security and staff of the library nodded again and again, carefully remembering Link's appearance.

At the same time, the system also issued a reminder.

[You get 5000 points of reputation in Shadu Library]

[You become a guest of Shadu Library]

Link entered the [Fame] interface and took a look, and sure enough, a new item was added.

Shadu Library: Respect (5000/6000)-VIP

At the same time, Link saw that there was a series of explanations behind this [VIP] title.

VIP: The experience points required to upgrade skills in the Sand City Library are reduced by 25%.

Link's eyes lit up suddenly, and he didn't expect that there would be such a show operation, and it really was someone in the court who could do things well.

In his previous life, Link had never heard of anyone who had won the reputation of the Municipal Library, let alone the fact that the VIP status of the Municipal Library had the effect of reducing the required experience points.

"Thanks a lot."

Jenny disagreed, and Quan was reciprocated.

If Link hadn't acted decisively at the library gate that day, she and Benjamin would have been poisoned.

Naturally, he does not have the identity of Benjamin's fiancee today.

And Benjamin often mentioned Link in front of her, and now she is acting as the acting curator.

"When the time comes for the wedding of Benjamin and I, Mr. Lin must be honored." Jenny took Link into the library and said with a smile before leaving.

"Oh? Are your dates set?"

Jenny shook her head and said: "What Benjamin and I mean is to wait for Commander Moon to return from his mission and hold the wedding. After all, Commander Moon is the son of Benjamin. Missing the wedding is really cruel for a father. Up."

"Okay, the time is confirmed, I must be there!"

Jenny smiled and nodded: "Then don't bother Mr. Lin, UU reading, I'm going to work first."

Link looked at the background where Jenny had left, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but cock.

This wave of coming to the library has been very rewarding!

Just a VIP status without disarming weapons provided him with great convenience.

Players from previous lives entered the library, but they had to be forced to disarm.

Not to mention the powerful effect that reduces the experience required by 25%.

Originally a polymath career, learning skills would cost an additional 100% of experience, but now it can be reduced by 25%, which can save Link a lot of experience.

P.S: Chapter 5 is still being written, Wanjun will eat first, and send it after finishing the meal~ Guiqiu subscribe

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