Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 1053

Chapter 1053

Remember [New] for a second,! The power of correction finally showed a trace of fatigue under the joint attack of everyone.

But soon, the release of a burst of electronic signals put everyone present in crisis.

After the power of correction was broken, this time it did not fuse for the first time, but continued to release pulses in a free state.

When Yin Wan received this pulse, he suddenly discovered the meaning contained in it, and his face was shocked.

"Hurry up, this guy is going to start the second form!"

The power of correction is constantly spreading, and the purple energy substance forms an extremely strong energy tide that will sweep everyone present.

This inexplicable force is comparable to gravity, and everyone used their abilities to break free, but they all returned without success.

Even in the planet's underground headquarters, the staff found that all the stars in the Dysom planetary belt began to shift slightly, deviated from their original orbits, and began to be dragged towards the center of gravity.

Everyone was not expecting this situation, and the gravitational force was so strong that the surrounding planets were displaced. If this crisis is not resolved, I am afraid that after today, the development alliance between Dysom and the Second Sector Universe will cease to exist.

It's just that everyone can't protect themselves now, so how can they save themselves?

The power of correction is scattered in the universe, showing the smallest nanometer state, invisible to the naked eye, and nowhere to attack!

Even if you know that this is the ghost of the power of correction, there is still no way to fight back.

The enemy exists in the form of elementary particles, not in the eyes or perception of everyone, but it is everywhere.

It's like an invisible ghost that manipulates them at will.

Sean and Miranda have the power of the phoenix and the shadow soul fire in their bodies, and they can feel the corrective power of the same source power of the universe. But sometimes it can be felt as a horror.

The two found that the power of correction was everywhere, spreading everywhere.

Not only the area where they are located, but even the farther planets are also dragged into this invisible big net.

Between the scattered corrective powers, there is a mysterious power connected, just like a fishing net, and each node is connected by a network cable. When the center of the fishing net is lifted up, all the prey in the fishing net will shrink to the center, which is no different from the current situation.

Sean and Miranda suddenly got into a tangle, and they tried to attack one of the nodes.

The energy generated by the fusion of shadow soul fire and phoenix flames is more terrifying than nuclear weapons. In the past, Shadow Demon Saffron wanted to use the fusion of these two forces to directly destroy the civilization of the Vatican galaxy.

But now, when the node of the corrective power was torn apart, new energy nodes were added in a blink of an eye, making Sean and Miranda's attack seem like a futile effort.

Moreover, the fusion and explosion of the two energies did not hurt the power of correction. The impact of the explosion also affected the companions who were attracted by gravity, which made Sean and Miranda timid and timid.

If you don't do it, everyone will be wrapped into a ball by this powerful suction.

But if you do it, you can't hurt the other party, but your friend will have to bear the pressure.

For two children, making a choice between rationality and emotion is probably the biggest problem encountered in this life.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Miranda looked at her relatives who had loved her so much in the past, but now, in order to protect them, they were bound by the "fishing net" of the power of correction, but there was nothing she could do, plus Ah Fu sacrificed to protect them , which made Miranda heartbroken.

Sean couldn't think of a good way for a while.

These two children grew up in hardship, were transformed by Saffron, and finally rescued by Link. Only then did they come into contact with education and knowledge, and were well cared for. Now that Sean is only about ten years old, he has never been exposed to such a big scene, and he can't grasp the point for a while.

However, no matter who it is, in the current situation, they cannot make the most suitable choice, because in terms of their ability, there is no room for choice.

Sean glanced around, everyone was struggling, but none of them could break free from the power of correction.

In Sean's eyes, his sister Miranda's appearance was clearly reflected, and it seemed that at this moment he wanted to reflect her sister's appearance in his heart.

"Sister, use your phoenix power to protect everyone present and the aircraft, I have a way to deal with it!"

Miranda was overjoyed, ready to cooperate with her brother.

Sean rubbed Miranda's little head, raised the corners of his mouth with difficulty, and squeezed out a doting smile: "In the future, you can stop making Grace's mother angry, and eat on time, you know?"

"That's for sure, brother, you can't make Grace's mother angry~"

Up to this point, Miranda hadn't sensed the abnormality of Sean's tone, and began to draw out the power of the phoenix within his body according to what his brother said, and then passed it on to everyone and every battleship present, forming a fiery red film.

Sean plunged into the center of the gravitational current. On the way, when he passed Afu's body, Sean also separated out some of the phoenix power in his body, wrapped Uncle Afu, and other objects under Miranda's protection. , all connected together.

When other people saw Sean's behavior, they suddenly had a bad premonition.

Sean went to the center of gravity alone, where the power of correction was most concentrated, and he took the initiative to go there in the flesh. Doom was shocked and understood Sean's thoughts.

"This child is trying to detonate the shadow flame energy within himself, so that the gravitational structure of the Corrective Force will disappear. Otherwise he will not let Miranda wrap other people with the force of life, which is obviously worried that we are in the impact of the explosion. Lost. But with the power of the phoenix, we can protect us."

Doom clenched his fists, as did the other leaders.

The huge development alliance, the self-proclaimed manager of the second sector, can only be saved by the sacrifice of two children at this juncture...

"Everyone, is there any way to stop him?" Doom asked hurriedly.

The others were just silent, and under the influence of the power of correction, their attacks were not even a breeze, and they simply did not have any impact. The strong gravitational force formed by the power of correction now pulls the planet together to the center. As a result, everything will be "pinched" into a ball by this terrifying force and become the most basic particles of matter.

Others also saw through Sean's intention to sacrifice himself to save everyone, and said to Miranda with spiritual thoughts: "Miranda, Sean intends to sacrifice himself to save everyone, stop him!"

It was only at this time that Miranda reacted and understood why her brother suddenly spoke to her in that tone. Now that I reacted, that was the tone of farewell!

"Brother, let's think of other ways, Miranda can't live without you!"

Miranda was almost crying, and the phoenix energy even spread out to stop Sean.

"Miranda, take good care of the people around you, don't be petty! We are taken care of by President En and everyone, and we are fortunate to be loved by everyone. Uncle Afu has already sacrificed his life to protect us, and I don't want everyone because of We sacrificed! Miranda, you are already a sensible child, know to distinguish between good and evil and pros and cons! Take good care of those who love you and don't let them suffer any harm!

Sean looked at his sister and said the last words in his heart: "Although I can't take care of you in the future, there will be more people who will love you, take care of you, take care of you, and you will only get more or less love. Don't Cry for me, my sister is most beautiful when she laughs."

Miranda was already crying and wanted to stop her brother, but there was nothing she could do. Now she wanted to protect more people, but she couldn't protect her brother who had been shielding her from the wind and rain and standing in front of her in everything.

"Brother, please don't go... You haven't watched me grow up... We still have a lot of things to do..."

Everyone present covered their faces and cried. The two children parted ways to protect them. This was unacceptable to everyone.

Sean was desperate for death, and slammed into the center of gravity, trying to use the energy of the shadow soul fire accumulated in his body to cause an explosion.

The shadow soul fire energy in his body in the past was enough to destroy the planet.

When the phoenix fire energy was injected, these two energies did not go up and down in order to ensure their dominance.

Now the shadow soul fire energy in Sean's body, the explosion caused by it is higher than before! This level of energy should be able to perish with the power of correction.

The fire of the phoenix in Sean's body was continuously drawn away and scattered on the companions who needed protection on the path.

With the disappearance of the power of the phoenix, the energy of the shadow soul fire greatly increased, and the whole body of Sean was covered with a layer of dark fire energy. The energy of the shadow soul fire formed a black fire coat on the surface of Sean's body.

Gravity is getting stronger and stronger, and Sean has already prepared the idea of self-disintegration and detonation.

Sacrifice him alone and protect everyone!

Before, it was everyone who protected him and Miranda.

Today, let him be the elder brother and repay everyone here!

Sean closed his eyes, his will to die.

Just in the nick of time, a burst of energy was suddenly created out of thin air, like an erupting volcano erupting from the center of gravity.

The central part was suddenly destroyed by an arrogant and unreasonable force, such as the gravitational force of the inverted bucket was greatly reduced in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a figure like a demon, treading waves in the void, surging with terrifying stillness and killing intent, the energy and aura generated by it, and even the gravitational force formed by the force of correction with its own power.

If everyone felt that the power of correction was extremely domineering before this, then in front of the power in front of him, the power of correction could only be regarded as a docile lamb.

Link appeared like a demon, his eyes were filled with murderous aura, and the scarlet red light even formed two air currents in the corners of his eyes.

"The person who judges me, you are not qualified!"

Every step Link took gave people a mountain-like impact.

The power of death is permeating, and the impact is formed with the pace, such as the waves on the coast, one layer overwhelms the other.

The despairing gravitational force just now was completely shattered under Link's terrifying power, like a cobweb blown away by the strong wind.

Sean's eyes widened, unable to believe everything in front of him.

Everyone was also dumbfounded. Link appeared strongly at this moment, and as soon as he appeared, he turned the situation with an overwhelming momentum.

Sean also pulled back at the last moment and turned to hug Ah Fu's body.

"Papa Link, it's this guy who killed Uncle Afu." Miranda's tears couldn't be stopped any longer, like pearls with a broken thread, falling down one by one.

"I know, you all back away first!"

Link uttered almost every word through gritted teeth.

Everyone can feel that the current Link is completely a beast out of the cage. Although he is taciturn now, this kind of Link is even more terrifying, waiting for a complete explosion.

No one violated it, even though everyone present was filled with righteous indignation, but after Link said these words, everyone consciously stepped back and left the space in front of them.

Because everyone knows that when Link releases his anger next, this space will be completely reduced to the most terrifying battlefield in the universe.

A Fu's meaning to Link was greater than anyone else's.

Everyone knows that this pair of master and servant has a close relationship.

The force of correction killed Forbes today, and he will face Link's worst rage.

Everyone retreated, the planet was captured again by the gravity of the star, and its position slowly returned.

Sean carried Al Fu's body to meet his sister, boarded the ship with the help of Helen, and returned to the orbit of Miranda.

In the entire main battlefield, only the power of correction and the angry Link were left.

Link was extremely sad and speechless, and some only had fists full of anger!

Link didn't make any movement, but the invisible fist, tearing the space, came from everywhere, invisible and without a trace, suddenly.

Fist of Catastrophe!

Every punch distorts space, creating it out of thin air.

Wrapped in the strongest death energy in the universe, this kind of punch is enough to permanently change the surface of the planet. It is comparable to the energy of a meteorite hitting the fist, and the burst of energy is even more terrifying!

In addition to the death energy, the fist also had Link's extreme anger.

Even at the same time, more than a fist burst out of the air. The fist hit from various directions and angles like a missile, knocking the corrective power in this space to pieces.

Even in the state of the tiniest particles, the connection between them was interrupted under such a dense and powerful fist.

The remaining corrective power slowly reunited and entered state one.

Link remained silent, his attack was his attitude.

Omega rays, Death Finger, and all kinds of powerful lethal skills don't cost money on the power of correction.

If the power of correction cannot cause direct damage to the power of the phoenix, UU reading www. So Link, who has mastered the power of death in full state in front of him, has even obtained "immunity".

The pure power of death hit the power of correction, and the powerful energy directly cut off the "bonds" between the molecules in its body, causing it to lose its original state. Every attack is a weakening and loss of its body.

at last.

Link's eyes were full of killing intent, and he suddenly appeared in front of the power of correction. He pinched the transforming nano-energy body with one hand and clasped it with the other. No matter how the power of correction struggled, he could not escape Link's palm.

In the next second, Link's eyes were extremely scarlet, and the anti-life equation was activated.

The power of correction that was constantly changing suddenly quieted down.

"Let me see now, who is behind you!"

Link successfully enslaved the power of correction, and immediately the picture in his mind changed rapidly, the scene was like rewinding, from the live battle, to the travel of the universe, and then to that strange and familiar place - the Wall of Origin.

The picture goes back to before the power of correction came out of the wall of origin...