Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 83

Chapter 83


The depths of the desert in Shadu.

A military base surrounded by wire grids is brightly lit.

The intensive patrol of soldiers and the strict entry registration regulations created a tense atmosphere like the enemy.

The desert at night should have been depression and cold, but this military base still exudes warmth.

If you listen carefully, you will still hear a constant buzzing under your feet.

Desert Underground Laboratory, Commander Moon is in charge of all security work.

The scientists in the laboratory ran back and forth, making final preparations for the start of the experiment.

"All data is normal. After ten minutes, the energy column will be activated, all departments are in place, and all departments are in place."

Inside the giant experiment hall, there are heavy defenses.

The red warning light for emergency evacuation is already on.

All front-line staff began to sort out the information, and began to evacuate from the innermost energy column test site.

The two-meter-thick pouring gate slowly fell, making a dull sound after touching the ground.

The second and third gates were closed immediately afterwards.

In the middle of the barrel-shaped laboratory, there is a circle of tempered glass observation rooms. All official scientists, researchers, and some high-level officials of Shadu are waiting nervously for the countdown, and Commander Moon is also here.

"Commander, the rest of the security work depends on you and your fox hunting unit."

The person who spoke was dressed in a white lab coat and a pair of black glasses. He looked well-mannered, and the work card on his chest read-Dr. Ludwig, the head of the Shadu District 1 laboratory.

"Doctor, don't worry, the duty of a soldier is to obey orders. Since I am ordered by General Alonso to guard the safety of the laboratory, no matter what happens, the fox hunting unit will only move forward, not retreat!" Commander Moon said with firm eyes.

Instead, it was Dr. Ludwig, the head of the laboratory, with an expression of anxiety on his face.

"It took five years from the discovery of energy pillars in the Free Federation to the discovery that energy injection can cause the energy pillar array to react. This is the first time that the three major laboratories of the Free Federation have started a giant array reaction together. The right will be unknown."

Dr. Ludwig saw from the observation room the energy column reaction room at the bottom of the room, which was exuding a purple coquettish light at this moment.

This is to use different wavelengths of radiation to sterilize the main laboratory to remove the previous human traces and ensure that the experiment is not interfered by additional parameters as much as possible.

Dr. Ludwig put his hands in his pockets and turned his back to Commander Moon.

But through the transparent glass reflection, you can see his extremely nervous face.

It seems to be explaining to Commander Moon, and it seems to be muttering to himself: "There have been several small charging experiments in the laboratory before, and we have researched that the runes on the energy pillar seem to cause spatial fluctuations."

"I have no idea what impact will be caused by joining Longcheng and Faye this time to conduct large-scale experiments together."

"After the day of liquidation, many technologies and civilizations of the Waste Saturn were lost or destroyed. But because of a blessing in disguise, the new system blossomed. However, the Waste Saturn has become uninhabitable after repeated destruction and uncontrolled development. ."

Ludwig opened his arms and his eyes flashed with fanaticism: "Small energy pillar arrays can cause spatial fluctuations. Now three large energy pillar arrays spanning thousands of kilometers may tear space to create wormholes. If so. We are lucky enough, maybe we can find a new home..."

Dr. Ludwig's words were impassioned, but Commander Moon did not change his face.

His mission is to protect scientists and bases, and deal with all possible crises and disasters, and everything else has nothing to do with him.

"Doctor, Longcheng and Faye's laboratory request a video call."

Ludwig helped his black glasses, put his hands down awkwardly, and followed the staff back to the main console.

After Ludwig left, Commander Moon took out the walkie-talkie: "All departments of the Sado Guardian, report the situation."

"Special combat forces, deployment is complete!"

"The ground troops of the Shadu Guards, the deployment is complete!"

"The Shadu Guarding Air Force is already patrolling in the territory, always obey the dispatch!"

"Shadu missile force, waiting for the commander's instructions!"

As the security commander-in-chief this time, Commander Moon is also in sole control and can mobilize almost all of Shadu's troops.

Commander Moon glanced at the huge red countdown number above the observation room, and said in a deep voice: "The missile troops are ordered, if an uncontrollable incident occurs at the base later, all artillery and missiles must fall on the base coordinates as soon as possible to prevent the situation. Continue to expand."

"But commander, then you..."

"No but, everything is based on the interests of the sand capital!"


This conversation between the two of them was heard by the other troops. At this moment, they couldn't help but sigh. They deserved to be called the "Iron Commander" by General Alonso.

The scientists in the observation room stared at the countdown numbers and various numerical indicators on the screen.

The special fox hunting forces all stood firmly outside the triple-protected door, raising their guns to surround the experimental field.

In addition, there are jeeps and tanks with heavy machine guns. Almost all the firepower that can be arranged is all set up.

The air force is on standby at any time at an air base tens of kilometers away. Once the army and special forces cannot cope with the sudden change in the base, the air force will go out and carry out targeted attacks on the desert base.

If even the air force cannot stop it, the missile forces will carry out carpet bombing to prevent the situation from getting worse.

The same situation also occurred in the Molten Base in Dragon City and the Ice Lake Base in Faye.

At this moment, everyone in the three major laboratories of the Freedom Federation is facing an enemy.

Exploration is always accompanied by risk, and the amount of benefit is proportional to the risk.

The countdown was reset to zero, and the leaders of the three major laboratories simultaneously pressed the red button.

In the core test site, crimson energy is poured into the transparent tube, and it reaches the bottom of the energy column along the channel.

Energy seems to be alive. It is extracted and absorbed by the energy pillars. The mysterious runes on the stone pillars are lit up in turn. In the center of the energy field formed by the 13 stone pillars, the space begins to twist.

In the observation room, scientific researchers invest in data monitoring, complex data and signals appear on the front display, and people are constantly reporting the situation.

"Space distortion detected!"

"The range of space distortion is still increasing, which has exceeded the intensity of all previous experiments."

"The accumulation of energy is increasing. Doctor, should we reduce energy output?"

"Do not reduce, continue to add!"

All the people in the underground base had puffy sweat on their foreheads, their expressions were extremely solemn, and they didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

The red light in the core laboratory is projected through the glass onto the wall of the barrel base, and it also diffuses into the observation room, as if the scene before the end of the day.

This scene reminded Commander Moon of the liquidation day he personally experienced when he was young, and it was so red.

"Doctor, I have received the energy signal from the Dragon City Molten Base, we are docking with the Dragon City energy signal!"

"Quickly, record all the first-hand data and transmit it to the backup server." Ludwig's glasses were flooded, and the excitement on his face looked extremely hideous under the red light.

"The signal from the Faye Ice Lake Base is also successfully connected!"

"Doctor, it has been detected that the energy of the three major bases is expanding outward at a very fast rate."

In the display, the energy of the three major bases spreads as fast as seismic waves, and the range has reached more than 100 kilometers, and it is even expanding rapidly.

In just a few minutes, the energy spread from the three bases was intertwined like ripples, forming a larger 'screen'.

The huge urge to break through the sky did not appear, but there are other circumstances!

"Doctor, a singularity in space has been detected, the coordinates are in the desert a hundred kilometers away!"

"Discover a space singularity again!"

"The third! The fourth!..."

Soon On the information map of the Free Federation, dense red signal points appeared.

A signal point also appeared above the desert underground base.

"Quickly, switch the video signal to the ground. Commander Moon, please come forward to check the situation!"

Soon, the monitor signal was connected to the screen.

In the picture, there is a blank and ignorant young man.

There are countless Shadu soldiers around him, and there are dazzling white lights from helicopter searchlights in the sky.

"Haha, did I have a random destiny to start?" The player looked at the soldiers and troops around, and his face suddenly became ecstatic.

The next second, the stun gun was fired, and dozens of power grids flew over.

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi to to

The electric current crackled, the young man trembled, his eyes turned white, and his mouth foamed.

"Report to the commander that the unknown intruder has been captured!"

And when Link woke up the next day, after a simple wash.

The first thing is to go to the basement to see his synthesized masterpiece.

His original intention was to try it out. What is the difference between the second synthesis of the first synthesis formula and the second synthesis of directly adding two materials.

He has all the steel materials in his hands today.

But when Link entered the basement and saw the mutant wolf in the iron cage, his hair burst and his eyes were dull.

'S freshly sober mind was messed up again.

"Just added pebbles, why did it become like this?"

Immediately, Link released his hand and let the steel bar fall to the ground.

Rebar, no longer needed.

P.S: The last chapter of the public chapter will be on the shelves tomorrow at noon. Ask for more recommendations!