Monster Synthesis Master - Chapter 79

Chapter 79

"It seems that recruiting NPCs is also a feature that was opened during the beta period."

Link remembered that in the forum, there was a grandma who summarized the evolution of "Destiny". Through interviews with some closed beta players and her behavior analysis of famous players during the open beta period, she roughly confirmed that this feature has already been opened. .

The reason why Link remembers it so clearly is mainly because this grandma named 'Detective Cauchy' is very logical and convincing. By analyzing the action timeline of a beta player and analyzing its behavior motives, it was determined that the opponent recruited an NPC during the beta period.

And the response of the closed beta player at the time was also very interesting-fake, completely fabricated, and handed over to a lawyer.

once became the catchphrase of the players, net celebrity quotations.

Besides, Link's blank paper was left for a while.

April 20th, 42nd year of the wasteland calendar ~ October 1, 42nd year of the wasteland calendar.

From the closed beta to the official beta of the game, only less than half a year is left.

The Pacino family, the crowd of seven, and the fledgling fighters who will run away from Lumen, escaped from the main road where the Jack Gang was located and stopped.

All the popularity panting, fear still circling in my heart.

Leaning weakly against the wall, or squatting down in a shelter, sweating on his forehead, eyes

"Speaking of why we ran just now, did the military shoot it?" The representative of the seven crowds held their guns against the wall, hunched over and gasped.

"I didn't hear any gunshots..." The thugs of the crowd of seven were dumbfounded, and they heard the people around them screaming and screaming, and they didn't hear any gunshots.

"Then what are we running? I didn't see anyone from the military catching up?" The representative of the crowd of seven looked back and found that the street was empty, let alone people, not even a dog.

"I remember someone from the Lumen Society ran first anyway," said a member of the Pacino family who was sitting on the stone pier by the side of the road and panting.

"Originally, we just passed by the door of Jack's Gang and took a look at the Fox Hunting Special Forces by the way. But suddenly the Lumeng Society yelled and ran away quickly. The brothers of our two gangs didn't know. I didn't realize what was happening, so I just ran with them."

The people of the two factions stared at Lu Menghui, wanting them to give a reasonable explanation.

The person in charge of the Lumeng Society took over the site this time is the second in command of the gang and has personally experienced the gun battle in the church.

"Because they saw the fat black guy from Jack's Gang!"

The vice president of Lumeng Society remembered the scene of Afulai, his eyes flashed with terror.

I also heard about what happened yesterday in the other two gangs.

It is said that a fat black man went to the Lumeng Society to return the body, but the Lumeng Society president was shot and injured. Seven or eight people were killed and ten injured. In the end, the other party retreated all over.

was the second worst loss among the three nearby gangs.

The members of the Pacino family frowned, and he saw the fat man who came out of the alley just now.

Such dark-skinned boys in suits are everywhere in slums.

Walk to a restaurant or hotel, and the waiters and waiters in it are almost all dressed up like this.

Just such a little fat guy who looks even a little bit naive, can he make the vice president of the Lumeng Society so scared?

Looking at the other Lumeng club members again, his eyes coincidentally recalled the events of last night, lost in a daze, not like a fake.

"Is that guy really that amazing?" A member of the Pacino family couldn't help but ask.

The vice president of Lumeng Society looked serious, and his eyes swept across Pacino and the thugs and leaders of the seven people: "I just say one thing. If you encounter him unfortunately, don't point your gun at him!"

After that, the vice president got up and greeted his subordinates to gather to close the site, leaving the Pacino family and a group of seven people in a daze.

The stupid thing that oneself shot and killed oneself should never be said, otherwise Lu Meng will become the joke of all the gangs.

The only way is to make the enemy strong and mysterious to the point of invincibility, so that their failures and losses will be considered past...

"Oh, what do you mean by that? What do you mean by not pointing a gun at him? You speak clearly!" The members of the Pacino family looked speechless, half-talking, dangling appetite, and fascinating.

The seven representatives on the side looked solemn.

is just a servant next to Link, already in Lumenghui like no one, injuring the boss, damaging the thugs, and now mentioning this is still secretive, and he refuses to say a word.

How strong is the link? With the painter and the military behind Link, is it really a good choice to fight him?

It's just that the matter is over, there is no turning back arrow in the bow.

When they chose to take over Jack's help site, there was no way out.

"So, Link must die!" The leaders of the seven clenched their fists and thought to themselves.

The members of the Pacino family frowned, still thinking.

"Don't point the gun, what does it mean?"

Suddenly, an absurd idea flashed in his mind, thinking of the death and injury in the Lumen Church, and he came up with a bold guess

"Could it be that little fat man, who has the ability to rebound bullets?"

The eyes of the Pacino family members shone brightly, and they had a foreboding that they were getting closer and closer to the truth.

Reminiscent of the rumors of the underground black market, Link and Afu escaped from the wasteland gang laboratory and caused quicksand in the ground. They are wanted today. Combined with Ah Fu's ability to rebound bullets, a human experiment was suddenly out of control, and the story of escaping from the Wasteland Gang was formed in the minds of the members.

"Absolutely!" The member of the Pacino family did not say anything, but immediately curbed his expression, got up and took his hands down to take over the site.

The three gangs now have the same purpose, but they all have ghosts.

Successfully put the Jack Gang's site into the bag and told all the merchants to pay them protection fees in the future.

The merchants in the slums have a hard time, and they know a little about the news of the gang struggle. But for them, it doesn't matter who occupies the territory, the important thing is to give them a stable environment for business.

Baihetang also received feedback from the three gangs, saying that it had already acquired all the sites of the Jack Gang.

The second grandson of the 13th Taibao smiled lightly when he heard the news.

Now, no matter how much he toss about Link, it will be a dead end.

There is still more than a week before the monthly payment is handed in at the end of the month. 300,000 is not a small amount.

Even if he can make it this month, what about next month? What about next month?

or Link can't bear to take action, then Baihetang naturally has reasons to encircle and suppress Link and kill Link.

Sun Shu's plan can advance or retreat, completely making Baihetang invincible.

On the other side, after Li Ziqian sent the young master Benjamin to the library, he disbanded the special forces unit and brought only the most elite team to protect.

There are various monitoring devices on the seven-seat business MPV.

Li Ziqian took off his sunglasses and leaned on the back seat.

After a while, a buzzing mobile phone vibrates.

Li Ziqian took out his cell phone, saw the name displayed, straightened up and looked solemn.

"Commander, may I have any instructions!"

"How is Sadu recently, is nothing wrong?"

Li Ziqian glanced at the other people in the car. All the soldiers got out of the car with a wink, holding their guns to guard outside the car, with a look that strangers should not enter.

After waiting for the soldiers to get out of the car, Li Ziqian said, "Everything is fine. The young master has also successfully proposed to Miss Jenny. It's just..."

"Just what?"

Then Li Ziqian told about what happened on the day of Benjamin's proposal.

These contents are all information obtained by Li Ziqian from the library's surveillance video, combined with the description of Benjamin and Jenny.

"So, the owner of that flower shop died in a car accident that day?"

"Yes, after I learned about it, I immediately arranged an investigation team to investigate. The result was that the shopkeeper was killed in a car accident that day. No abnormality was found in the flower shop."

"Okay, I see, you have to worry more during this time. By the way, did you check the kid who saved Benjamin?"

"The identity of this person seems more complicated."

Li Ziqian took a deep breath and said, "This person escaped from the Wasteland Gang. The underground black market is spreading about Link and his servants. They are the products of human experiments conducted by the Wasteland Gang's laboratory and fled to Shadu. Later, I had contact history with the retired killer king John, and now he is the leader of the Jack Gang under the Baihetang of the Caoyun Gang in the slum."

"Furthermore... This person is strong, not weaker than me. Today, the young master went to look for him in the slums. I followed along and looked at it. I found that this person has great aspirations, and his ability to domesticate wild beasts is also very magical, and dark. The druids of the forest have a match."

There was a harsh alarm on the other side of the phone.

"You do a good job of security work, and the Zimengluo incident will continue to be investigated. As for Link, you will keep an eye on it, but don't be targeted. John is involved behind this not you can handle. Yes. The countdown to the start of my experiment is about to begin, and the rest will wait for me to come back."

Commander Moon hung up after speaking.

Li Ziqian hung up the phone and let out a long sigh.

reached out and hit the glass with the joints, signaling the soldiers outside to come in.

Jack Gang.

The site was invaded by three nearby gangs. It stands to reason that the atmosphere of the Jack Gang should be very low.

But now the yard is full of laughter.

Unknown passers-by passed by and thought there was something happy for Jack's gang, but they could never guess that it was like losing their territory.

The third child looked at everyone's emotions and sighed inwardly.

The scene that was about to end for him was easily resolved by the boss, and even now the cohesion of the Jack Gang is even more exaggerated than the previous so-called strong victory period.

After dinner, everyone stayed in the rest area, watching TV, tilting Erlang's legs and picking teeth with toothpicks.

"It's eight o'clock soon, fast, fast!"

"Yes, today is the weekend, we will change the channel soon, it will start soon."

The thugs took out small tickets from their pockets and watched the advertisements attentively.

Afu took off his apron, wiped his hands and came out from the kitchen backstage, glanced at and found that everyone was watching the advertisement, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"How do they look so fascinated by advertisements?"

The third child also took out a small blue ticket and said: "It's not an advertisement, it's the Shadu Fighting Beast show at eight o'clock."

The voice just fell, and the advertisement ended. As soon as the screen turned around, a huge bear, tiger and leopard logo appeared, accompanied by a burst of impassioned male voice

"Welcome to your favorite show at Shadu Colosseum!"

P.S: This recommendation is... it's a bit outrageous!