MMORPG: The Almighty Ring - Chapter 2142

Chapter 2142

Chapter 2142: Chapter 2136: The Beasts that refused to listen

Translator: 549690339

The sudden appearance of the Cosmic Beasts had obviously disrupted the original plan of the Player fleet. After all, they had a purpose for coming out this time. Now that a large group of cosmic beasts had suddenly appeared and blocked their way.., this was indeed an accident.

Brother Snow, what should we do?One of his underlings asked. The brother Snow that he mentioned was the new Player leaderof the Resistance Camp.

Previously, the Playerof the Resistance Camp had another leader. That persons financial strength was slightly inferior to Eamons, so he was usually suppressed by Eamon during battles. However, now.., a Playerhad suddenly appeared in the resistance camp. Not only was he rich and powerful, but he also had a strong background. The moment he appeared, he had purchased the guild of the previous Playerleader. Moreover, through some unknown means.., he had actually purchased a t.i.tan-cla.s.s wars.h.i.+p that originally required an epic quest to unlock.

One had to know that in the development teams settings, each camp only allowed the existence of one t.i.tan. Unless this t.i.tan was destroyed, they were not allowed to purchase a second t.i.tan. Now that Aino had purchased one, it meant that the other guilds in the rebel camp had already lost the opportunity to obtain the t.i.tan.

On the other side, Emon was still working hard on his mission. He was still far from purchasing the t.i.tan. From this, it could be seen that this brother Snows power was extraordinary.

These monsters look pretty powerful, its a good chance to try out our new s.h.i.+p!Brother Snow smiled. If it was the local fleet of this universe, they would definitely avoid the universe beasts, even if they had the power to defeat the Cosmic Beasts, they wouldnt want to cause this trouble.

However, these Playerswere different. They were a group of people who wanted the world to be in chaos. After coming to this universe, they came to enjoy themselves. As for the destruction of this universe.., they didnt care at all. Even if this universe collapsed, they would just change to another Gameto play. Therefore, when facing these cosmic beasts, their first reaction was to open fire!

Therefore, the Playerfleets small s.h.i.+ps started to spread out to the two wings. Under the lead of the main s.h.i.+p, they circled around, trying to intercept the retreat route of the s.p.a.ce beasts so that the t.i.tans could complete a glorious hunt.

Zhia wave of spiritual energy spread out. The leading giant steel scorpion had obviously realized the hostility of this fleet. She started to warn her companions behind her.

Roar roarvarious kinds of spiritual energy roared continuously. These cosmic behemoths had been the s.p.a.ce lords for tens of thousands of years. Human battles.h.i.+ps were so insignificant in front of them. Now, these guys actually dared to provoke them, these cosmic behemoths immediately became angry.

Moreover, this time, the cosmic behemoths were able to gather together because the giant steel scorpion had brought news of the invasion of this universe. Previously, Jiang Fei had briefly explained the matter of the Playersto the giant steel scorpion, although he did not mention the specific ident.i.ty of the Players, it also explained their ident.i.ty as outsiders.

It should be known that beasts were very hard to shake the concept of territory. The same was true for these powerful Cosmic Beasts. In their eyes, the entire universe was their territory. Although they had their own conflicts.., however, those were internal conflicts within their own families. Now, outsiders actually wanted to encroach on their territory. Therefore, these cosmic beasts that were not very harmonious initially joined forces. They had to defend their own territory.

The cosmic behemoths that came out with such thoughts could not tolerate being provoked like this. Therefore, when the Playerbattles.h.i.+ps were in formation, these cosmic behemoths were ready to fight.

Fortunately, I came!Jiang Fei thought to himself. If he did not come, these Playerfleets might suffer some losses. However, these cosmic behemoths would be completely finished!

Although the help of these cosmic behemoths to Jiang Fei was not as obvious as it was in the beginning, the Giant Steel Scorpion was Jiang Feis friend. How could he just let his friend fall into danger.

Thinking of this, Jiang Fei could no longer stay in the cave. He leaped out and stood on the small planet.

At that moment, the giant cosmic beasts led by the giant steel scorpion were about thousands of kilometers away from Jiang Fei. The Playerfleet was still a little far away. It was about 100 light seconds.

According to the information, the t.i.tans shooting range is about 10 to 15 light seconds. With its heavy body, it will take at least five minutes to enter the shooting range. Theres still time!Jiang Feis brain was rapidly calculating, at this moment, his developed brain region showed its use.

Whoos.h.!.+Jiang Fei leaped forward and charged toward the giant steel scorpion. After a few seconds, the cosmic behemoths noticed his existence. However, the Playerfleet could not sense Jiang Feis existence, after all, his body was too small to attract the attention of the s.h.i.+ps radar. Moreover, the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p could not rely on its aura to detect the enemy. Therefore, Jiang Fei was practically invisible to the battles.h.i.+ps.

Squeakthe giant steel scorpion was the first to confirm Jiang Feis ident.i.ty. Jiang Feis aura was very familiar to her. Therefore, she began to tell her companions to prevent these cosmic beasts from hurting her friends.

After a moment, Jiang Fei landed on the back of the giant steel scorpion.

Old friend, long time no see,Jiang Fei communicated with his mind power.

Yes, as promised, I have brought a friend to help you!The giant steel scorpions spiritual power was not very accurate. However, since Jiang Fei had communicated with her before, it was completely understandable.

This is my friend, human Jiang Feithen, the giant steel scorpion introduced Jiang Fei and the giant beasts.

Theres no time to talk about this now. Lets hurry up and leave,Jiang Fei urged.

Leave? Why? Are you afraid of these metal boxes?One of the galaxy giant squid asked in disdain, although these cosmic beasts were not very intelligent, they had a strong sense of honor in their territories. They were the type who would rather die in battle than retreat.

Nofor a moment, Jiang Fei did not know how to explain to these one-track-minded giant beasts. It was not something that humans could understand, not to mention these stubborn giant beasts.

Come on, its been a long time since we fought!Another giant beast roared excitedly.

Little Fei, dont worry. We are all very strong I will protect you,said the giant steel scorpion to Jiang Fei. Although Jiang Feis strength was far greater than these giant beasts, the giant steel scorpion still treated him like a child.

Sigh!Jiang Fei sighed. At this point, he could only do his best. If he had no other choice, Jiang Fei could only protect the giant steel scorpion. As for the remaining giant beasts, they were courting death, jiang Fei had no other choice. After all, he was not familiar with those guys. There was no need for him to risk his life for them.