MMORPG: The Almighty Ring - Chapter 1555

Chapter 1555

Chapter 1555: Chapter 1555: no morals, no boundaries

Eamon? Who Is Eamon?Jiang Fei muttered to himself. At the same time, he walked out of the empty corner.

After returning to the tarmac, Jiang Fei did not delay at all. He did not even bother to eavesdrop on the ground crews discussion. He returned to his shuttle and left the s.p.a.ce city.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Feis shuttle landed on the hangar platform of the dawnlight.

Hubby, how is it?

Ah Fei, is everything going well?

Hubby! Hubby! Is there anything interesting in the s.p.a.ce City?

The girls immediately surrounded him. Jiang Fei briefly told the girls about his previous journey, including the ident.i.ty recognition device he had obtained and the target of the next mission. However, as for the pig-headed girl.., jiang Fei did not mention a word about it.

So, with this identification device, we dont have to worry about playerssneaking up on us?Ariel asked.

Yes! and before we encounter them in the wild, we can also get early warning.Jiang Fei was clearly very satisfied with the reward.

Thats really not bad!Bella was also very happy that Jiang Fei had obtained such a treasure.

Our next target is planet Norton. Larks, prepare to warp!Jiang Fei did not want to waste any time. Therefore, when he arrived on the aurora s.h.i.+p.., he immediately had 0541 send the coordinates of planet Norton and the mission information to larks.

Yes, Sir!Larks immediately began to adjust the direction of the Aurora s.h.i.+p and began to charge the phaser engine.

After a few minutes, the s.h.i.+p that was ready entered the warp sequence. A powerful energy beam broke through the dimensional barrier and the s.h.i.+p entered the phaser s.p.a.ce.

Larks, how long will it take for us to reach the vicinity of Norton Planet?Jiang Fei asked.

About seven hours!Larks answered after calculating. As the quest was specially selected by Vinylon, the destination was not too far away from Jiang Fei and the others.

Alright!Jiang Fei nodded and said to 0541, a.n.a.lyze the capacity of the quest and see what conditions we can use!

Yes, Captain!0541 accepted the order and began to report the quest information to the other girls.

The objective of this quest is to prevent playersfrom obtaining the population. However, the difficulty is higher than the previous one!0541 paused for a moment and then reported the details of the quest to everyone.

This time, Jiang Fei and the others would head to Norton. However, compared to the previous mission, Jiang Fei and the othersmission this time was much more difficult. This was because the Emperor of Norton had already given the population to the players. Compared to the previous mission on Planet Ayer.., these playerscompleted the mission faster. Meanwhile, Jiang Fei and the others arrived a little later.

Since they have already obtained the population, what use is there for us to go there?Sylvie asked.

According to the information provided by Vinlon, although the Emperor of Norton has given the population to the players, the players have not yet obtained the population. The slaves who have been given to them are still on their way to the imperial capital,0541 explained.

Slaves? What kind of planet is this?Si tuying asked.

This planet is very primitive. Its technological level is about the same as Europe in the Middle Ages on Earth,0541 replied.

What about experts?Jiang Fei asked.

The Gravity System of Norton is extremely weak. It is only about one-sixth of Earths gravity. It is similar to the Moon. Under such gravity conditions, it is almost impossible to produce experts0541 then explained the basic situation of Norton.

Simply put, Nortons technological level was only similar to Earths medieval Europe, and there were almost no powerhouses. On Norton, an ordinary special forces soldier on Earth could become a top powerhouse.., as for a level two existence like Han Tianyu, he was already the strongest powerhouse on Norton!

Since thats the case, then the restrictions on us are even harsher, right?Nina asked.

Thats true. According to Vinylons requirements, we cant use any power that that of Earths ordinary people. Meanwhile, the restrictions on those players seem to be even harsher. All of them descended on the natives of Norton, and they havent undergone the slightest bit of strengthening. In other words, these players are currently in a weak state. They received the Emperors reward without using any force or technology,0541 said.

How do you know they didnt use technology to deceive the Emperor?Ariel asked.

The reason is very simple. Didnt we just say that the technology level on Norton is only comparable to that of the Middle Ages in Europe? That means that Norton is still under the shadow of a strict religion. In this environment, any technological product will be considered as an evil art. If the players dare to use technology to deceive others, they will definitely be burned to death, and they will definitely not receive any rewards!Nina a.n.a.lyzed.

How did they get the reward?Bella asked.

They used a honey trap. A few of the female players were sacrificed to the emperor0541 said hesitantly. The humans on Norton looked similar to the humans on Earth, therefore, according to Vinylons instructions, Jiang Fei would also use a honey trap. However, 0541 knew that Jiang Fei would never let his girls sacrifice themselves.

F * ck! This works?Jiang Fei was completely defeated by these Playerswho had no moral integrity.

It was not that Jiang Fei had never played a game before. However, from the perspective of a Player, he would never sacrifice his looks to serve the npcs in the game in order to complete a quest!

However, it made sense when he thought about it. The Norton Star was still in the Middle Ages. Even the emperor was quite conservative in that aspect. Although he might have countless harem, his tricks were definitely not as fun as modern people! The group of Female playerswere shameless and unscrupulous. Naturally, they were able to win the favor of the Norton Stars emperor, who had not seen much of the world. It was only natural that they were bestowed with a million people.

Sir! We are close to the gravity well of the Norton Star!Just as Jiang Fei and the others were discussing, larksvoice sounded. Jiang Fei and the others had already arrived at their destination.

Prepare for teleportation. Lets go down First!Jiang Fei took a deep breath. For the time being, he could not think of a way to stop the Players. However, no matter what, Jiang Fei would not let his girl sacrifice herself.

Okay!Rax replied. Then, he prepared the teleportation cabin. After that, Jiang Fei and the rest were teleported to the surface of Norton.