MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist - Chapter 853 Confronting Darkness: The Legacy of Ven Faust

Chapter 853 Confronting Darkness: The Legacy of Ven Faust

Chapter 853 Confronting Darkness: The Legacy of Ven Faust

[Filler Chapter]

Leonel, Isolde, Roz, Avaris, and Lethargia


Meanwhile, Leonel, Roz, Isolde, and Avaris, with the still sleeping Lethargia, continued their journey through the eerie landscape. "Are we going the right way?" Leonel asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "We've been traveling along the stream for quite some time now, and I'm starting to get dizzy with all the swirling pathways in here."

Avaris shrugged nonchalantly, his confidence unwavering. "No worries, first-timers are really to dizziness after venturing inside the stream. But rest a.s.sured, we're on the right track."

Isolde glanced around at the barren surroundings, her expression one of mild discontent. "There is nothing here but dead trees and more dead trees."

"This place is creepy," Roz muttered under his breath, his gaze darting from tree to tree.

"Said the mad scientist," Leonel teased, a playful smirk tugging at his lips.

Roz grumbled in response, his words barely audible. "It doesn't mean that I can create monsters, meaning that I like scary places."

"Relax, everyone. It's just part of the scenery. The Ven Faust are n.o.ble demons, and they're pretty chill," Avaris rea.s.sured them, his tone soothing.

"Remind me again, what are we doing here?" Leonel asked, his brows furrowing in confusion.

Avaris shrugged casually, his demeanor calm and collected. "Easy. They're part of the n.o.ble factions that remain neutral. We want them on our side, so we'll win them over through quests."

"Got it. I'm good at coercion," Isolde chimed in confidently, a murdering intent glint in her eye.

Avaris's smile faltered slightly at Isolde's remark. "We're not here to threaten them, okay? And leave the talking to me."

Leonel glanced around skeptically, his doubts lingering. "Are you sure they're friendly? If Ren was setting us up for this quest, it's bound to be anything but friendly."

The others nodded in agreement.

Avaris took a deep breath, preparing to enlighten them about the history of the Ven Faust family. "Let me explain the history of their family so you'll have a better grasp of what we're about to face."

The others wanted to say no, but Avaris was already into it. "Within the great, wealthy house, over a millennium old, there existed many n.o.ble houses who ruled with distinction, grace, and n.o.bility," Avaris began, his voice carrying the weight of centuries-old tales.

"Greatest among them was the house of Ven Faust, a family renowned for producing skilled warriors and politicians. To this n.o.ble family was born a brilliant child, Niccoli Ven Faust, who eschewed the family traditions of martial skill in favor of the magical arts."

Avaris paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "Niccoli's pursuit of magic led him to unlock secrets long forgotten, and he soon surpa.s.sed even the greatest sorcerers of his time. His power and influence grew, and he became a formidable force within the demon world."

Isolde and Roz listened intently, their curiosity piqued by the tale of Niccoli's rise to prominence.

"However," Avaris continued, his tone growing somber, "with great power comes great temptation. Niccoli's thirst for knowledge and power led him down a dark path, one that ultimately led to his downfall."

"Rumors began to spread of dark experiments and forbidden rituals performed within the halls of Ven Faust, and soon, the once-proud family fell into disrepute. "Disappointed with their son's pa.s.sion for the arcane, Niccoli's parents, Rakken and Ophelia Ven Faust, focused their attentions on their elder daughter, Sylfie. With each pa.s.sing year, Sylfie's skills at bladedancing grew, while the neglected Niccoli delved deeper and deeper into eldritch lore, leveraging his parents' fortune to purchase tomes best left unread.

"Eventually, Niccoli's activities were noticed by the patriarch of the family, grandfather Graven Ven Faust, who confiscated the young human's research, spellbooks, and magical accessories in what was likely a dramatic confrontation.

"What happened next is not known, only that for three months, not a soul entered or left the Ven Faust estate. On dark nights, neighbors could spot ghostly lights in its dark windows, and a pallid chill set over the countryside.

"Eventually, soldiers were called in to investigate. They returned from the depths of the manor as undead horrors, leading an army of spectral minions bent on obliterating any who dared cross their path.

"Within a year, the house fell, its panicked citizenry fleeing to other nations and abandoning the land to the hordes of spectral dead.

"To this day, Niccoli lairs within Ven Faust Manor, collecting arcane knowledge to further expand his necromantic powers. As the centuries pa.s.sed, Niccoli's power has only grown, eventually achieving archlichdom by committing atrocities too numerous and horrific to recount.

"Now known as the lich child, Niccoli has nearly exhausted his capacities at Ven Faust Manor and is eager to venture across the multiverse in search of new magic to master."

"That sounded . . . that sounded creepy," Leonel commented, his voice filled with unease.

"Hehehe. Usually, we let Niccoli do his thing out of respect for his old house, however now, with Azazel's absence, he was left unchecked," Avaris explained, his expression serious.

"And you want this deranged demon to be an ally?" Isolde expressed her concern, her brows furrowed in worry.

"Don't worry. If Niccoli displays hostility, then that's where you come in," Avaris rea.s.sured them with a toothy grin.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Leonel inquired, his confusion evident.

"You will kill him, of course. He's only a menace if he won't agree to be on our side," Avaris stated matter-of-factly, his tone firm.

"What happened to what you said about talking him into joining our side?" Roz questioned.

Avaris shrugged, his expression nonchalant. "Talking will only get us so far. If things don't work out, you could always resort to violence."

"And what will you be doing?" Isolde asked with dead voice.

"I'll be on the sidelines, cheering you on, of course," Avaris replied with a nervous laugh. "Not like I'm scared or anything, but I have Lethargia to worry about. She's asleep, and she needs me in case something happens."