Military Instructors Manual - Part 6

Part 6

Major: _Battalion_.

All Captains: Company.

Major: _Halt_.

Major: _Column of companies, first company_ squads right (left).

First Captain: Squads right.

Rear Captains: Continue to march (if halted, forward.).

As each company reaches the point where the first company formed line the Captain commands: Squads right, March.


Major: _On right (left) into line._

First Captain: Right turn.

Rear Captains: Continue to march (if halted, forward).

Major: _March_.

Rear Captains: Each Captain takes 5 paces beyond the left flank of the company that has just executed the turn and commands: Right turn, March.

Major: _Battalion_.

First Captain: Company.

Major: _Halt_.

First Captain: Right Dress, Front.

Rear Captains: (As they come on line.) Company Halt, Right Dress, Front.

Major: _Right (left) front into line._

First Captain: Company.

Second Capt: Right by Squads.

Third and fourth Captains: Squads Right.

Major: _March_.

First Captain: Halt, Left Dress, Front.

Rear Captains: Column half left, March, Column half right March.

Taking 5 paces from the flank of the company last on line and allowing the company to pa.s.s by him until the rear guide reaches him, Captain commands: Squads left, March, Company Halt, Left Dress, Front.

Major: _Close on first company_ (Never any other).

First Captain: Company.

Rear Captains: Continue to march (if halted, forward).

Major: _March_.

First Captain: Halt.

Rear Captains: As each successive company closes to 8 paces from the company immediately in front, the Captain commands: Company Halt.

Major: _Extend on fourth company._ (Never any other.)

First Captain: Continue to march (if halted, forward).

Rear Captains: Company.

Major: _March_.

Rear Captains: Halt. Then as each company in rear of the leading company gets the proper distance (company front plus 5 paces) the Captain commands: Forward March.

Close column not extended in double time.

Major: _Column of squads, first company_ squads right (left).

First Captain: Squads right.

Rear Captains: Continue to march (if halted, forward). As each company reaches the point where the first company formed column of squads, the Captain commands: Squads right, March.

Major: _Column right (left)._

First Captain: Right turn.

Rear Captains: Continue to March (if halted, forward).

Major: _March_.

First Captain: When the marching flank of the company is one pace from the new line the Captain commands: Forward March.

Rear Captains: Other companies march squarely up to the turning point and each changes direction at the Captain's command: Right turn, March, Forward, March.


Major: _Battalion right (left)._

First Captain: Column right.