Observ. 31. Of Purslane Seeds.
_A description of these and many other Seeds._
Observ. 32. Of Hair.
_The description of several sorts of Hair; their Figures and Textures: the reason of their colours, A description of the texture of the skin, and of s.p.u.n.k and Sponges: by what pa.s.sages and pores of the skin transpiration seems to be made. Experiments to prove the porousness of the skin of Vegetables._
Observ. 33. Of the Scales of a Soale.
_A description of their beauteous form._
Observ. 34. Of the Sting of a Bee.
_A description of its shape, mechanisme, and use._
Observ. 35. Of Feathers.
_A description of the shape and curious contexture of Feathers: and some conjectures thereupon._
Obser. 36. Of Peac.o.c.ks Feathers.
_A description of their curious form and proprieties; with a conjecture at the cause of their variable colours._
Obser. 37. Of the Feet of Flyes, and other Insects.
_A description of their figure, parts, and use; and some considerations thereupon._
Obser. 38. Of the Wings of Flyes.
_After what manner and how swiftly the wings of Insects move. A description of the Pendulums under the wings, and their motion; the shape and structure of the parts of the wing._
Obser. 39. Of the Head of a Fly.
_1. All the face of a Drone-fly is nothing almost but eyes. 2. Those are of two magnitudes. 3. They are Hemispheres, and very reflective and smooth. 4.
Some directed towards every quarter. 5. How the fly cleanses them. 6. Their number. 7. Their order: divers particulars observ'd in the dissecting a head. That these are very probably the eyes of the Creature; argued from several Observations and Experiments, that Crabs, Lobsters, Shrimps, seem to be water Insects, and to be framed much like Air Insects. Several Considerations about their manner of vision._
Obser. 40. Of the Teeth of a Snail.
_A brief description of it._
Observ. 41. Of the Eggs of Silkworms.
_Several Observables about the Eggs of Insects._
Observ. 42. Of a blue Fly.
_A description of its outward and inward parts. Its hardiness to indure freezing, and sleeping in Spirit of wine._
Observ. 43. Of a water Insect.
_A description of its shape, transparency, motion, both internal and progressive, and transformation. A History somewhat _a.n.a.logus_ cited out of _Piso_. Several Observations about the various wayes of the generations of Insects: by what means they act so seemingly wisely and prudently. Several Quaeries propounded. Postscript, containing a relation of another very odd way of the generation of Insects. An Observation about the fertility of the Earth of our Climate in producing Insects, and of divers other wayes of their generation._
Observ. 44. Of the tufted Gnat.
_Several Observables about Insects, and a more particular description the parts of this Gnat._
Ob. 45. Of the great belly'd Gnat.
_A short description of it._
Obser. 46. Of a white Moth.
_A description of the feathers and wings of this, and several other Insects. Divers Considerations about the wings, and the flying of Insects and Birds._
Obs. 47. Of the Shepherd Spider.
_A description of its Eyes: and the sockets of its long legs: and a Conjecture of the mechanical reason of its fabrick; together with a supposition, that 'tis not unlikely, but Spiders may have the make of their inward parts exactly like a Crab, which may be call'd a water Spider._
Obser. 48. Of the hunting Spider.
_A short description of it; to which is annext an excellent History of it, made by Mr. _Evelyn_. Some further Observations on other Spiders, and their Webs, together with an examination of a white Substance flying up and down in the Air after a Fog._
Obser. 49. Of an Ant.
_That all small Bodies, both Vegetable and Animal, do quickly dry and wither. The best remedy I found to hinder it, and to make the Animal lye still to be observ'd. Several particulars related of the actions of this Creature and a short description of its parts._
Obs. 50. Of the wandring Mite.
_A description of this Creature, and of another very small one, which usually bore it company. A Conjecture at the original of Mites._
Observ. 51. Of a Crab-like Insect.
_A brief description of it._
Observ. 52. Of a Book-worm.
_A description of it; where by the way is inserted a digression, experimentally explicating the _Phaenomena_ of Pearl. A consideration of its digestive faculty._
Observ. 53. Of a Flea.
_A short description of it._
Observ. 54. Of a Louse.
_A description of its parts, and some notable circ.u.mstances._
Observ. 55. Of Mites.