[Folio, pp. 2. Reprinted in the _Harleian Miscellany_, i. 356.]
xlvi. _Character of a certain ugly old P----. London, Printed in the Year 1684._
[In Oldham's _Works_, 8vo. London, 1684.]
xlvii. _Twelve ingenious Characters: or pleasant Descriptions of the Properties of sundry Persons and Things, viz._
_An importunate dunn; a serjeant or bailiff; a paunbroker; a prison; a tavern; a scold; a bad husband; a town-fop; a bawd; a fair and happy milk-maid; the quack's directory; a young enamourist._
_Licensed, June the 2d, 1681. R. P. London, printed for S. Norris, and are to be sold by most booksellers, 1686._
[12mo. pp. 48.]
xlviii. _Character of a Trimmer. By Sir William Coventry. 1689._
[4to. See _Bibliotheca Harleiana_, v. 4278.]
This was written long before publication, as is proved by the following.
xlix. _Character of a Tory in 1659, in answer to that of a Trimmer (never published) both written in King Charles's reign._
[Reprinted in the _Works of George Villiers, second Duke of Buckingham_.
4to. Lond. 1721.]
l. _Characters addressed to Ladies of Age._ 8vo. _Lond._ 1689.
[Brand's _Sale Catalogue_, p. 66, No. 1747.]
li. _The Ceremony-monger, his Character, in six Chapters, &c. &c. By E.
Hickeringill, Rector of the Rectory of All-Saints, in Colchester. London, Printed and are to be sold by George Larkin, at the Two Swans, without Bishopsgate. 1689._
[4to. pp. 66.]
lii. _Character of a Jacobite. 1690._
[4to. See _Bibl. Harl._ v. No. 4279.]
The following are without date, but were probably printed before 1700[DX].
[DX] In Butler's _Remains_, published by Thyer, 2 vols. 8vo. 1759, are several _Characters_ by the author of _Hudibras_, and consequently written previously to this date, but as they do not appear to have been printed so early, they cannot, with propriety, be included in this list.
liii. _Character of an Ill-court-favourite, translated from the French._
[4to. reprinted in the _Harleian Miscellany_, ii. 50.]
liv. _Character of an honest and worthy Parliament-Man._
[Folio, reprinted in the _Harleian Miscellany_, ii. 336.]
lv. _Characterism, or the Modern Age displayed._
[Brand's _Sale Catalogue_, No. 1757.]
_Character of the Presbyterian Pastors and People of Scotland._
[_Bibl. Harleiana_, v. No. 4280.]
vii. _Character of a compleat Physician or Naturalist[DY]._
[_Bibl. Harleiana_, v. No. 4304.]