Mia is Not a Trouble-Maker! - Chapter 192: Late Night Fright

Chapter 192: Late Night Fright

Chapter 192: Late Night Fright

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

William lay on the bed and looked around. The wind blew and the curtains swayed. He felt a chill in his heart, as if there was someone under the bed, someone in the bathroom, and someone behind the door The entire room was filled with people! He held on for a while in fear before falling asleep.

Suddenly, with a whoosh, the wind blew the curtains. There was a faint clicking sound from the door, as if someone was unlocking the door with a key. William frowned in his sleep, as if he had a nightmare.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open. The door was of good quality and didnt creak. A person tiptoed silently and approached William. Then, they stared at the sleeping William and slowly reached out their hand.

Williams eyelashes fluttered. In his dream, he seemed to have sensed something and became more and more uneasy. Suddenly, he opened his eyes! It was pitch-black in front of him. William had yet to recover from the nightmare. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the situation. So it was a dream. After his eyes slowly adapted to the darkness, William recalled his nightmare and subconsciously turned to look at the door. Right on the heels of that, his pupils constricted. When did his door open?!

Williams hair stood on end as he felt his scalp tingle and his heart race!

Who is it! Who is it! William shouted to boost his courage. Then, he quickly jumped up and turned on the bedside lamp! The room was brightly lit. The curtains were blown by the breeze, making rustling sounds. He looked around again, but there was nothing.

Williams heart raced, and he almost cried. The light gave him courage. He hurriedly ran out to look around. The corridor was lit by the night light, and there was only a faint light. The corridor was dim and hazy. At the end of the corridor was a corner. He couldnt see what was behind it, but there was a shadow of light on the ground. It seemed to be the shadow of a person!

William instantly exploded and immediately closed the door. Not only did he close the door, but he also locked it from the inside! Only then did he feel a little safe. He instantly let out a long sigh. Dont be afraid, dont be afraid. People scare people to death. Dont scare yourself

Williams voice was about to choke up. He couldnt help but grip the yellow talisman in front of his chest tightly. He comforted himself that it was because he had a nightmare that he was so paranoid. It didnt matter if the door was opened. Perhaps he had forgotten to close the door before sleeping. He had the habit of sleeping without closing the door

William comforted himself as he ran to the bed and lay down. He didnt dare to turn off the lights. He tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep. He thought of the nightmare again. Someone had opened the door to his room in the middle of the night and gently floated in to stand by his bed Ahhh, he couldnt think about it anymore. The more he thought about it, the more terrifying this dream became!

William hesitated. Why not just go over and sleep with Mia and the rest? He could sleep on the floor in their room. He could even sleep on the floor or the sofa. If not, would he look for his brother, Lucas? It shouldnt be embarra.s.sing to sleep in the same room as his brother, right? But if he wanted to go out, he had to pa.s.s by the corner of the corridor What if that person was still hiding there? Wouldnt he have to go against that person?

William s.h.i.+vered and quickly gave up on this idea. He should look for his father! Georges room was only a study room away from his, so he didnt need to go through the corridor.

William trembled as he got up. Just as his feet touched the floor, he suddenly saw a shadow projected from the bottom of the bed. He instantly retracted his feet! Boohoo, everything he saw now was terrifying!

William rummaged around on the bed, planning to call his father. At this moment, there was a soft sound from his closet. Right on the heels of that, the closet door opened a crack.

Williams back stiffened as he turned his head with difficulty. The closet door stopped moving after opening for about two inches. It was as if the parts had aged and couldnt withstand the weight of the door and opened by themselves. But when William looked at the crack, he felt that there was something hidden inside. His hair stood on end! If his nightmare was true, could that person have hidden in the closet in the dark?

William held his breath. The room was so quiet that he had the illusion that there was a breathing sound in the room.

Who, whos there! William shouted to boost his courage! Immediately, he was no longer afraid that there was someone under the bed. He rushed out and opened the door in a panic. However, the door was locked from the inside. In his panic, he did not open it! He did not dare to turn around.. He felt that the person in the closet had come out and was standing behind him