Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor - Chapter 4049: Originally a Lone Star

Chapter 4049: Originally a Lone Star

Chapter 4049: Originally a Lone Star

Translator:Misty Cloud TranslationsEditor:Misty Cloud Translations

Feng Jiu smiled slightly as she looked at him and said, Master, I still want to ask you one more thing.

Upon hearing this, the monk looked at her and after a slight pause, he then said, I dont know what the benefactor wants to ask?

Leng Shuang.

Feng Jiu called out, and she saw the two of them, Leng Shuang and Leng Hua, carrying an enclosed cot out, and the two children, one donned in pink while the other in white, were playing inside the cot, giggling from time to time.

Seeing the two children, the monks expression moved slightly, he looked towards Feng Jiu and asked, What is the benefactors intention?

Master is an accomplished monk in the Buddhist sect, his body carries its own Buddha light, so it is evident that his cultivation is not shallow, so I want to ask Master to help my pair of children to see if there are any great calamities in their growing up years? If so, how can they be broken?

Hearing this, the monk sighed lightly, And why should the benefactor make things difficult for this poor monk!

How do you call it difficult? Isnt there something that cant be said? Feng Jiu raised her eyebrows.

The monk looked at her, saw her pair of clear eyes staring at him, it seems that if he does not say a reason, will not stop generally, helpless, in contemplation for a while, had to open his mouth, Does the benefactor know, that the Emperor Star is also known as a Lone Star?

Eh? Feng Jiu voice lightly raised, as she looked straight at him.

When Xuanyuan Mo Ze on the side saw this, his eyes were slightly deeper, the tea he was holding in his hand was slowly put down, his deep gaze after glancing at the two children, it landed on that monks body again.

Since Master has spoken, then it would be better to make it clearer. His low voice slowly came out with a characteristic magnetism.

The monk looked at him and said, The Emperor Stars life was originally a lone star, it was only due to the appearance of the Phoenix Stars life that there was a change, and the Phoenix Star, originally did not belong to all of this heaven and earth, therefore, the child born to the two of you, although it was blessed by powerful people from all sides at the time of its birth, however, whether or not it can survive is still unknown.

His calm gaze fell on the two mens faces, watching their faces become grave due to his words, he sighed lightly and said, This is a heavenly opportunity, which must not be divulged, moreover, even if the poor monk had said it, this predestination cannot be avoided, and it is only futile to add to the worries when you know about it, so it would be better to follow the fate of heaven and let nature take its course.

Feng Jius heart sank with a thump when the monks words were uttered. If he was talking about something else, maybe she would have smiled and not taken it to heart, but, he was talking about the fact that she didnt belong to this heaven and earth, didnt belong to the people here, but had roots here, and now that she had given birth to a pair of children, their destinies were still hard to determine.

Listening to these words, there was a moment of panic and trepidation in her heart, fearing that what he had said might turn out to be true.

And, it might come true!

NO! Even if it was true, she wouldnt allow that to happen!

Xuanyuan Mo Zes face became dark and heavy, his hand holding the cup tightened up, due to the loss of control of the force, the cup shattered with a click, the tea splashed out, the shattered cup cut his palm, and blood seeped out as it dripped onto the tabletop.

When Feng Jiu saw this, she immediately came back to her senses, she grabbed his hand and said, Let go, quickly!

Xuanyuan Mo Ze glanced at his own hand before he slowly loosened it, and when he saw that her brows were lightly wrinkled and she was tense and worried as she helped him clean the debris from his palm, in that instant, guilt and apology couldnt help but surface in his heart.

It was because he did not have good power, after hearing the monks words like that, he did not have good control and even let himself hurt his hand, letting her worry about it.