"What the h.e.l.l difference does it make?" And how could she manage to talk right now? All he wanted todo was get inside her and stay there until neither of them could walk afterward.She zeroed in on his hard-on with her too innocent green eyes and licked her lips. "It doesn't make any difference at all. It's just I've read some stuff..."What kind of stuff had she been reading where a man's penile dimensions mattered? "Reading isn't the same thing as doing," he growled, not liking the prospect she found reality less exciting than her readingmaterial."I figured that out the first time you kissed me.""Are you saying you'd never been kissed before?""No, but I never wanted a kiss to continue. I never wanted a man to let me taste his tongue."His knees about buckled. "You acted like you didn't want that one to either.""Yeah. What a wasted opportunity that was. I thought you were only doing it for our cover.""I wasn't.""I know." Then she looked at him through her black lashes, her lips glistening from her tongue's sweep over them. "Will you do it again not for cover?"He couldn't believe she thought she had to ask."Lie down.""Why?" she asked with a puzzled frown."I want to see all of you." Especially what was hidden by her tightly closed thighs."I want you to kiss me.""Lie down first.""You'll kiss me again if I do?""Yeah."She let her torso fall back, and then reclined stiff on the bed like a sleeping nun. He couldn't help it. He smiled. She was such a mixture of innocence and pa.s.sion.
And for tonight, she was all his.
He closed his fingers around both her ankles and pulled, but she resisted.
"I want to see."
Her breath grew choppy, and the pulse in her throat beat a wild tattoo under her skin, but she said, "
Her eyes wide, she let him separate her ankles and push her knees up until he could see the swollen, dark
pink folds of her feminine s.e.x.
Letting go of her ankles, he reached out and fluffed the soft, curling hair on her mound. "Pretty."
It was the same color as the hair on her head, right down to the red highlights. He should have known
those wouldn't have come from a bottle. Not with Josie."Uh...thank you?"He laughed, something he'd never done in the bedroom. "You're welcome."Dipping his fingertip into the dewy warmth of her, he felt his d.i.c.k bob in response to her silky wetness.
She was going to feel so good around him. He'd never touched anything so soft.She moaned and tilted her pelvis up. "Touch me deeper, Daniel."He loved the ring of his name on her lips. It sounded intimate, and it was. She was the first person to call him by that name in years.
"I'm going to touch you to the depths of your soul before I'm done tonight, sweetheart," he promised, pressing his finger in up to the first knuckle.
It was a tight fit. She was slick with wetness, but she was also swollen from desire and tight from never
having made love. Penetration without pain was going to take some major effort on his part, but he didn't want to hurt her. A man should never hurt a woman.
He stretched her, pressing outward against her v.a.g.i.n.al walls, trying to prepare her for his erect flesh.
She gave a voluptuous sigh and squirmed farther onto his finger. "I like this, Daniel."Sweat broke out on his brow from the effort it took to go slow now that the moment had come. "Me,too."
He pushed farther inside until he felt a thin barrier and stopped, but he didn't pull back.
She flinched, her body going stiff. She didn't say anything, but she bit her lip.
"Does it hurt?"
"Only a little, but it's going to hurt more later, won't it?"
"Not if I can help it."
She closed her eyes, an expression he knew well coming over her features...that of a soldier facing
unavoidable pain and prepared to carry on. "Maybe you should just do it.""That's not the way it's going to happen, sweetheart."She nodded, but remained rigid."Relax, Josette. I won't break your hymen yet."She settled into the bed again, her eyes opening and her green gaze fixing on him in question. "Can you, with just your finger?"
"I didn't think you could. I mean, I've worn tampons for years and it's still there."
"They aren't as long or as hard as my finger, baby." As he spoke, he pulled out. Then he pressed his finger inside of her again, feeling the way she had to stretch to accommodate even that with a sense of desperation.
He wasn't worried about her body being able to take him-eventually-but he might just have a heart attack from excitement before he got inside her. Because it was going to take a long time to do this right.
His heart pounded, his breath sawing in and out, and thinking of multiplication tables did nothing to decrease his raging desire. Not when she was right there, naked in front of him. "I'm going to put a second finger inside you now. Okay?"
"Yes." The word ended on a long hiss of sound as he did just that, carefully sliding his middle and forefinger in together.
Once again, he stretched her, ma.s.saging her silken tissues until his fingers slid more easily in and out of her.
"I thought you were going to kiss me," she said, panting between each word, her hips moving betrayingly against his hand.
"I am."
"When?" she demanded, sounding meaner than he'd ever heard her, and he grinned.
"Now." And he did, but not where she was expecting him to.
Using his free hand, he separated her v.u.l.v.a so her c.l.i.toris was completely exposed to him and then pressed his open mouth over the engorged bud and kissed.
She cried out, arching off the bed, and grabbed his hair with both hands with all the strength of the warrior she was.
The pain of having his hair pulled gave him a primitive pleasure no woman could understand, and he laved her c.l.i.toris with his tongue, teasing her with the touch he knew was not quite enough to send her over. He kept it up until she was making mindless sounds that went straight to his s.e.x.
Needing to experience more of her, he explored her entire v.u.l.v.a, getting drunk on her spicy sweetness and the incredible softness of her swollen lips. He pressed his tongue inside her along with his fingers, stretching her farther and getting more of the taste he craved like a child who'd had his first piece of candy. But he couldn't get enough.
He pulled his fingers out and tongued her as deeply as he could go, his whole body vibrating with the pleasure he got from tasting her.
She called out his name, her voice hollow and desperate. Trying to pull his mouth away, she yanked on his head, and when that didn't work, she tried pushing his shoulders with her feet, but he locked his hands on her hips and kept on.
He knew what she needed, and it wasn't for him to stop.
When she gave up pushing with her legs, he moved his mouth back to her now quivering c.l.i.toris and slid his fingers back inside her. He thrashed her violently excited nub with his tongue until her body went stiff with preclimax tension, and then he gently took her between his teeth and sucked.
She screamed, she bucked and she begged. For him to stop. For him to keep going. Until eventually his name was the only intelligible sound coming from her mouth as hot wetness gushed from her inner core. Her body shivered for a prolonged climax that kicked him right in the chest with an emotion he didn't understand.
She was amazing.
As the shivers receded, he gentled her with his mouth, but didn't let her come completely down again. He had been pressing his fingers against her inner barrier with a steadily increasing pressure, but now he withdrew.
Using his knowledge of the sensitivity of a woman's v.a.g.i.n.al entrance, he caressed her while using his tongue on her sweetest spot to reignite the flame of need he'd so recently quenched.
His hard p.e.n.i.s ached, as though someone had tied it in a knot and was pulling on it. He needed to come so bad, but he had something to do before they could make love completely.
This time she whimpered as her pleasure grew, repeating his name over and over again in a breathless voice, filled with drugged pa.s.sion, and he had that kick-in-the-chest feeling again.
He started making love to her again with his fingers, pressing deeper with every thrust until she once again arched in utter abandon, her body tense as a bowstring ready to shoot.
He lifted his mouth so he could see her face and watch for discomfort before pushing through her barrier with less effort than a hot knife cut through b.u.t.ter. Her body jerked, but then she started riding his fingers, convulsing in another climax almost immediately, her face contorted with undeniable ecstasy.
He waited until she fell limply against the bed before kissing the top of her mound and then pulling his fingers from inside her and rolling to his feet.
"Where are you going?" Her voice was slurred and hoa.r.s.e, her eyes filled with wonder at what she'd just experienced.
"To get something to clean you up. I'll be right back."
"S'okay." Her head fell to the side, her eyes sliding shut.
Josie didn't know how long Daniel had been gone. She was floating in a sort of waking dream, her body in a state of shock from the pleasure he'd given her. Then she felt a gentle warmth between her legs, and she forced her eyelids to open.
He was kneeling between her legs, a washcloth in his hand.
"What are you doing?" Was that croaky voice hers? She sounded like a refugee from a smokers'anonymous support group."Washing away the blood.""Blood?" Was she supposed to bleed after climaxing?He didn't seem bothered, so she didn't get all that worried, but she couldn't remember ever reading about anything like that before. Oh, man...What if she'd started her period? How gross would that be?Only, she wasn't even due for a couple of weeks."What blood?""I broke your hymen.""You did?" He'd dispensed with the physical evidence of her virginity? Already?
"Didn't you feel it?" His dark eyes probed her, as if looking for the truth.She smiled weakly. It was the best she could manage in her sensually exhausted state. "I don'tremember. You made me insensate with pleasure. I didn't know it would be like that."
"It isn't always."
No. It wouldn't be, but she felt things for him that transcended the physical, and that was bound to makelovemaking with him more intense."So, I'm not a virgin anymore?""You're a virgin who isn't going to hurt the first time she makes love."Finally, she understood what he'd been doing, and her heart contracted with feelings unlike anything she'
d ever known. Her dad's idea of protection had been to teach her to protect herself. She'd never beencosseted, had never known a sense of feminine fragility with a man.Daniel had given her both."Thank you."He shrugged. "Men should not hurt women.""But it isn't always possible to avoid it...the first time, I mean."
He moved his shoulders again, his expression unreadable.
She went up on one elbow to better see him and sucked in a breath of shock. Even her less than experienced eyes could see that his patience had come at a cost. His erection jutted out and up, purplish veins pulsing with blood standing out in angry relief against his smooth, dark skin.
"You hurt."His mouth twisted. "Yeah.""So you thought it was better to suffer pain yourself than let me feel it?""Always." He dried between her legs with a soft hand towel and then tossed it and the washcloth on the floor. "I'm going to make taking me pure pleasure for you." His head came up as he said it, his expression feral.
She shivered with antic.i.p.ation.
Never dread. A man who controlled his own desire to such an extent simply so he would not put her through a natural part of making love the first time would never, ever hurt her in any way.
Physically, her mind amended, knowing that emotional pain was waiting for her down the road with this man. The chances of him wanting a permanent commitment were small. Even if he did, she could have him only at the expense of her dreams of living a more normal life and leaving the soldier existence behind.
She shoved all that to the back of her mind and put her hands out to him. "Make love to me, Daniel.
He came over her, his mouth settling on hers with hungry need that turned her insides out and her already jellylike legs to water. Incredibly, he set about exciting her again, while her hands explored whatever she could reach of his body.
When she encountered his hardness, he groaned and pulled her hand away."Don't you like it?" she asked against his lips."If you touch me, I'll come.""Yes." Oh, she liked that."I want to be inside you when that happens.""Then get inside me, Daniel," she said between kisses. "Do it now."His smile went clear to her toes. "Yes, ma'am."He looped her knees over his forearms and pressed upward so she was fully open to him in a way she could never have imagined being comfortable with, but she liked it. A lot.Nudging her opening with the blunt tip of his shaft, he asked, "Now?"She arched up-"Yes, now"-and felt the beginning of his possession.Then he reared backward, pulling out completely, a particularly vile four-letter word coming out of his mouth."What?" she asked in shock, her heart hammering against her ribs."I almost forgot the rubber.""You mean we don't have one?" she asked, ready to blow something up or take an unforgivable chance if he said they didn't.
He lunged across the bed without answering and jerked the drawer open on the small night table. He grabbed something and then went up on his haunches, the evidence of his desire and his body leaning
intimidatingly over her. With shaking hands that shocked her more than his withdrawal, he ripped openthe package and then rolled the condom on."The suite came supplied with condoms?" she asked in disbelief as he came back over her."They do if you pay the concierge enough." Then his mouth locked with hers again, his tongue thrusting between her lips with exciting force, making it impossible to speak anymore.
Once again, he looped her legs over his arms and pushed them wide, but this time he didn't ask if she was ready. He had to know she was beyond ready. His broad head pressed inside her, and while she felt
as though she was stretching beyond what her body should allow, she experienced no real pain.
He rocked against her, sending sensation arcing through her body with each deepened thrust until he was seated to the hilt and their pubic hair meshed.