"No--no--no--Caonabo much bad. Break Ozema's heart. No Caonabo--no Hayti."
"Thy dread of the Carib chief, dear Ozema, hath upset thy reason, in part. Thou hast a G.o.d, as well as we Christians, and, like us, must put thy trust in him; he alone can now protect thee."
"What protect?"
"Care for thee, Ozema. See that thou dost not come to harm. Look to thy safety and welfare."
"Luis protect Ozema. So promise Mattinao--so promise Ozema--so promise heart."
"Dear girl, so will I, to the extent of my means. But what can I do against this tempest?"
"What Luis do against Caonabo?--Kill him--cut Indians--make him run away!"
"This was easy to a Christian knight, who carried a good sword and buckler, but it is impossible against a tempest. We have only one hope, and that is to trust in the Spaniard's G.o.d."
"Spaniards great--have great G.o.d."
"There is but one G.o.d, Ozema, and he ruleth all, whether in Hayti or in Spain. Thou rememberest what I have told thee of his love, and of the manner of his death, that we might all be saved, and thou didst then promise to worship him, and to be baptized when we should reach my country."
"G.o.d!--Ozema do, what Ozema say. Love Luis' G.o.d already."
"Thou hast seen the holy cross, Ozema, and hast promised me to kiss it, and bless it."
"Where cross? See no cross--up in heaven?--or where? Show Ozema cross, now--Luis' cross--cross Luis love."
The young man wore the parting gift of Mercedes near his heart, and raising a hand he withdrew the small jewel, pressed it to his own lips with pious fervor, and then offered it to the Indian girl.
"See"--he said--"this is a cross; we Spaniards revere and bless it. It is our pledge of happiness."
"That Luis' G.o.d?" enquired Ozema, in a little surprise.
"Not so, my poor benighted girl"--
"What benighted?" interrupted the quick-witted Haytian, eagerly, for no term that the young man could or did apply to her, fell unheeded on her vigilant and attentive ear.
"Benighted means those who have never heard of the cross, or of its endless mercies."
"Ozema no benighted now," exclaimed the other, pressing the bauble to her bosom. "Got cross--keep cross--no benighted again, never. Cross, Mercedes"--for, by one of those mistakes that are not unfrequent in the commencement of all communications between those who speak different tongues, the young Indian had caught the notion, from many of Luis'
involuntary exclamations, that "Mercedes" meant all that was excellent.
"I would, indeed, that she of whom thou speakest had thee in her gentle care, that she might lead thy pure soul to a just knowledge of thy Creator! That cross cometh of Mercedes, if it be not Mercedes herself, and thou dost well in loving it, and in blessing it. Place the chain around thy neck, Ozema, for the precious emblem may help in preserving thee, should the gale throw us on the coast, ere morning. _That cross is a sign of undying love._"
The girl understood enough of this, especially as the direction was seconded by a little gentle aid, on the part of our hero, to comply, and the chain was soon thrown around her neck, with the holy emblem resting on her bosom. The change in the temperature, as well as a sense of propriety, had induced the admiral to cause ample robes of cotton to be furnished all the females, and Ozema's beautiful form was now closely enveloped in one, and beneath its folds she had hidden the jewel, which she fondly hugged to her heart, as a gift of Luis. Not so did the young man himself view the matter. He had merely meant to lend, in a moment of extreme peril, that which the superst.i.tious feeling of the age seriously induced him to fancy might prove a substantial safeguard. As Ozema was by no means expert in managing the enc.u.mbrance of a dress to which she was unaccustomed, even while native taste had taught her to throw it around her person gracefully, the young man had half unconsciously a.s.sisted in placing the cross in its new position, when a violent roll of the vessel compelled him to sustain the girl by encircling her waist with an arm. Partly yielding to the motion of the caravel, which was constantly jerking even the mariners from their feet, and probably as much seduced by the tenderness of her own heart, Ozema did not rebuke this liberty--the first our hero had ever offered, but stood, in confiding innocence, upheld by the arm that, of all others, it was most grateful to her feelings to believe destined to perform that office for life. In another moment, her head rested on his bosom, and her face was turned upward, with the eyes fastened on the countenance of the young n.o.ble.
"Thou art less alarmed at this terrific storm, Ozema, than I could have hoped. Apprehension for thee has made me more miserable than I could have thought possible, and yet thou seemest not to be disturbed."
"Ozema no unhappy--no want Hayti--no want Mattinao--no want any thing--Ozema happy now. Got cross."
"Sweet, guileless innocent, may'st thou never know any other feelings!--confide in thy cross."
"Cross, Mercedes--Luis, Mercedes. Luis and Ozema keep cross forever."
It was, perhaps, fortunate for this high-prized happiness of the girl, that the Nina now took a plunge that unavoidably compelled our hero to release his hold of her person, or to drag her with him headlong toward the place where Columbus stood, sheltering his weather-beaten form from a portion of the violence of the tempest. When he recovered his feet, he perceived that the door of the cabin was closed, and that Ozema was no longer to be seen.
"Dost thou find our female friends terrified by this appalling scene, son Luis?" Columbus quietly demanded, for, though his own thoughts had been much occupied by the situation of the caravel, he had noted all that had just pa.s.sed so near him. "They are stout of heart, but even an amazon might quail at this tempest."
"They heed it not, Senor, for I think they understand it not. The civilized man is so much their superior, that both men and women appear to have every confidence in our means of safety. I have just given Ozema a cross, and bade her place her greatest reliance on that."
"Thou hast done well; it is now the surest protector of us all. Keep the head of the caravel as near to the wind as may be, Sancho, when it lulls, every inch off sh.o.r.e being so much gained in the way of security."
The usual reply was made, and then the conversation ceased; the raging of the elements, and the fearful manner in which the Nina was compelled to struggle literally to keep on the surface of the ocean, affording ample matter for the reflections of all who witnessed the scene.
In this manner pa.s.sed the night. When the day broke, it opened on a scene of wintry violence. The sun was not visible that day, the dark vapor driving so low before the tempest, as to lessen the apparent alt.i.tude of the vault of heaven one-half, but the ocean was an undulating sheet of foam. High land soon became visible nearly abeam of the caravel, and all the elder mariners immediately p.r.o.nounced it to be the rock of Lisbon. As soon as this important fact was ascertained, the admiral wore with the head of the caravel in-sh.o.r.e, and laid his course for the mouth of the Tagus. The distance was not great, some twenty miles perhaps; but the necessity of facing the tempest, and of making sail, on a wind, in such a storm, rendered the situation of the caravel more critical than it had been in all her previous trials. At that moment, the policy of the Portuguese was forgotten, or held to be entirely a secondary consideration, a port or shipwreck appearing to be the alternative. Every inch of their weatherly position became of importance to the navigators, and Vicente Yanez placed himself near the helm to watch its play with the vigilance of experience and authority.
No sail but the lowest could be carried, and these were reefed as closely as their construction would allow.
In this manner the tempest-tossed little bark struggled forward, now sinking so low in the troughs that land, ocean, and all but the frowning billows, with the clouds above their heads, were lost to view; and now rising, as it might be, from the calm of a sombre cavern, into the roaring, hissing, and turbulence of a tempest. These latter moments were the most critical. When the light hull reached the summit of a wave, falling over to windward by the yielding of the element beneath her, it seemed as if the next billow must inevitably overwhelm her; and yet, so vigilant was the eye of Vicente Yanez, and so ready the hand of Sancho, that she ever escaped the calamity. To keep the wash of the sea entirely out, was, however, impossible; and it often swept athwart the deck, forward, like the sheets of a cataract, that part of the vessel being completely abandoned by the crew.
"All now depends on our canvas," said the admiral, with a sigh; "if that stand, we are safer than when scudding, and I think G.o.d is with us. To me it seemeth as if the wind was a little less violent than in the night."
"Perhaps it is, Senor. I believe we gain on the place you pointed out to me."
"It is yon rocky point. _That_ weathered, and we are safe. That not weathered, and we see our common grave."
"The caravel behaveth n.o.bly, and I will still hope."
An hour later, and the land was so near that human beings were seen moving on it. There are moments when life and death may be said to be equally presented to the seaman's sight. On one side is destruction; on the other security. As the vessel drew slowly in toward the sh.o.r.e, not only was the thunder of the surf upon the rocks audible, but the frightful manner in which the water was tossed upward in spray, gave additional horrors to the view. On such occasions, it is no uncommon thing to see _jets d'eau_ hundreds of feet in height, and the driving spray is often carried to a great distance inland, before the wind.
Lisbon has the whole rake of the Atlantic before it, unbroken by island or headland; and the entire coast of Portugal is one of the most exposed of Europe. The south-west gales, in particular, drive across twelve hundred leagues of ocean, and the billows they send in upon its sh.o.r.es, are truly appalling. Nor was the storm we are endeavoring to describe, one of common occurrence. The season had been tempestuous, seldom leaving the Atlantic any peace; and the surges produced by one gale had not time to subside, ere another drove up the water in a new direction, giving rise to that irregularity of motion which most distresses a vessel, and which is particularly hazardous to small ones.
"She looks up better, Don Christopher!" exclaimed Luis, as they got within musket-shot of the desired point; "another ten minutes of as favorable a slant, and we do it!"
"Thou art right, son," answered the admiral, calmly. "Were any calamity to throw us ash.o.r.e on yonder rocks, two planks of the Nina would not hold together five minutes. Ease her--good Vicente Yanez--ease her, quite a point, and let her go through the water. All depends on the canvas, and we can spare that point. She moves, Luis! Regard the land, and thou wilt now see our motion."
"True, Senor, but the caravel is drawing frightfully near the point!"
"Fear not; a bold course is often the safest. It is a deep sh.o.r.e, and we need but little water."
No one now spoke. The caravel was dashing in toward the point with appalling speed, and every minute brought her perceptibly nearer to the cauldron of water that was foaming around it. Without absolutely entering within this vortex, the Nina flew along its edge, and, in five minutes more, she had a direct course up the Tagus open before her. The mainsail was now taken in, and the mariners stood fearlessly on, certain of a haven and security.
Thus, virtually, ended the greatest marine exploit the world has ever witnessed. It is true that a run round to Palos was subsequently made, but it was insignificant in distance, and not fruitful in incidents.
Columbus had effected his vast purpose, and his success was no longer a secret. His reception in Portugal is known, as well as all the leading occurrences that took place at Lisbon. He anch.o.r.ed in the Tagus on the 4th of March, and left it again on the 13th. On the morning of the 14th, the Nina was off Cape St. Vincent, when she hauled in to the eastward, with a light air from the north. At sunrise on the 15th she was again off the bar of Saltes, after an absence of only two hundred and twenty-four days.
"One evening-tide, as with her crones she sate, Making sweet solace of some scandal new, A boisterous noise came thund'ring at the gate, And soon a st.u.r.die boy approached in view; With gold far glitter and were his vestments blue, And pye-shaped hat, and of the silver sheen An huge broad buckle glaunst in either shoe, And round his necke an Indian kerchiefe clean, And in his hand a switch;--a jolly wight I ween."