Memories Of The Night - Chapter 88: Chapter 88: Her Sudden Affection

Chapter 88: Chapter 88: Her Sudden Affection

As Katrina lifts the coolers in her hands, she smiles and walks towards him. "Aaron, I brought you lunch."

As she speaks, she walks to the sofa and puts the coolers on the coffee table. She opens them and brings out the dishes one by one.

The four dishes, soup, and rice seem unusually hearty.


Surprise flashes on Aaron's face. He gets up from his armchair and walks straight to the sofa.

It doesn't seem like the usual dishes made by the cook. Compared to a professional chef's cooking, Katrina's dishes aren't as exquisite. After all, a five-star chef can make a plate of shredded potatoes with each slice consistently thin.

Aaron's eyes flicker strangely. He asks softly, "You made all this?"

"That's right." Katrina hands Aaron a pair of chopsticks. "Aaron, try them." She told him while showing her sweet smile.

Katrina comes from his distant villa to deliver him lunch that she made herself. Even though it's just an ordinary home-cooked meal, Aaron's heart was filled with joy beyond words.

With a faint smile on his handsome face, he wraps his arms around her.

He always tries his best to be nice to her. She seems to hide away whenever he pressures her.

Although he's never loved nor coaxed anyone before, buying Katrina things seems the easiest way for him to show his affection for her.

Unexpectedly, he receives this response today without any reason from her.

She cooks for him herself. This simple act of kindness she showed towards him somewhat moved his heart.

Her sudden care makes Aaron want to keep her in his arms and love her deeply.

Aaron bends over and kisses Katrina's lips with a faint smile in his eyes. "What gave you the idea to cook for me today?"

Aaron's eyes filled with love and ambiguous intimate affection that make Katrina's face involuntarily red as if a fire is burning.

Katrina doesn't dare to look Aaron in the eye. "There's nothing to do at home every day, so I practiced cooking and made some dishes for you.

Her boredom gave her the idea to cook for him and bring the dishes to him from a long-distance?

He likes this explanation.

It seems Katrina thinks about him when he's away from home. He wondered.

Aaron originally thought that Katrina only felt instinctive rejection for him. Because she couldn't escape, she gradually became accustomed to being submissive to him.

Suddenly discovering that he's in her heart, a burst of joy naturally overwhelms him.

Is she starting to like him? He silently thought.

It's a good start.

His efforts of being nice to her these days are finally rewarded.

It seems that women really have to be pampered.

Katrina can't stand Aaron's intense gaze and pushes him slightly. "Aaron, the food is going to get cold. Try them."

Aaron holds Katrina in his arms, eyes focused on her pretty face, and lingering on her pink lips. He speaks in the low and alluring voice, "Before I eat, I want an appetizer."

An appetizer?

When Katrina brought the meal, she found a box of desserts on the coffee table.

She gullibly a.s.sumes that he wants to eat the dessert. "Oh, which one do you want? I'll give it to you."

Before she can get out of his arms, Aaron wraps his arms tighter around her, bends over her, and kisses her lips.

He conveys all the joy and the love he feels in the deep kiss.

It's intense and earnest, yet careful. It's as if he's tasting the most delicious dessert in the world, and he's loath to swallow and let it go.

Katrina's face turns red as he continues kissing her. It goes on long enough that her neck starts to hurt. She puts her hands on Aaron's chest and pushes him hard.

At last, Aaron reluctantly releases her. His breathtaking handsome face shows a hint of satisfaction and a rare smile.

Now that he's tasted the appetizer, it's time to try the dishes she made for him.

Aaron sits on the couch and takes the chopsticks.

Sitting beside Aaron, Katrina's face is full of shame as she indignantly fixes her large watery eyes at him. She inwardly feels cheated.

He says he wants an appetizer, but he suddenly kisses her!

It's too much.

Seeing the dessert, Katrina can't move her eyes away or stop herself from salivating. She asks, "Aaron, can I have the dessert?"

"Of course," he says.

He'll give her everything without hesitation, even if she asks him for a villa and a luxury car, not to mention a box of desserts.

In all these years, he's seldom felt as cheerful as he does today.

With Aaron's approval, Katrina happily picks up a dessert and takes a bite. The sweet filling instantly transfers to her mouth and fills her with indescribable happiness.

Aaron eating Katrina's lunch and Katrina eating the dessert on the table paints a harmonious picture.

"Aaron!" a sweet female voice calls as Victoria pushes the door from the outside.

At the sound, Katrina unconsciously looks to the door. When her eyes meet Victoria's, they're both stunned.

Katrina is surprised. Why is Victoria here?

Suddenly noticing a woman's handbag on the sofa, she realizes that Victoria must have come earlier. That means Victoria must have brought the dessert on the table.

That must be the case.

Katrina thought that the box of desserts is for entertaining Aaron's guests. She doesn't expect it to be…

She feels a little awkward to be caught by Victoria, eating the dessert that she brought for Aaron.

Victoria must hate her.

Regarding the half-eaten dessert in her hand, Katrina can neither eat nor put it down. She feels disgraceful.

The moment Victoria sees Katrina, her face fills with shock, to be replaced by anger.

The woman is eating the dessert that she made for Aaron!

Aaron hasn't even touched her dessert. Instead, he's eating the food that the woman brought for him!

d.a.m.ned tramp! She's really nettlesome enough to show up at the office!