Memories Of The Night - Chapter 67: Chapter 67: She's Devastated

Chapter 67: Chapter 67: She's Devastated

Katrina is devastated to hear Aaron's words.

Get Beta out of the car?

Is he really Beta's master?

That's too cruel!

As Aaron approaches closer, Katrina pressed tightly against the car door. She can feel his searing breath on her face.

He traps her between his body and the car door, looming over her overwhelmingly and rendering Katrina immobile.

She struggles to resist his oppression. "Aaron, you, you can't do this!" Katrina ducks sideways as he approaches, afraid to look up at him.

Although she feels guilty for touching him inappropriately, he's overreacting.

It's broad daylight, and they're in a car. If pa.s.sers-by see her, she would have no face to show.

The temperature inside the carriage increases considerably, and the atmosphere becomes heavier and ambiguous.

Squatting on the backseat and enjoying the wind, Beta notices that the car has stopped. He turns to the front, and it seems that Aaron is bullying Katrina and pressing down on her despite her resistance.

Although Beta hasn't spent much time with Katrina, he's still protective of her.

He's like a child seeing his parents fighting. He becomes very anxious and worried.

A few anxious grunts escape Beta's throat, and he jumps out of his seat, pulling on Aaron's clothes to try and drag him away.

Because Aaron is his owner, Beta listens to Aaron well.

But he still doesn't want to see Katrina bullied, and he tries to stop their "fight."

Aaron wants to take the opportunity to take advantage of Katrina and then let her go.

But he suddenly feels a small force pulling him.

Aaron looks back to see Beta staring anxiously at him and pulling his clothes. He raises his eyebrows at Beta's actions.

The dog he has raised for a long time has now learned to protect others.

Despite his dissatisfaction, Aaron loosens his hold on Katrina and stops.

But Beta is still worried about them, pacing fretfully in circles in the car and at a loss with what to do.

Aaron touches his head placatingly. "I didn't bully her, and you don't have to worry."

At least not the kind of bullying that Beta is thinking.

She's his woman, how could he willingly bully her?

Aaron's voice quiets down, and his att.i.tude isn't as overbearing as before. Beta finally believes him and becomes quiet.

Meanwhile, Katrina watched in rapt attention as Beta came to her rescue and stopped Aaron.

Katrina doesn't expect to become so weak that she has to rely on a dog to save herself…

But Katrina is touched by Beta's concern about her safety and fear that she's being bullied. Beta is such a thoughtful, warm, and sweet dog, and He's much better than Aaron, who does nothing but tease and bully her.

As Aaron moves away from her, Katrina quickly pulls the door open and gets out. She opens the backseat door and climbs in.

Beta snuggles in her arms as she touches his head and thanks to him for coming to her aid.

In the driver's seat, Aaron can see from the mirror how affectionate the two are behind him…

In the beginning, when Katrina first saw Beta, she jumped into his arms, screaming. She was so scared that she didn't even have the courage to look up at him.

But now, she can comfortably wrap her arms around Beta's neck, touch his head, and communicate her feelings with him.

They've become good friends now.

Is he the owner, isolated?

With Aaron driving the vehicle, the car speed increases significantly. After a while, they arrive at an upscale pet store downtown.

Aaron pushes the door and gets out of the car, leading Katrina and Beta into the pet store.

It seems that Aaron brings Beta to this pet store a lot because the shop a.s.sistants are respectful and familiar with him. They even ask the manager to serve him personally.

After giving Beta to the clerk, Aaron and Katrina sit down in the VIP area to rest and have tea.

There's a large screen in the VIP area that shows the progress of the pet's grooming real-time. Katrina drinks tea while watching a groomer give Beta a bath. After the bath, Beta also gets a haircut and a full body ma.s.sage.

Seeing Beta's blissful face under the attentive hands of the young shop a.s.sistant, Katrina gets the feeling that Beta lives a better life than a regular human.

As expected, Aaron dotes on Beta. He has a lifetime members.h.i.+p card for Beta in the largest and most luxurious pet store in Hadley City. He can bring Beta in at any time to enjoy a bath and ma.s.sage. The whole package costs a lot of money, which is beyond imagination for ordinary people.

After drinking too much tea, Katrina goes to the toilet.

Aaron figures that she doesn't have the nerve to run away from him and lets her go alone.

"Mr. Wilson, your dog is done with the service. Here's the list. Please sign."

The manager brings Beta to the VIP area to find Aaron. After the bath, Beta looks more cheerful, and his fur is bright and smooth.

Aaron takes the list, and with a wave of his hand, signs his name.

Beta is rubbing against Aaron's leg when he suddenly realizes that Katrina is missing. He looks up at Aaron and barks as if asking, "Where's the cute girl? Where did you hide her? "

Because Aaron bullied Katrina in front of Beta in the car earlier, Beta is afraid that Aaron would do something to Katrina while he's away.

Now that Katrina is gone, he's more worried that Aaron did something horrible like selling her.

Seeing Beta running around and growling lowly, Aaron pats him on the head speechlessly. "She's just gone to the bathroom, she'll be back in a minute. Don't worry, and I didn't do anything to her."


At that moment, a familiar sound comes from a distance. The voice is a little surprised and pleased.

Aaron looks up and sees Victoria Roberts holding a small, cuddly teddy dog in her arms.

He doesn't expect to run into her at the pet store. It seems that their paths are destined to cross.

Aaron is calm and politely greets her, "Miss Roberts."

Victoria walks towards him and says, "Aaron, you're too polite; call me Victoria!"

He always calls her "Miss Roberts," making her feel like they're distant acquaintances.

"Aaron, did you also come here to have your dog groomed?"

Seeing a valiant German shepherd sitting at Aaron's feet, Victoria guesses this is Aaron's most precious dog.

Although Victoria has always been partial to small dogs, she couldn't resist praising, "Aaron, your dog is so handsome!"