Memories Of The Night - 454 Chapter 454: He Is Hesitan

454 Chapter 454: He Is Hesitan

Everyone is adamant that she treats Aaron and Duke the same, and Annie also doesn't see anything wrong.


As a girl, the kind of thing such as loving a person, after all, is more difficult to say.

Besides, she isn't sure whether Aaron likes her.

Today, when her father asks her about that, she is too shy to say.

This time, of course, it is the same.

Annie just blushes and replies, "Aaron and Duke are both very great! The two of them... I like both!"

Annie's answer equals nothing.

Seeing that she can't get more information, Jane is afraid to ask any more questions.

She is afraid that asking too many would betray her purpose.

Jane duly changes the subject and begins to talk about the standard maintenance and beauty of women with Annie.

But now...

She has a plan in mind.


She must make sure that Annie will fall in love with Duke before Frank gets back.

Even if her current crush is Aaron...

She must let her give up her choice.

After beauty treatment, in the afternoon, Jane went to the company to find Duke.

Seeing Jane hurry to find him...

Duke quickly stands up, "Mom, how's it going? What did she say?"

Jane closes the door and shakes her head, "Nothing. She didn't say anything. She did have a crush. And as for you or Aaron... It's hard to say."

"Mom... so what should we do now?"

"Just to make sure everything goes well... I have an idea."

"What's that?"

"Tonight, you try to get Annie out, get her drunk, or get her drugged tonight... You have s.e.x with her; besides that, you'd better take some pictures. So when she wakes up tomorrow morning, she can't get over it, she has to choose you."

Hearing what Jane said, Duke is shocked.

"Mom, that's not a good idea."

Let him get drunk on a woman and have s.e.x with her on purpose...

Duke still thinks it's a bit inappropriate.


Jane says firmly, "What's wrong with that? We're only doing it to make sure nothing goes wrong. You think more if Annie likes you... She has been abroad for so many years, and she is quite open-minded. Even if you have s.e.x with her, she will not mind."

"If the person she chooses isn't you... this is just to help you get the succession of the Wilson family. As for the photos... it is just another preparation. We don't really want to hurt her."

Although Duke thinks Jane really makes sense, he has never done this before, so he is hesitant.

Seeing Duke is hesitant, Jane steps forward and grasps Duke's hand, "Duke, mom has been in the Wilson family for so many years and suffered from Aaron's bullying since he was a child. I had to swallow my pain and pretend to be very gentle to him in front of everyone. Even if I am wrong, I also never dare to scold him a word. What's mom doing this for? It's all for you. Mom has worked so hard for so many years, hoping that you can get the Wilson family. We don't have time to think it over and plan it slowly. Victory or defeat all depend on this, and we can't afford to be careless."

Hearing what Jane said...

Duke wavers after all.

In fact, not only his mother, but he is also the same.

Just because Aaron is the eldest son, Edward always pays more attention to Aaron.

So, he works hard to learn, to make himself better, and to surpa.s.s him.

Although later...

Thanks to his and his mother's efforts, Edward began to have conflicts and estrangement with Aaron. Aaron moved out and started his own business with start-up funds.

However, since his return, Aaron has completely changed himself and solved many conflicts and misunderstandings with Edward.

He could feel that Edward cared deeply about Aaron.

After all his efforts, he could not defeat Aaron, the eldest son, in Edward's mind.

He refuses to accept the fact.

So, this engagement...

He must get Annie.

The right of inheritance of the Wilson family...

He must get it, too.

Not just for himself...

And for his mother.

Duke finally nods in affirmation, "Mom! Don't worry! I know what to do!"

Seeing Duke's affirmative att.i.tude, Jane is delighted and says, "Duke, I know I didn't mistake you! Your father is old and weak. In mom's eyes, you are more suitable than Aaron to inherit the Wilson family. I have faith in you!"

In the afternoon, when Duke gets home from work, he invites Annie to a birthday party for one of his best friends.

Annie is waiting for Aaron to come back and wants to spend more time with him.

She feels that Aaron has been very busy recently. She hasn't seen much of him.


Annie refuses at random and finds an excuse, "Duke, your friend's birthday party... I don't think it would be appropriate for me to go. After all, I don't know anyone, and it will be embarra.s.sing."

But Jane helps persuade her on the side, "Just because you don't know anyone, so I want you to go and meet some friends. Annie, you grew up in a foreign country, and you even don't know many people in Hadley city. You will live in Hadley city in the future, so it is good to contact others more."

Even Edward says, "Your aunt is right, Annie. Let Duke take you there. Once you get to know each other, you'll get to know each other more often. Maybe you'll get to know some of the young girls of the same age."

Duke's invitation, plus the persuasion of Jane and Edward, makes Annie unable to refuse at this point, even if she wanted to wait for Aaron back...

Annie could only nod, "Okay, then please, Duke, take care of me!"

Annie goes to the room, changes her clothes for the party, puts on some makeup, and follows Duke out.

Before they go...

Edward urges particularly, "Duke, take good care of Annie, don't let her drink too much!"

Duke smiles softly and graciously and replies, "Yes, dad! Please rest a.s.sured!"