Memories Of The Night - 447 Chapter 447: I Forget About You

447 Chapter 447: I Forget About You

Fearing that she has misheard, she points incredibly towards herself, "Aaron...let me in?"

William gives her a positive smile: "Yes, he invites you in."

Katrina has an unspeakable pleasure in learning the news.

In the past meetings with Aaron...

He has always been cold to her and never allowed her to get close.

And now...

Suddenly he invites her in, and suddenly he agrees to see her.

Does her cooking really work?

Katrina can't help grabbing William's sleeve. Her eyes are s.h.i.+ning, and she looks at him expectantly. She can't wait to ask, "William, does he think of something?"

Seeing Katrina look so happy...

William can't help wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, "Uh...This may disappoint you. It seems that nothing comes to mind."

Katrina feels a little lost in her heart.

However, Aaron's willingness to meet her is already great progress for her.

And in terms of this, William has contributed a lot.

Katrina loosens William's sleeve and says, "Thank you, Dr. William."

William pats Katrina on the shoulder and encourages her, "Come in! I believe you can conquer him again!"

After all, Katrina is the woman who succeeded in captivating Aaron.

He believes in her charm.

Hearing William's words, Katrina nods heavily, "Well! I will try hard!"

"Well, then I am not going to bother you. I'm going to say goodbye."

William finishes his words, waves to Katrina, and leaves to do his own business.

At this point, Katrina is standing at the door of Aaron's office. She takes a deep breath, tidies up her hairstyle, and then gently knocks on the door and walks in.

When Katrina enters the office, Aaron is sitting on the sofa, flipping through a financial magazine.

His tall, straight body is half sunk in the soft leather sofa with his long legs. He is as handsome as he was before.

It's just...

Katrina notices at a glance the table with most of the food left.

At that moment, Katrina suddenly feels as if her heart is scratched by something, and she can't tell her loss now.

It turns out that...

She cooked for him by herself, and he didn't take a few bites.

It appears that...

He really doesn't think of anything, as Dr. William said.

Seeing Katrina come in, Aaron points at the opposite sofa casually and says, "Sit down, please."

His voice is indifferent, without any emotion, as if he were entertaining a complete stranger.

Katrina walks over and sits down on the sofa opposite him.

Once, they were such intimate lovers.

But now...

She feels that she is so far away from him.

Even sitting on the sofa just a few steps away from him, she feels disappointed unconsciously.

Aaron closes the magazine in his hand, puts it aside, leans back at will, looks at Katrina, and says, "Miss. Miller, Dr. William just told me, he said...You were my girlfriend."

Hearing Aaron's words, Katrina suddenly widens her eyes.

He already knows it.

It turns out that William has already told him about their relations.h.i.+p.

Last time, she rushed to him...

He didn't know her and regarded her as a woman who wanted money from him.

Now that William has said that, he should believe in Dr. William.

Katrina stares at Aaron with big eyes and nods desperately, "Yes! I'm your girlfriend...No, strictly speaking, I am your fiancée! We love each other very much, and we have a lovely baby..."

Katrina originally thought that Aaron would hold her hand after recognizing this memory and say to her, "Sorry, I can't remember the past. This time, you have been wronged. From now on, we will start anew."


More imagination is just luxury.

Just one second...

Aaron breaks her down.

His expression is as calm as ever as if he were negotiating in business. His tone is cold, and he says, "Miss. Miller, I really forget about you and forget what happened before...I don't want to go into it anymore. Now, I don't have any feelings for you at all. We can't get back together. Please don't have any illusions of us in the future."

Aaron's words totally shock Katrina.

What does he mean by that?

Does he want to end their relations.h.i.+p unilaterally?

Just because he forgets her, he can brutally abandon her?

Katrina takes a deep breath and says with a little sadness, "But I haven't forgotten you yet, but I still love you."

He can put down their feelings just because of amnesia.

But what about her?

She loves him so much, but he declares their end unilaterally. What should she do?

Aaron's eyebrows wrinkle slightly. He takes out a cheque from the drawer, signs his name, stretches out his arm, and puts it in front of Katrina.

"Well, as a compensation for you, you can fill the figure by yourself. As for the baby...You can give it to me, and I'll take care of the child."

Aaron's indifferent att.i.tude makes Katrina feel a pain in her heart and a tremor in her body.

They used to have such deep feelings.

The baby is their common flesh and blood.

But why does it sound to her...

He is dealing with something totally unrelated to himself.

Send her money as compensation.

Does he think that what she needs is a huge break-up fee, so she would come all the way to Hadley City to pester him?

Does he think that she can't afford to raise the baby, so she comes all the way to tell him that there is still a child between them?

Send the baby to him for upbringing? What about her? Should she endure the pain of separation between mother and son?

How can Aaron be so cruel, how can he be so heartless!

Why can he use the money to humiliate their feelings?

For what?

Katrina tears up the cheque in front of her and throws it to the ground.

She looks at Aaron in pain and despair and says, "Aaron, I don't want money! I don't want anything...I only want you!"

Aaron's face is still dull and looks at her and says with a firm tone that can't be ignored, "except to get back together with you, I can satisfy you with any other conditions!"