Memories Of The Night - 417 Chapter 417: Honey, I Miss You

417 Chapter 417: Honey, I Miss You

Even if they meet by video call every day, it still can't ease his miss for her.

Late at night, Aaron is awakened by a nightmare.

He dreamed that Katrina was leaving with their baby without looking back...

He dreamed that he was getting further and further away from her, unable to catch her.

Aaron sits up, rubbing his aching head.

d.a.m.n it. Tomorrow is their wedding.

There is only one day left that he will marry her soon.

Why is he afraid and uneasy here?

After he wakes up, then he can't sleep again.

He couldn't wait for tomorrow. He couldn't wait to see her immediately.

Even see her in the distance, which is also OK.

Aaron simply gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom to wash his face. Then he gets dressed and drives out.

There's only one destination, that's...

Where is she?

Aaron drives the car all the way to the villa of Simon's family and stops under her window.

The night is silent.

Aaron looks at his watch. It is forty minutes past three in the morning.

At the moment...

She must be sleeping.

Not wanting to bother her, Aaron sits in the car, watching her window and waiting.

At least this is the closest place to her.

Katrina wakes up just after six in the morning.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she gets out of bed and goes to the baby's bed. She looks at the baby, who is still asleep and smiles mildly.

She goes to the window and pulls back the heavy curtains, through which the early morning light streams into her room.

She is just about to turn around and goes to the bathroom...

But suddenly she notices a very familiar high-end car parking under the window.

At that moment, Katrina, who originally just woke up from sleep and still feels a bit confused, quickly rubs her eyes and opens her eyes wide.

She thinks maybe she is mistaken.

But when she looks down, it is indeed Aaron's car.

Why is Aaron's car parked here?

When did he come?

And how long has he been here?

Just as Katrina is full of question marks, her phone rings immediately.

Katrina goes to her bedside and picks up her phone. Sure enough, it is Aaron.


Katrina just picks up the phone...

From the other end comes Aaron's m.u.f.fled voice.

"Honey, I miss you."

Just this short sentence strikes Katrina's heart, making her feel indescribable.

This short sentence is more sincere and moving than other sweet words.


He drove downstairs early in the morning just because he misses her.

Originally he loves her so much, so reluctant to give her up.

Just a few days apart, he couldn't stand it.

Just hearing this short sentence is enough to make her go down to him regardless of everything.

"I'll go downstairs at once."

Katrina then drops the phone after finis.h.i.+ng that.

She is wearing only a nightgown and a pair of slippers. She doesn't even have time to wash her face or brush her teeth and change her clothes but immediately goes downstairs.

Because she doesn't want him to wait anymore.

When Katrina has just arrived downstairs, a servant who is cleaning in the living room sees her hurry down and asks, "Miss Simon, you're out so early. Where are you going?"

"I'm just going out!"

Katrina doesn't have time to talk to them about it. Without stopping, Katrina races out of the house, all the way to where Aaron parks his car.


Katrina pulls open the door, jumps in, and throws herself on Aaron.

Aaron also hugs her tightly, sniffing the familiar and sweet smell around her neck, reluctant to let her go.

When he feels the true sense of her soft body at this point in his arms...

He has been a little worried because of a nightmare, but his heart's worries finally dissipate a little.

It's nice to hold her like this.

After a long hug, Katrina finally looks up, looks at Aaron, and asks, "Aaron, why are you here?"

To tell the truth, she is really surprised.

Because she doesn't expect Aaron to come.

Aaron looks her in the eye with his black eyes and calmly replies, "I miss you and can't sleep."

Although it is just a simple sentence, it is more touching than any love words.

Katrina blushes and feels a little sweet in her heart. "But we're getting married tomorrow," she says shyly.

"I know."

Aaron hugs Katrina's pet.i.te body in his arms again.

Only by holding her in his arms can his empty heart be more rea.s.sured as if it is filled up with something.

Aaron hangs his head over Katrina's neck and says in a m.u.f.fled voice, "I dreamt that you left me with our baby without looking back. I dreamt that you did not love me."

Dreaming of that scene lets him feel heartache.

He is just afraid that she might leave...

So, he just comes to her in the middle of the night.

He'll be relieved only after he makes sure that she is still with him.

Hearing Aaron's words, Katrina couldn't help but put her hand on Aaron's back.

"Aaron, what stupid words you said. Before, you never let me think more. What's the matter with you lately? Why do you begin to think more?"

He is worried she wouldn't want him.

He is worried that she wouldn't love him.

In a day's time, she will marry him.

How does he think more at this moment?

Always feeling that Aaron is strange for this period, Katrina couldn't help asking, "Aaron, is there anything you don't tell me?"

Aaron's face twitches when Katrina asks, but he quickly makes excuses to deny it.

"No, it's just that the thought of marrying you makes me feel a little bit incredible, weird, and nervous."

After Aaron says that, Katrina couldn't help laughing.

Aaron, who has always been composed, will be nervous now.

Premarital nervous...

He's so cute.

"Katrina, I love you very much."

Aaron speaks in a deep voice in Katrina's ear again.

He will not have the opportunity to say these words to her because he is afraid of the future for a long time.

Hearing that Katrina couldn't help but respond seriously.

"Aaron, I love you too. I'm willing to marry you. I'm willing to have a baby for you. Aaron, no matter what happens, I'll not leave you alone. I will always be by your side, just like you are by my side, never leave."

Katrina's promise, for Aaron, is the best rea.s.surance.

After hearing what she says... Aaron, who originally is worried about losing her because of loss of memory after his surgery, gradually eases down.