Memories Of The Night - 353 Chapter 353: Never Told Her About I

353 Chapter 353: Never Told Her About I

In the afternoon, as Aaron has ordered, Randy drives Katrina to Farrah's home, giving her lobsters.

Soon, the car stops downstairs at Farrah's home.

Randy opens the door for Katrina and helps her get out of the car. She's going to go upstairs with Randy...

Suddenly, Katrina says, "Randy, wait for me downstairs. Don't go up with me. Farrah's brother feels afraid of meeting strangers. I will come down soon. It won't be too long."

Nurses in hospitals also have regular s.h.i.+fts.

Katrina remembers that Farrah is supposed to be on the day s.h.i.+ft today. Farrah must still be in the hospital.

But Farrah's brother, Patton, always stays at home. Patton knows her very well. She can give the lobsters to Patton.

Randy is a little hesitant to hear Katrina's words.

Since Aaron has ordered Randy to drive Katrina here, Aaron must have hoped that Randy can take good care of Katrina for fear of any accident.

In fact, he should not let Katrina out of his sight.


Katrina has already said so. It seems inappropriate if he insists on following her.

Well, he will be waiting downstairs for only ten minutes. Ten minutes should be enough. If it's more than ten minutes, he'll go up in person before Katrina comes down.

So Randy nods, "Okay, Miss Miller. Watch your body!"

"I will!"

Katrina smiles and goes upstairs, with the lobsters in her hand.

Katrina comes to Farrah's door and knocks.

There's still no response though she has knocked for a long time, even her hand turns red.

So strange. Is there n.o.body at home?

Why is it so quiet?

Every time Farrah goes to work, Patton will stay at home and watch cartoons.

Even if he goes out for a walk downstairs, he will be back soon.

But when she was downstairs just now, she didn't see Patton.

The more Katrina thinks, the more uneasy she is.

Has Patton been taken away by the hooligans just like last time?

Last time, after she and Aaron taught the punks a lesson, Farrah told her that no one dared to trouble Patton anymore. How can there be an accident this time?

Katrina still feels uneasy. She's going to call Farrah for information.

Unexpectedly, before she dials the phone number, the old lady, Farrah's neighbor, opens the door. She leans out most of her body and looks at Katrina carefully.

"Girl, are you here to find someone?"

Katrina smiles politely and responds, "Yes, Grandma. Do you know where the boy who lives here is? He's a cute boy, but not very smart."

Maybe the neighbor will know when Patton goes out.

Hearing Katrina inquiring about Patton's whereabouts, the old lady says, "Girl, don't bother knocking on the door. They have moved away long ago."

"Move away?"

At that, Katrina is startled.

Did they move to a new house?

Why do they move away?

Is it because the rent is rising again?

No, Farrah has paid the rent last time. The rent should expire in a few months. Even if they want to move away, they shouldn't move now.

Besides, Farrah has never told her about this.

Despite the shock, Katrina continues asking politely and patiently, "Grandma, when did they move? Do you know where they've moved?"

"About a week ago. But I don't know where they've moved. I remember on that day; there were several soldiers helping them move things. One of the soldiers seemed to have a high position."


Katrina is even more confused now.

When does Farrah know those soldiers?

Was it because the soldiers were willing to help others that they came to help her move things?

Impossible. If the soldiers are even in charge of such trifles, they'll be extremely busy because so many people around the world all need help.

Katrina knows that she can't get useful information from the old lady, so she thanks the old lady.

After the old lady closes the door and goes back, Katrina dials Farrah again.

On the other end of the phone...

Farrah always has a guilty conscience at the sight of Katrina's call.

It is as if she had stolen Katrina's things carelessly, lest Katrina should know the truth and call to question her.

The phone has rung for a long time. A nurse beside Farrah says, "Farrah, your phone is ringing."

Farrah suddenly becomes clear-headed and says, "Oh, thank you."

Then she calms down and picks up the phone.

"h.e.l.lo, Katrina."

Katrina is really worried that something has happened to Farrah because the phone is ringing all the time, but n.o.body answers.

Fortunately, Farrah has picked up the phone.

Katrina is greatly relieved to hear Farrah's voice.

Katrina asks with concern, "Farrah, Aaron has airlifted some lobsters from Australia. I come to give them to you, but I hear that you've moved away. What's the matter? What has happened to you?"

"Nothing, Katrina. Don't worry about me. I'm living a good life now. I did encounter something recently, but it's a piece of good news! I've found my family, and they've taken me and Patton home. It's just that I've been very busy lately, so I haven't had time to tell you. Katrina, sorry to make you worry about me."

Hearing Farrah's words, Katrina asks in surprise, "Really?"

No wonder Farrah has moved away. She has found her family!

Katrina is really happy for her.

Katrina is overwhelmingly happy, "How are you now? How do you get along with your family? Have you ever been badly treated since you moved in? Have you adapted to living in the new environment?"

"They're very kind to Patton and me. Katrina, I'll tell you all these things when I have a rest. I'll go to see you. Now I still have some work on hand. I'll leave first."

"Okay, Farrah. Go to work!"

After hanging up the phone, Katrina's nervous mind instantly becomes happy and relieved.

Seeing the lobsters in her hand, Katrina doesn't want to carry them back.

She knocks on the door of the old lady next door.

When the old lady opens the door and sees Katrina again, she's surprised, "Girl, why haven't you left yet?"

Katrina smiles and hands the lobsters over, "Grandma, thank you for telling me those. These lobsters are for you. I wish you health and longevity!"