Memories Of The Night - 349 Chapter 349: He Was Shocked

349 Chapter 349: He Was Shocked

It's like dreaming for her to own a car, even a BMW.

In just one day, Farrah has her own family, settles down in a luxurious villa, and owns a lot of beautiful clothes as well as a car.

She leaps from a common nurse to the young lady of the most distinguished and richest family in Abbe, with endless glory and wealth around.

As the saying goes, it's easy from simplicity to luxury, while it's hard from luxury to simplicity.

However, Farrah has gradually become addicted to and temporarily can't extricate herself from this luxurious material life through one day's experience.

At the dinner table that evening, Farrah meets her uncles and cousins.

It can be seen that all of Simons have outstanding genes and have received a good family upbringing.

Her uncles and cousins are all kind to her and very generous. Some of them even bring her a meeting gift.

The latest diamond bracelet or the extremely expansive face mask only used by Hollywood stars…

All in all, all the things are beloved and useful for girls.

Overnight, Farrah is so satisfied as if to own the whole world.

The next morning, Farrah is ready to go to the hospital.

Farrah can't drive, so Eric asks a driver to pick her up every day.

Sitting in her own white BMW, Farrah really has a special feeling beyond words.

After arriving at the hospital, when Farrah is putting on her uniform in the dressing room, two young nurses come over with a surprising look.


Farrah looks at them with a doubtful face as they approach, "What's wrong?"

One grabs her wrist and looks at the s.h.i.+ny bracelet she is wearing, "What a beautiful bracelet! Even set with diamonds! Farrah, how much is this? It must be very expensive!"

At this time, Farrah realizes that they are making a fuss because of the bracelet on her wrist.

Farrah grins and says, "I don't know. It's a gift."

On hearing this, another nurse gathers up more curiously: "Whose gift? From your boyfriend? Farrah, to be honest! Have you made a boyfriend?"

Except for her boyfriend...

Who can be so generous?

"Farrah, I am jealous now. Your boyfriend gave you such a beautiful bracelet; he must be perfect for you!"

Noticing the two nurses' envious eyes, Farrah smiles and says, "Don't say nonsense! Not the boyfriend. I'm still single. It's from one of my cousins! "

"Cousin? Give you something so expensive? I want a cousin like that too!"

"Well, stop making noise and go back to work, or the head nurse should blame you for laziness!"

The two nurses stick out their tongues and hurry to their respective work.

After a hard day, Farrah changes her clothes and walks out of the hospital.

The white BMW has already stopped in front of the hospital. When Farrah comes out, the driver quickly gets out and opens the door for her.

Seeing Farrah striding toward the BMW, the two young nurses stare at that in surprise.

"Farrah, that car is here to pick you up?"

Farrah nods casually.

Two young nurses can't express their shock: "Farrah, we didn't know you are so rich. Sitting in a BMW with your own driver, where are you from?"

"Come on, let's skip that. I remember that you both live on Unity Road, right? I'll ask the driver to give you a ride."

Previously, it was Farrah who needed a lift.

This is the first time that she invites others to take her car as the car owner.

This feeling is really different.

Especially the two nurses' admiring eyes are very satisfying for Farrah.

Maybe it's because the more people lack something, the more they care about it.

Previously, Farrah lived in poverty, lacked material resources, and was always ignored among the people because she owned nothing.

Therefore, she cares about money more, cares about the focus of other's attention more.

Now, with all these...

She unconsciously begins to enjoy the wors.h.i.+p these things have brought to her.

That evening, the Simons' have a very important visitor who will have dinner with them.

When she hears the news, Farrah dresses up and changes into beautiful clothes to make a good impression on the guest.

Farrah, sitting on the sofa, unconsciously straightens up and maintains a good posture after the doorbell rings.

But when she looks up, she sees Bob coming in!

Taking off his white coat, Bob looks elegant in a well-tailored suit.

He carries two bottles of wine in his hands and hands them to the servant as soon as he enters the door.

Unexpectedly, Bob should be the visitor.

Farrah is still sitting there, stunned, and Eric has already greeted, "Bob, you're here!"

"How can I refuse your invitation! Grandpa, I've brought you two bottles of great wine!"

"You are always so generous! My cellar is full of wine, and you bring them to me again! "

"I know you like drinking. It's just a little gift, so you can enjoy it later!"

"Well! Let's have a good drink tonight! "

It can be seen that Bob and Eric have a very close relations.h.i.+p, and it's not just about acquaintances.

"Grandpa, you're so happy today. What's the good news?"

"Good news? Of course! Come on, Bob, let me introduce you! "

Eric turns back to Farrah beside him and introduces, "This is my granddaughter, Farrah, whom I just found two days ago. You should know each other since you work in the same hospital.

It's also at this time that Bob notices Farrah sitting beside.

When he learns that Farrah is Eric's granddaughter, Bob is also very shocked.

You know, Eric's granddaughter, who has been lost outside for so many years, leaves no tracks at all, which is just like a thorn in the heart of Eric.

Now, his granddaughter is back, which means that Eric can finally feel at ease.

This is indeed a joyful and celebratory event.

Nevertheless, he did not realize that the granddaughter whom Eric thought of for so many years is just a nurse beside him.

The moment he sees Farrah, he is shocked.