Memories Of The Night - 341 Chapter 341: Farrah's Lie

341 Chapter 341: Farrah's Lie


Farrah initially thought that the necklace would be related to the Simon family.

Otherwise, Eric would not have been inviting her here with great fanfare, nor would he have been shocked to see the necklace.

Farrah has never expected that Eric's youngest daughter would be the original owner of the necklace.

If it is Katrina's mother who has left Katrina the necklace...

So Katrina is Eric's granddaughter, a family member of the Simon family?

After all, the Simon family is distinguished.

As long as someone can have a little relations.h.i.+p with the Simon family, it is enough for them to show off.

As Eric's granddaughter...

That is even n.o.bler.

In Abbe City, few people can match such an honorable status.

Farrah only thinks it's a typical relic left by Katrina's mother. She has never expected that the necklace has such a great background.

But if Katrina's deceased mother has left her the necklace, what about her father?

Didn't her father know the background of the necklace when he was alive?

Didn't he know Katrina's ident.i.ty?

Why didn't he bring Katrina back to the Simon family?

After all, after his death, Katrina, a daughter of a rich family, has been left in the orphanage?

Farrah is shocked by the tremendous reversal of the story. She even cannot speak for a moment.

Eric stares at Farrah and speaks slowly, "Twenty years ago, your mother eloped with your father. I have searched high and low for her but failed. A few years ago, I heard that they had both died in an accident many years ago, leaving a two-year-old daughter without knowing her whereabouts."

When it comes to the past, Eric is full of pain.

Eric has four sons and is very strict with them. He has adopted almost semi-military education.

Each of his four sons is very outstanding, either in politics or in business. In short, they are all elites in their different industries.

Eric was nearly forty when his only daughter was born.

His daughter, born in summer, was named Jessica Simon.

Eric loved this little girl very much. The way he used to educate his son didn't count in the face of his daughter.

Eric, who has always been serious, was even willing to put his daughter around his neck—acting as a horse for her to ride.

It was obvious that he treated his sons and daughter differently.

Because Jessica was the only girl in the family, her four brothers were far apart from her age. Even her youngest brother was eight or nine years older than her.

Eric's strict education of his sons at their early ages has made them all gentlemen.

From her childhood, Jessica was loved like a pearl by the whole family.

In addition to her father, there were four good-looking and excellent brothers.

It could be said that she has almost won the most love in the world.

When Jessica was 20 years old, she fell in love with a poor man and wanted to be with him at all costs.

Eric was reluctant to marry his beloved daughter to a poor man who had nothing at all. He was afraid that she would be wronged in the future. He firmly disagreed with their marriage, wanting her to marry a man of a n.o.ble family.

Eric even put her under house arrest to prevent them from the meeting.

Jessica, a stubborn girl, took advantage of an opportunity to escape and elope with the needy man.

It wasn't until after she left that Eric unexpectedly found the pregnancy diagnosis certificate she had left in the room. It wasn't until then that he knew she was pregnant.

Later, Eric tried many ways to find her, but nothing came of it.

His only beloved daughter has left, how could Eric not miss her?

He has missed her for so many years.

It wasn't until a few years ago that he knew that his daughter had died in an accident many years ago.

When he heard the news...

Eric shut himself in his room and did not go out all day.

Only overnight, he seemed to grow much older at once.

If he had known, it would have been like this.

He would not have opposed her marrying that poor man in any way.

Even if the man was poorer, she still could accompany him, and she was still his daughter.

With him and the Simon family as Jessica's backing, her life will certainly not be bad.

Yes, Eric has felt incredibly frustrated and remorseful.

Then he began to trace her granddaughter's whereabouts.

In any case, he would bring back his only granddaughter and make up for her with more adoration, for he hasn't taken care of her over these years.

Yes, his only granddaughter.

Although the Simon family has a flouris.h.i.+ng population, it is all boys.

Eric's four sons' children are all boys.

Eric has many grandsons, including Joseph Simon, who took Farrah to the Simon family just now. He is Eric's youngest grandson.

Obviously, once the granddaughter is brought back, she is bound to be the favorite girl of all men in the Simon family.

Recalling the past has drowned Eric in pain and regret.

He calms down for a moment and continues to say, "Yesterday, when I saw a necklace on your neck in the hospital, I felt very familiar with it. I don't know you are my granddaughter until I meet you today."

Age and birthdate are enough to prove that she is his granddaughter.

Fortunately, Eric's granddaughter, whom he has always been missing and looking for, has finally come back.

He is greatly consoled.

In his lifetime, he can find his granddaughter. He has no regrets before his death.

Farrah is shocked to hear the story about the Simon family that has been concealed for many years.

It turns out that Katrina is really a family member of the Simon family.

She was probably entrusted to someone's care before her parents left. So she had her later father.

That is to say, the father who raised Katrina to eight years old and drowned because of saving someone is not her biological father, but her adoptive father?

Knowing this amazing secret, Farrah feels her mind in a state of chaos, making her unable to calm down for a long time.

As long as the Simon family recognizes her, it means that she can enjoy endless glory, wealth, and high status.

Being Eric's granddaughter is almost a dream for girls all over the world.

If she can become a member of the Simon family, how can she not be qualified to be with Bob?

At this time, the opportunity is in front of her, all depending on her.


She has just deceived Eric that the necklace is left to her by her mother.

It's better to make the best of a mistake.