Memories Of The Night - 339 Chapter 339: The Simon Family

339 Chapter 339: The Simon Family

Even if everyone in the Simon family keeps a low profile, they will not be as pretentious as other rich people.

However, no one can shake Simon's family's position in the whole Abbe city.

Even if the family is richer, arrogant, and more powerful, they still have to bow down before the Simon family because the strength and background of this clan are far beyond than ordinary enterprises and companies had.

The descendants of the Simon family are not only into business but also in politics and military power. All of them are excellent and hold high positions in various fields.

Simon's family is truly the first powerful family in Abbe city!

Farrah has no idea that she would see Mr. Simon today.

No wonder she felt an unspeakable pressure when she saw him just now.

At his younger age, Mr. Simon was a successful businessman, fierce and courageous soldier even in the battlefield.

It takes Farrah a long time to recover from this shock.

She decided to focus on her business again.

She dares not go in casually again at Bob Woods' office...

She still has in thought that the great man has an aura that comes with him, which allows n.o.body to approach.

If she should meet Mr. Simon again, she's afraid she would be even more frightened.

The next morning...

Farrah rushes from her home with breakfast in hand to catch the bus to work.

Before she could reach the bus stop, a black land rover pulls up in front of her, and a man in military uniform stops her and says, "Excuse me, young lady!"

Looking at the young and serious soldier, Farrah is a bit astonished, and she asks in a frightened mood, "Who are you?"

On the street, he stops her...

She would have thought she had met a bad man if he had not been wearing a military uniform and looked so dignified.


Why did he stop her?

She is just an ordinary little nurse. She has done nothing to offend anyone. She has done nothing illegal. Why does he look for her?

Facing the strong man, Farrah must have been a little afraid.

Just then...

A Land Rover backseat door was opened, clean high-grade leather shoes without a trace of dust, and straight, slender long legs wearing a military uniform, came out.

A man stood in front of her.

The man looks not more than twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, young, and handsome.

A uniform sets off his tall and straight figure, adding an irresistible majesty for him.

Farrah may not recognize the medals on his shoulder, but she can feel that the ident.i.ty and status of this man must be significant.

Sure enough, seeing the man get off, the soldier salutes and greets, "Chief!"

Farrah is also surprised and upset when she hears the soldier call the man Chief.

It seems that this man is a senior official!

Does such a famous person come for her?

What the h.e.l.l is going on?

Does he doubt that is she a spy from another country?

What a ridiculous accusation, if ever!

She works hard and lives her life a.s.siduously, how could she look like a bad person?

Farrah stares at the two men vigilantly with her voice shaking.

"Who are you? What are you going to do?"

Probably they feel her fear and uneasiness.

The man known as the "Chief" opens his mouth softly and modestly.

"Miss Jones, I have something to ask from you. You can rest a.s.sured that we have no ill-intention, after inquiring you several questions, we will send you back."

They know her name is Jones and want to talk to her?

She is only a small nurse if he wants to know something about the hospital, why look for her?

She has no right to know something that is confidential.

Farrah stammers, "I... I'm just a little nurse, and maybe I don't know what you want to know."

"All we need to know is something personal; only Miss Jones can answer."

Personal? Does only she know?

Suddenly, Farrah stopped by two men in military uniform, and they wanted to take her away in the middle of the road. Instantly, she was worried.

"But I have to go to work. I'm going to be late for work."

Farrah is also trying to find an excuse to refuse, but...

"I have asked to leave from the hospital you've worked. Miss Jones, get in the car, please."

The man finishes the sentence gracefully and reaches the car door.

She realized...

All her reluctance is helpless.

Seeing the present situation, with man's strong temperament, she's afraid to refuse. He will also take her away forcibly if she doesn't agree to get in the car.

Instead of being forcibly taken, she would rather get in the car by herself.

In her perspective, this man looks honest, and he is a soldier; he should not hurt her.

With that, Farrah bites her lips and gets into the car.

Seeing her getting inside the car, the man closes the door and turns to get into the car from the other side.

Farrah sits quietly like a chicken along the way, and she dares not to move.

Twenty minutes later, the car stops in front of a palatial villa.

"Miss Jones, here we are."

The man gets out first, and Farrah pushes the door.

Farrah is dumbfounded while looking at the villa, and it seems like a glorious palace.

During her visit to Katrina in Aaron's house, she saw that it was like a palace.

But compared with Aaron's villa, this villa appears more solemn, more luxurious, with precipitation of historical weight.

This is such a grand and luxurious villa, one of the best to be found in the whole Abbe city.

He brought her to places like this...

What things does he want to know from her?

As Farrah is nearly absorbed in her thoughts, the highly placed man says, "Miss Jones, please come in!"

Farrah follows him into the villa.

If Aaron's villa is a simple modern style, the villa in front of her is a retro style.

It can be seen that the host must love an authentic and have a very traditional taste.

Everything is so gorgeous that the installation and furniture inside the villa will attract people's eyes.

Two servants are cleaning in the drawing-room. When they see the man in front of her, they all stop to say h.e.l.lo to him.

"Master Joseph!"

The man nods at them, as his response, and leads Farrah inside.

When they arrive at the study, the man knocks on the door. Then he opens the door for her, steps aside, and says, "Miss Jones, here you are. Please go in!"