Memories Of The Night - 327 Chapter 327: The Acciden

327 Chapter 327: The Acciden

If he could bear the pain for her, he would like to accept even ten times stronger.

But the wound is on her.

She is helpless, and he can do nothing.

Aaron clenches his teeth and says, pretended sternly, "Let you be so careless! You deserve it!"

Even if he says that...

When he helps her to deal with the wound, she feels much lighter, and he even gently blows on her feet to relieve her pain.

Beads of sweat stand out on Katrina's forehead when disinfecting, dressing, and bandaging is all done,

Aaron also felt uneasy. He is sweating like a pig.

Giving her medicine...

It's more tiring than running five kilometers.

He is under a lot of psychological pressure because of the intense pain in his heart and the physical reaction all over his body.

After bandaging her wound, Aaron picks her up with a blanket and carries her to the bed.


While he takes a cold shower in the bathroom, it's depressing enough.

He's almost become a monk since she got pregnant.

The woman that he loves stands before him with a naked body, as if a piece of inviting dessert; however, he cannot eat her...

This feeling is really driving him crazy.

Since Katrina accidentally scratched herself while taking a shower...

From then on, Aaron takes extra care of her.

Every night when she takes a shower, to avoid reoccurrence of the accident because of her clumsiness, Aaron always personally holds her to the bathroom and helps her take a bath until she finishes.

He continues helping and keeping an eye on her several times, no matter how tired he was from work.

Even though Katrina expresses her strong displeasure, Aaron vetoes it. G.o.d knows how embarra.s.sing and frustrating it is to be in the shower with a man all the time.

He is adamant that he would not compromise on this issue.

First, to prevent any accident and injury to her body.

Second, holding her in every bath, the scene also gives him a little welfare.

Anyway, he has seen her body many times, and he knows every sensitive spot on her body and is familiar with every part of it.

So he doesn't understand, he is just watching her taking a shower nearby, so why did she feel so shy?

Well, if he is in the shower and wants to look at him, he would be happy to show himself to her.

At this moment, Katrina is hiding in the bathtub, adding bubble bath fluid to the water in order to hide her body.

Aaron gracefully sits on the chair next to her and takes a financial magazine to read.

He wants to help her wash, but she firmly refuses.

There is nothing he could do but sit on the other side silently.

Wherever she is, she is the first focus of his attention.

Unexpectedly, she is unwilling again.

She points at him and asks him to turn away with her red face.

Turn away?

If he follows her request and in case he doesn't guard her, then she falls again, what would he do?

In the end, Aaron gives in.

He no longer stares at her intently. He does something else by reading the magazine he is holding.

In this way...

She doesn't have to feel pressured; he glances at her from the corner of his eye to prevent an accident, killing two birds with one stone.

Katrina reluctantly agrees.

At least, now she doesn't have to sit in the tub and stare at each other.

At least, her sense of pressure and shame would be lessened.

Aaron's meticulous care does reduce Katrina's chances of an accident, but...

For him, it is also a great trial and suffering.

Let him read a magazine without distractions while she's in the shower?

How could he do it?

His heart has already flown to where people do not know.

Every time he accompanies her to take a bath, half of it is welfare, the other half is a kind of pain.


When he always looks up inadvertently, he would be flirted with by her and full of evil thoughts that come to his mind.

Every time after taking her out of the bathroom, his body response is particularly noticeable. With a sad face, he goes to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

He can't stand too many cold baths.

Finally, one time the irrepressible Aaron grabs Katrina's hand and guides her to touch his sensitive parts.

Suddenly feeling the scorching temperature, Katrina's face instantly becomes red and quickly withdraws her hand.

Aaron grits his teeth in pain as his voice lowers to get close to Katrina's ear and coaxes, "Honey, I can't bear it anymore please help me."

Seeing Aaron's miserable appearance, Katrina is a little sad, but she could not let go of the sense of shame.

Seeing Katrina's hesitating face, Aaron coaxes her with gentle words.

With his soft kiss on her lips, Katrina finally gives in...

And she goes into Aaron's trap.

After that moment, she refuses when he asks the next day because she feels her hands sore.

And the longer Aaron can't get satisfied, the more sensitive his body becomes.

In the end, he dares not to sleep in the same bed with her.

Although she is his sleeping pills, at least his physiological dissatisfaction would be alleviated, seeing her around.

He longed for her and missed her so much, but he can't touch her.

And to sleep with her in one bed is to push himself into trouble.

To him, she is like the most powerful aphrodisiac in the world.

Another month has pa.s.sed quickly.

Under Aaron's loving care, Katrina and the baby inside her belly both are healthy.

Katrina even gains a few pounds because Aaron feeds her healthy pregnancy meals every day, fearing that she and the baby in her belly will get malnourished.

Doctors initially thought Katrina would be in danger of abortion.

When they go to the hospital to make a re-examination, the doctor says the baby has no problem; as long as Katrina gets enough rest, the baby will be born lovely and smart.

In the middle of the night, Katrina is groping out of bed to go to the bathroom.

Coming out from the bathroom, she sees through the hole on the door that the light in the study is still on.

It's so late. Aaron hasn't slept yet.

Does he still work in his study?

Katrina rubs her eyes, puts on her slippers, and heads to the study.

The door is not closed, she looks up and sees Aaron sitting behind his desk with a book in his hand, and he is reading carefully.

He rarely wears a pair of gold-rimmed, which seems to add a touch of gentleness on his aura.

However, there is no denying that he is still handsome and charming, even in this way.

They say serious men are the most beautiful ones.

Looking at his handsome face, Katrina is in a trance for a few seconds and comes to her senses.

G.o.d, they have been together for so long, she incredibly still can be charmed by him in casual.