Memories Of The Night - 308 Chapter 308: Sophie's Accusation

308 Chapter 308: Sophie's Accusation

Farrah wouldn't lie to me, Katrina thinks, blinking back the tears that gather in her eyes. Uncle Anderson won't survive. What should I do?

Taking a deep breath, she croaks, "Farrah, where's the operating room? Can you take me to him?"

No matter what, I need to see him one last time. Even if I can't repay his kindness, I need to say goodbye. This is the last thing I can do for him. I need to see him, even though his family will not allow me to come near.

Farrah nods. She doesn't have the heart to refuse Katrina. "I can take you there, but... The Anderson family is also waiting outside the room. I'm afraid they'll..." she trails off.

They might bully Katrina again. They used to find fault with Katrina all the time. Now that Mr. Anderson is dying, they might take out their grief on her... Those stupid idiots who might bully her again...

Katrina understands Farrah's worries. Because I kept avoiding the Andersons, I found out about Uncle Anderson's illness too late. But I can't let them keep me away from him on his deathbed. I need to see him, no matter what.

"Don't worry, Farrah. I'll be all right," she says in a low but firm voice.

After a moment of hesitation, Farrah says, "All right, come with me."

Aaron is with her now. They can't bully Katrina in his presence, she thinks, leading Katrina to the waiting area outside the operating room.

Winnie, Samuel, and Sophie are all waiting at the hall, staring at the doors of the operating room.

As soon Farrah arrives with Katrina and Aaron, the light in the operating room darkens. The doctor comes out and takes off his mask. After a pause, he says with deep regret, "I'm sorry. We did all we can, but he didn't make it. The patient has pa.s.sed away."

The entire family falls silent at the news, and sadness etched on their faces. Winnie begins to whimper.

Katrina freezes. Overwhelming grief fills her heart. Is Uncle Anderson dead? I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye… I wasn't able to talk to him...

"I'm very sorry for your loss. You may come in and say your goodbyes to the patient. He may not hear your voice, but I'm sure his soul is still listening."

Sophie and Samuel take Winnie into the room.

Farrah turns to Katrina, who is staring blankly into s.p.a.ce. She gives Katrina a big hug and rubs her back in comfort. Farrah feels Katrina's body is trembling. She can't bear to see her like this. "Cry it out until you feel better!" She said in a gentle voice.

Katrina gulps as tears well up in her eyes. When Farrah releases her, she makes her way into the room with a heavy heart. Even if they don't want me there, I need to say goodbye to him. I need to see him one last time…

Aaron stays silent the entire time, a comforting presence by Katrina's side.

Inside the room, Carl is lying on the operating table with his eyes closed. He looks like he is sleeping, but his body is unmoving, and his skin is deathly pale—Katrina bursts into tears at sight. The man who raised her now pa.s.sed away. The man she considered the only remaining family suddenly disappeared.

Winnie notices Katrina's entrance. Seeing her standing nearby and making her final farewell in silence makes her furious. She strides towards her and shrieks, "You b.i.t.c.h! You did this to him! He was stable yesterday, but as soon as you visit, his condition turns critical. What did you say to him? You must've done something to him, you vicious, ungrateful b.i.t.c.h!"

Katrina is taken aback by Winnie's sudden questioning. In addition to the overwhelming grief she feels, the accusations are like a dagger to her heart.

How could she say such a thing? I would never do anything to Uncle Anderson! I don't know why his health suddenly declined either! I didn't do anything to Uncle. Why is this woman making some issues against me?

She blinks away the tears in her eyes and says through gritted teeth, "How could you say that? If you don't have any evidence, shut up! I am not as evil as you. I can't harm an innocent person who raised me,"

Before Winnie could reply, Sophie steps forward, and retorts, "Who needs evidence when the facts speak for themselves! My father gave you a key to a safe yesterday. You must've killed my father to prevent us from finding out what's inside! You ungrateful b.i.t.c.h! We took you into our home and raised you! I never expected you to be so horrible! You killed him!"

Katrina snaps back, "Sophie, I'll remember everything you said today! If you keep accusing me without any actual proof, I'll sue you for slander!"

Insulting and humiliating me, I can let it pa.s.s, but accusing me of murder is way too much! How dare they accuse me like this! I value Uncle Anderson too much to harm him! I only came here to see Uncle for the last time, but they were accusing me. I am not a bad person, and I have no ill intentions with the person who helped me.

Sophie balks at Katrina's threat. She is only venting out her emotions without any actual proof.

Refusing to admit defeat, she yells, and anger showed on her face, "Even if you didn't directly kill Dad, you're still responsible for his death! Your presence yesterday deteriorates his body. Do you dare to deny it? You're not welcome here! A murderer like you should be tormented. You, b.i.t.c.h, get out! We're cutting all ties with you! Don't ever show your face to us again! You are not our family member. You killed my father."